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Review Alert Conditions

For each project or global alert you create, you must set a target and a condition or metric. The target points to what changed: the Ops Manager component. If your condition becomes true or a metric meets your set threshold, Ops Manager triggers an alert. To learn more, see Alerts Workflow.

To set a condition:

  1. Select a Target from the list.
  2. Select a condition in the condition/metric list.

Ops Manager triggers an alert when the condition is true on the specified target MongoDB instance.

To set a metric:

  1. Select a Target type from the list.
  2. Filter the Target type or select Any.
  3. Select on a metric in the condition/metric list.
  4. Select if this metric should be Below or Above the threshold.
  5. Type a threshold value. All thresholds are numbers.
  6. Select the unit of measure for the threshold.

Ops Manager triggers an alert when the metric threshold is met on the specified target MongoDB instance.

Host Alerts

When setting an alert for a host, select the host type that applies to this alert and the condition that triggers this alert.

Host Types

For host type, set an alert for all or one of the following types of MongoDB processes:

Set Host Type to: Alert Includes
Any type All the types described in this table.
Standalone Any mongod instance that is neither part of a replica set or sharded cluster nor used as a config server.
Primary All replica set primaries.
Secondary All replica set secondaries.
Arbiter All replica set arbiters.
Mongos All mongos instances.
Conf All mongod instances used as config servers.

Host Alert Conditions

Change in Host Status

You can set an alert for when MongoDB instance changes. Host status conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Host added Ops Manager starts monitoring or managing a mongod or mongos process for the first time.
Host removed Ops Manager stops monitoring or managing a mongod or mongos process for the first time.
Host added to replica set Specified type of mongod process is added to a replica set.
Host removed from replica set Specified type of mongod process is removed from a replica set.
Host has restarted Ops Manager detects that a host has been restarted.
Restarts in Last Hour is Ops Manager detects that the number of times a host restarted within the previous hour exceeds the specified threshold.
Host experienced a rollback

Ops Manager detects that a mongod on a host triggered a rollback.

The following host types can’t experience rollbacks:

Host is recovering A secondary enters the RECOVERING state. To learn more about the RECOVERING state, see Replica Set Member States.
Host does not have the latest version

Revision of MongoDB running on a host is two or more revisions behind the current stable release of MongoDB.


If the current stable release is MongoDB 4.0.9, a host running MongoDB 4.0.8 would not trigger an alert but a host running MongoDB version 4.0.7 would trigger an alert.

To learn more about MongoDB version numbering, see MongoDB Version Numbers in the MongoDB manual.

Host’s SSL certificate will expire within 30 days SSL certificate for a MongoDB instance is 30 days from expiration. Ops Manager resends the alert every 24 hours until resolved or acknowledged. If you do not resolve or acknowledge the alert and the certificate expires, Ops Manager continues to send the alert. If the certificate expires, the Monitoring can no longer connect to the MongoDB instance.
Host is down

Ops Manager does not receive a ping from a host for more than 4 minutes. Under normal operation, the Monitoring connects to each monitored host about once per minute. Ops Manager waits 4 minutes before triggering the alert to minimize false positives, as would occur during a host restart.

If the host continues to be unreachable, the Monitoring eventually reduces ping frequency to every 5 minutes for a mongod and every 20 minutes for a mongos. If a mongod or mongos again becomes reachable, Ops Manager recognizes the process within 5 minutes.

If Ops Manager Automation does not manage a mongos process and that process remains unreachable for 30 days, Ops Manager removes the process from the Deployment tab. However, if you restart the mongos process, Ops Manager detects it.

To resolve this alert, see Fix Down Host.


You may set the Host Has Index Suggestions alert to receive an alert if Performance Advisor has index suggestions for the host.

If the query targeting ratio for a host consistently exceeds 10,000 for a period of 10 minutes, Performance Advisor checks the host for inefficient queries and possible indexes to improve performance. If Performance Advisor determines that the host would benefit from one or more indexes, this alert triggers and directs you to create the suggested indexes.

This alert does not trigger for projects where Performance Advisor is disabled.


You may set alerts for how many assertion errors per second the instance has created.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on opscounters using the asserts document that the serverStatus command returns.

Assert metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Asserts: Regular is Rate of regular asserts meets your specified threshold.
Asserts: Warning is Rate of warnings meets your specified threshold.
Asserts: Msg is Rate of message asserts meets your specified threshold. Message asserts are internal server errors. Stack traces are logged for these.
Asserts: User is Rate of asserts users create meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Average Execution Time

Applies to MongoDB 3.4 or later only

The following metrics apply only to deployments running MongoDB version 3.4 or later.

You may set alerts for how long operations take to complete. Execution time metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Average Execution Time: Commands is Average execution time for command operations meets your specified threshold.
Average Execution Time: Reads is Average execution time for read operations meets your specified threshold.
Average Execution Time: Writes is Average execution time for write operations meets your specified threshold.

Document Metrics

You may set alerts for how many MongoDB documents are processed per second. Document processing metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Document Metrics: Deleted is Average rate per second of documents deleted meets your specified threshold.
Document Metrics: Inserted is Average rate per second of documents inserted meets your specified threshold.
Document Metrics: Returned is Average rate per second of documents returned meets your specified threshold.
Document Metrics: Update is Average rate per second of documents updated meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Query Executor

You may set alerts for how fast MongoDB scans items during queries and how many items are scanned compared to documents returned. Query execution time metrics include:

How It Is Measured

MongoDB measures query performance based on the explain command.

Condition Alert Trigger
Query Executor: Scanned is Average rate per second to scan index items during queries and query-plan evaluations meets your specified threshold.
Query Executor: Scanned Objects is Average rate per second to scan documents meets your specified threshold.
Query Executor: Scanned / Returned is Ratio of index items scanned to documents returned meets the specified threshold.
Query Executor: Scanned Objects / Returned is Ratio of documents scanned to documents returned meets the specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


You may set alerts for how many database operations are completed per second.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on opscounters using the opscounters document that the serverStatus command returns.

Operation metrics include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Opcounter: Cmd is Average rate of commands performed per second meets your specified threshold.
Opcounter: Delete is Average rate of deletes performed per second meets your specified threshold.
Opcounter: Getmores is Average rate of getMores performed per second meets your specified threshold. On a primary, this number can be high even if the query count is low. The secondaries “getMore” from the primary as part of replication.
Opcounter: Insert is Average rate of inserts performed per second meets your specified threshold.
Opcounter: Query is Average rate of queries performed per second meets your specified threshold.
Opcounter: Update is Average rate of updates performed per second meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Opcounter - Repl

You may set alerts for how many database operations per second are replicated to a MongoDB secondaries.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on opscounters using the opscountersRepl document of that the serverStatus command returns.

Replication operation metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Opcounter: Repl Cmd is Average rate of replicated commands applied per second meets your threshold.
Opcounter: Repl Delete is Average rate of replicated deletes applied per second meets your threshold.
Opcounter: Repl Insert is Average rate of replicated inserts applied per second meets your threshold.
Opcounter: Repl Update is Average rate of replicated updates applied per second meets your threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


You may set alerts for how much memory a MongoDB instance uses. Set this threshold in bits, kilobits, megabits, gigabits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes or petabytes.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the mem document that the serverStatus command returns.

Memory metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Memory: Resident is Resident memory size for the mongod process meets your specified threshold. Over time on a dedicated database host, the resident memory may approach the amount of RAM on the host.
Memory: Virtual is Virtual memory size for the mongod process meets your specified threshold. You can use this alert to flag excessive memory outside of memory mapping.
Memory: Mapped is Mapped memory size for the mongod process meets your specified threshold. As MongoDB memory-maps all the data files, the size of mapped memory should approach total database size.
Memory: Computed is Virtual memory size for the mongod process that is not accounted for by memory-mapping meets your specified threshold. If this number is very high (multiple gigabytes), it indicates that excessive memory is being used outside of memory mapping.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


Security metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Host has security recommendations Authentication or TLS is disabled.


Swap metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Swap: Used is The total amount swap space in use has reached the specified threshold.
Swap: Free is The amount of available swap space has dropped below the specified threshold.

WiredTiger Cache

You may set alerts for how much WiredTiger cache a MongoDB instance uses. Set this threshold in bits, kilobits, megabits, gigabits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes or petabytes.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the cache document that the serverStatus command returns.

WiredTiger cache metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Cache: Bytes Read Into Cache is Average rate of bytes per second read into WiredTiger’s cache meets your specified threshold.
Cache: Bytes Written From Cache is Average rate of bytes per second written from WiredTiger’s cache meets your specified threshold.
Cache: Dirty Bytes is Number of tracked dirty bytes currently in the WiredTiger cache.
Cache: Used Bytes is Number of bytes currently in the WiredTiger cache.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


Applies to MongoDB 2.2 to 2.6 only

These metrics only triggers alerts on deployments running MongoDB versions 2.2 through 2.6.

You may set alerts for how many btree operations on the MongoDB instance are completed per second. B-Tree metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
B-tree: accesses is Number of accesses to B-tree indexes meets your specified threshold.
B-tree: hits is Number of times a B-tree page was in memory meets your specified threshold.
B-tree: misses is Number of times a B-tree page was not in memory meets your specified threshold.
B-tree: miss ratio is Ratio of misses to hits meets your specified threshold.

Effective Lock %

Applies to MongoDB 2.2 to 2.6 only

This metric only triggers alerts on deployments running MongoDB versions 2.2 through 2.6.

You may set alerts for what percentage of time the MongoDB instance is write locked. Effective Lock percentage metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Effective Lock % is If the percent of total time the instance is write locked meets your specified threshold.

Background Flush Average

Applies to databases running MMAPv1 only

This metric only triggers alerts on deployments running MMAPv1 storage engines for their MongoDB databases.

You may set an alert for how long in milliseconds the average flush on the MongoDB instance take to complete. A flush is the writing of data to disk from memory.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on average background flush time using the backgroundFlushing.average_ms value that the serverStatus command returns.

Background flush average metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Background Flush Average is Average time for background flushes meets your specified threshold.


You may set alerts for the active connections to the MongoDB instance.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the connections document that the serverStatus command returns.

Connection metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Connections is Number of active host connections meets your specified threshold.
Connections % of configured limit is Percentage of active host connections to the total number of possible connections meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


You may set alerts for the operations waiting on locks.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the globalLock.currentQueue document that the serverStatus command returns.

Queue metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Queues: Total is Number of operations waiting on a lock of any type meets your specified threshold.
Queues: Readers is Number of reader operations waiting on a lock of any type meets your specified threshold.
Queues: Writers is Number of writer operations waiting on a lock of any type meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Page Faults

Applies to MongoDB 2.2 to 2.6 only

The Accesses Not In Memory: Total is and Page Fault Exceptions Thrown: Total is metrics only trigger alerts on deployments running MongoDB versions 2.2 through 2.6.

You may set alerts for page faults.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the extra_info.page_faults document that the serverStatus command returns.

MongoDB 2.2 through 2.6 reported on the Accesses Not In Memory: Total is and Page Fault Exceptions Thrown: Total is metrics using the recordStats document that the serverStatus command returned.

Page Fault metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Accesses Not In Memory: Total is Rate of disk accesses meets your specified threshold. MongoDB must access data on disk if your working set does not fit in memory. This metric is found on the host’s Record Stats chart.
Page Fault Exceptions Thrown: Total is Rate of page fault exceptions thrown meets your specified threshold. This metric is found on the host’s Record Stats chart.
Page Faults is Rate of page faults (whether or not an exception is thrown) meets your specified threshold. This metric is found on the host’s Page Faults chart.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


You may set alerts for the number of open and timed-out cursors for a MongoDB process.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the metrics.cursor document that the serverStatus command returns.

Cursor metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Cursors: Client Cursors Size is Amount of memory the host uses to maintain cursors meets your specified threshold.
Cursors: Open is Number of cursors the host is maintaining for clients meets the specified threshold.
Cursors: Timed Out is Number of timed-out cursors the host is maintaining for clients meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


You may set alerts for the network throughput for a MongoDB process.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on memory using the network document that the serverStatus command returns.

Network metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Network: Bytes In is Number of bytes sent to the database host meets your specified threshold.
Network: Bytes Out is Number of bytes sent from the database host meets your specified threshold.
Network: Num Requests is Number of requests sent to the database host meets your specified threshold.
System Network: Bytes Per Second In is Number of bytes per second sent to the database host meets your specified threshold.
System Network: Bytes Per Second Out is Number of bytes per second sent from the database host meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Replication Oplog

You may set alerts for the replication oplogs for a MongoDB process.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on the Replication Oplog using the oplog document that the serverStatus command returns combined with results from rs.status() and rs.conf().

Replication oplog metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Replication Headroom is Difference between the sync source’s replication oplog window and the secondary’s replication lag meets your specified threshold. A secondary can go into RECOVERING if this value goes to 0.
Replica Time is Approximate amount of time in milliseconds available in the primary’s replication oplog meets your specified threshold.
Oplog Data Per Hour is Average rate of gigabytes of oplog the primary generates per hour meets your specified threshold.
Replication Lag is Approximate number of seconds the secondary is behind the primary in write application. Only accurate if the lag is larger than 1-2 seconds, as the precision of this statistic is limited.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Operations Scan and Order

You may set alerts for the scan and order operations for a MongoDB process.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on the Replication Oplog using the metrics.operation.scanAndOrder document that the serverStatus command returns.

Operations metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Operations: Scan and Order is Average rate per second over your specified threshold of queries that return sorted results that cannot perform the sort operation using an index.

DB Storage

You may set alerts for the amount of data storage used. Database storage metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
DB Storage is Amount of on-disk storage space used by extents meets your specified threshold.
DB Data Size is Actual data size in the database meets your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.


You may set alerts for the amount of journaling storage used. Journaling metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Journaling Commits in Write Lock is Rate of commits that occurred while the database was in write lock meets your specified threshold.
Journaling MB is Average amount of data in megabytes Ops Manager writes to the recovery log per second meets your specified threshold.
Journaling Write Data Files MB is Average rate of data in megabytes Ops Manager writes to the databases datafiles per second meets your specified threshold. As these writes are already journaled, they can occur lazily, and thus the number indicated here may be lower than the amount physically written to disk.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

WiredTiger Storage Engine

You may set alerts for WiredTiger tickets.

How It Is Measured

MongoDB reports on WiredTiger using the wiredTiger.cache and wiredTiger.concurrentTransactions documents that the serverStatus command returns.

WiredTiger storage engine conditions include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Tickets Available: Reads is Number of read tickets available to the WiredTiger storage engine meet your specified threshold.
Tickets Available: Writes is Number of write tickets available to the WiredTiger storage engine meet your specified threshold.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

System and Disk Alerts

You may set alerts for compute and disk utilization. System resource conditions include:

Metric Alert Trigger
System: CPU (Steal) % is

Applicable when the EC2 instance credit balance is exhausted.

The percentage of time the CPU is in a state of “involuntary wait”. CPU steal percentage is the percentage by which the CPU usage exceeds the guaranteed baseline CPU credit accumulation rate.


This alert typically triggers when all credits have been consumed on an AWS burstable performance instance.

System: CPU (User) % is CPU usage of the MongoDB process, normalized by the number of CPUs. This value is scaled to a range of 0-100%.
System: Memory Used is System memory usage for the mongod meets the specified threshold.
System: Memory Free is Free system memory for the mongod has dropped below the specified threshold.
System: Memory Available is Available system memory usage for the mongod has dropped below the specified threshold.
Disk space % used on Data Partition is Percentage of disk space used on any partition that contains the MongoDB collection data.
Disk space % used on Index Partition is Percentage of disk space used on any partition that contains the MongoDB index data.
Disk space % used on Journal Partition is Percentage of disk space used on the partition that contains the MongoDB journal, if journaling is enabled.
Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition is Percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB collection data. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes.
Disk I/O % utilization on Index Partition is Percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB index data. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes.
Disk I/O % utilization on Journal Partition is Percentage of time during which requests are being issued to the partition that contains the MongoDB journal, if journaling is enabled. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes.


You can create charts for a selection of these metrics in Ops Manager.

  1. From the Ops Manager project’s Deployment view, click the List tab.
  2. Click the process for which you want to monitor.
  3. Click the Status tab.
  4. Scroll down to the list of available metrics and select the desired metric(s) to chart.

To learn more about creating charts for host metrics in Ops Manager, see View Deployment Metrics and click the MongoDB Process Metrics tab.

Replica Set Alerts

You may set alerts about the status of the primary and the number of healthy members in a replica set. Replica set conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Replica set elected a new primary

A set elects a new primary. Each time Ops Manager receives a ping, it inspects the output of the replica set’s rs.status() method for the status of each replica set member. From this output, Ops Manager determines which replica set member is the primary. If the primary found in the ping data is different than the current primary known to Ops Manager, this alert triggers.

Receiving this alert does not always mean that the set elected a new primary. This alert may also trigger when the same primary is re- elected. This can happen when Ops Manager processes a ping in the midst of an election.

Replica set has no primary

A replica set does not have a primary. Specifically, when none of the members of a replica set have a status of PRIMARY, the alert triggers. For example, this condition may arise when a set has an even number of voting members resulting in a tie.

If the Monitoring collects data during an election for primary, this alert might send a false positive. To prevent such false positives, set the alert configuration’s after waiting interval (in the configuration’s Send to section).

For resolutions, see Fix Lost Primary.

Replica set metrics include:

Metric Alert Trigger
Number of healthy members is A replica set has fewer healthy members than your specified threshold.
Number of unhealthy members is A replica set has more unhealthy members than your specified threshold.
Number of elections in last hour is > X Number of elections that have occurred in the last hour exceeded the user-specified value of X. The value of X is set when you create the alert. This alert may indicate that the cluster’s replication is not in a healthy state, as evidenced by constant elections.


A replica set member is healthy if you run rs.status() for that replica set and the result returns PRIMARY or SECONDARY for that member. Hidden secondaries and arbiters are not counted.

Sharded Cluster Alerts

You may set an alert for a mongos missing from a sharded cluster. Sharded cluster conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Cluster is missing an active mongos Ops Manager cannot reach any mongos for the cluster.

Agent Alerts

You may set alerts for agent status or versioning. Agent conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Automation is down

No Automation is detected for at least 1 minute. Under normal operation, the Automation sends a ping to Ops Manager roughly once every 10 seconds. If Ops Manager does not receive a ping for at least 1 minute, this alert triggers.


This alert triggers only if the Automation is managing a MongoDB process or agent module.

Monitoring is down

No Monitoring is detected for at least 7 minutes. Under normal operation, the Monitoring sends a ping to Ops Manager roughly once per minute. If Ops Manager does not receive a ping for at least 7 minutes, this alert triggers. However, this alert never triggers for a project that has no hosts configured.


When the Monitoring is down, Ops Manager triggers no other alerts for any host. For example: if a host is down there is no Monitoring to send data to Ops Manager that could trigger new alerts.

Monitoring does not have the latest version Monitoring is not running the latest version of the software.
Backup is down

Backup for a project with at least one active replica set or cluster is down for more than 1 hour.

To resolve this alert:

  1. To see which host serves the Backup, click Deployment, then the Servers tab.
  2. Check the Backup log file on that host.
Backup does not have the latest version Backup is not running the latest version of the software.
Backup has too many conf call failures

The cluster topology known to monitoring does not match the backup configuration from conf calls the Backup makes.

The number of attempts meets the threshold you specified in maximumFailedConfCalls setting.


Global alert only

Backup Alerts

You may set alerts for backup oplog, resync and inconsistencies. Backup conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Backup oplog is behind

Most recent oplog data received by Ops Manager is more than 75 minutes old.

To resolve this alert, see Fix Backup Oplog Issues.

Backup requires a resync

Replication process for a backup falls too far behind the oplog to catch up. This occurs when the host overwrites oplog entries that backup has not yet replicated. When this happens, you must resync backup, as described in the procedure Resync a Backup.

Also, check the corresponding Backup log. If you see a “Failed Common Points” test, one of the following may have happened.

  • A significant rollback event occurred on the backed-up replica set.
  • oplog for the backed-up replica set was resized or deleted.
  • High oplog churn caused the agent to lose the tail of the oplog.
Inconsistent backup configuration has been detected

Ops Manager has detected that the configuration for a backup does not match the configuration of the MongoDB deployment it backs up.

To resolve this alert, see Fix Inconsistent Backup.

Inconsistent cluster snapshot count is…

Ops Manager fails a consecutive number of times to successfully take a cluster snapshot. This alert is triggered when the number of attempts meets your specified threshold.

The alert text may contain the reason for the problem. Common problems include:

  • There was no reachable mongos. To resolve this issue, ensure that there is at least one mongos showing on the Ops Manager Deployment page.
  • balancer could not be stopped. To resolve this issue, check the log files for the first config server to determine why the balancer will not stop.
  • Could not insert a token in one or more shards. To resolve this issue, ensure connectivity between the Backup and all shards.
Backup could not be assigned to a backup daemon

A backup job fails to bind to a Backup Daemon.


Reasons that a job might fail to bind include, but are not limited to:

  • No primary is found for the backed-up replica set. At the time the binding occurred, the Monitoring did not detect a primary. Ensure that the replica set is healthy.
  • Not enough space is available on any Backup Daemon.

In both cases, resolve the issue and then restart the initial sync of the backup.

As an alternative, you can manually bind jobs to daemons through the Admin interface. See Jobs for more information.


Global alert only

Backup has reached a high number of retries

Sends an alert if the same task fails repeatedly. This could happen, for example, during maintenance. Check the corresponding job log for an error message explaining the problem.

Contact MongoDB Support if you need help interpreting the error message.


Global alert only

Backup is in an unexpected state

Something unexpected happened and the Backup state for the replica set is broken. You must resync the backed-up replica set, as described in the Resync a Backup procedure.

In case of a Backup is in an unexpected state alert, check the corresponding job log for an error message explaining the problem. Contact MongoDB Support if you need help interpreting the error message.


Global alert only

Replica set has a late snapshot

A snapshot has failed to complete before the next snapshot is scheduled to begin. Check the job log in the Ops Manager Admin interface for any errors.


Global alert only

Sync slice transfer has not progressed in…

An initial sync has started but then subsequently stalled. Issues that can cause this, include, but are not limited to:

  • processes that are down (agents, ingest, backing databases)
  • network issues
  • incorrect authentication credentials


Global alert only

Backup job is busy for…

One backup job has been working for more hours within a 24-hour period than your specified threshold.

Different backup jobs share Backup Daemons or snapshot stores. Backup job execution time can vary. Long running backup jobs can cause the remaining jobs to fall behind or fail. Set this metric to how long you expect backups should take to complete in your deployment.

You should check the corresponding job log for error messages. Contact MongoDB Support if you need help interpreting the error message.


Global alert only

BI Connector Alerts

These alert conditions apply to use of the BI Connector with Ops Manager.

Condition Alert Trigger
BI Connector is down

The Automation has not detected the BI Connector process for at least 4 minutes.


When the Automation is down, Ops Manager cannot trigger alerts for the BI Connector.

User Alerts

You may set alerts for user addition, removal and role changes. User conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
User joined the project A new user joins the project.
User left the project A user leaves the project.
User had their role changed A user’s roles have been changed.

Project Alerts

You may set alerts for user approval and authentication configuration. Project conditions include:

Condition Alert Trigger
Users do not have two-factor authentication enabled Project has users who have not set up two-factor authentication.
Security checkup alerts updated The project’s security checkup alerts changed.
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