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Get One Global Alert

Retrieve one alert identified with its ALERT-ID.

Required Roles

You can successfully call this endpoint with any of the following assigned roles:


Base URL: https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0

GET /globalAlerts/{ALERT-ID}

Request Path Parameters

Name Type Description
ALERT-ID string Unique identifier of the alert you want to retrieve.

Request Query Parameters

Name Type Necessity Description Default
pretty boolean Optional Flag indicating whether the response body should be in a prettyprint format. false
envelope boolean Optional

Flag that indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope.

Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query.

For endpoints that return one result, the response body includes:

Name Description
status HTTP response code
envelope Expected response body

Request Body Parameters

This endpoint does not use HTTP request body parameters.


Name Type Description
acknowledgedUntil string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC through which the alert has been acknowledged. Ops Manager presents this field if a user acknowledged this alert.
acknowledgementComment string Comment that the user who acknowledged this alert left. Ops Manager presents this field if a user acknowledged this alert.
acknowledgingUsername string Ops Manager username of the user who acknowledged the alert. Ops Manager presents this field if a user acknowledged this alert.
alertConfigId string Unique identifier of the global alert configuration that triggered this alert.
clusterId string

Unique identifier of the cluster to which this alert applies. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the categories of:

clusterName string

Name the cluster to which this alert applies. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the categories of:

created string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was created.
currentValue object Current value of the metric that triggered the alert. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the category of host.
currentValue.number number Current value of the metric.
currentValue.units string

Units in which this value is expressed. Depends on the type of metric.


  • A metric that measures memory consumption would have a byte measurement
  • A metric that measures time would have a time unit.

Possible values that can be returned include:

  • RAW
  • BITS
  • DAYS
eventTypeName string

Name of the event that triggered the alert.

To review the types of events that generate alerts, see Alert Types.

For a complete list of events included in the Ops Manager audit log, see Audit Events.

groupId string Unique identifier of the project for which this alert was opened.
hostId string

Unique identifier of the host to which the metric pertains. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the categories of:

hostnameAndPort string

Hostname and port of each host to which the alert applies. The hostname can be only a hostname, an FQDN, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the categories of:

id string Unique identifier of the alert.
lastNotified string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the last notification was sent for this alert. Ops Manager displays this if Ops Manager sent notifications.
metricName string

Name of the measurement whose value went outside the threshold. Ops Manager returns this field if "eventTypeName" : "OUTSIDE_METRIC_THRESHOLD".

For possible values, see Measurement Types for Global Alerts.

replicaSetName string

Name of the replica set. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the categories of:

resolved string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when the alert was closed. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts when "status" : "CLOSED".
sourceTypeName string

Type of host being backed up. Ops Manager returns this field for global alerts in the category of backup. Possible values that can be returned include:

status string

Current state of the alert. Possible values that can be returned include:

TRACKING Alert conditions exist, but the condition hasn’t persisted for long enough to trigger an alert.
OPEN Alert is open.
CLOSED Alert is closed.
CANCELLED Alert is cancelled.
tags array of strings Tags associated with this alert.
typeName string This field is deprecated and will be ignored.
updated string Timestamp in ISO 8601 date and time format in UTC when this alert was last updated.

Example Request

curl --user "{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}" --digest \
     --header "Accept: application/json" \
     --include \
     --request GET "https://<OpsManagerHost>:<Port>/api/public/v1.0/globalAlerts/{ALERT-ID}"

Example Response

Response Header

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1
Date: {dateInUnixFormat}
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="MMS Public API", domain="", nonce="{nonce}", algorithm=MD5, op="auth", stale=false
Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes}
Connection: keep-alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Type: application/json
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=300
Date: {dateInUnixFormat}
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: {requestLengthInBytes}
X-MongoDB-Service-Version: gitHash={gitHash}; versionString={ApplicationVersion}

Response Body

    "alertConfigId": "{ALERT-CONFIG-ID}",
    "created": "2019-11-30T12:42:31Z",
    "eventTypeName": "BACKUP_AGENT_DOWN",
    "groupId": "{PROJECT-ID}",
    "id": "{ALERT-ID}",
    "lastNotified": "2020-04-09T20:25:05Z",
    "links": [
   "status": "OPEN",
   "tags": [],
   "typeName": "AGENT",
   "updated": "2019-11-30T12:42:31Z"
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