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Rename a Team


This endpoint is incompatible with projects using LDAP Authentication.

Base URL: https://{OPSMANAGER-HOST}:{PORT}/api/public/v1.0


PATCH /orgs/{ORG-ID}/teams/{TEAM-ID}

Request Path Parameters

Path Element Required/Optional Description
ORG-ID Required The unique identifier for the organization associated with the team that you want to rename.
TEAM-ID Required The unique identifier of the team that you want to rename.

Request Query Parameters

The following query parameters are optional:

Name Type Necessity Description Default
pretty boolean Optional Flag indicating whether the response body should be in a prettyprint format. false
envelope boolean Optional

Flag that indicates whether or not to wrap the response in an envelope.

Some API clients cannot access the HTTP response headers or status code. To remediate this, set envelope=true in the query.

For endpoints that return one result, the response body includes:

Name Description
status HTTP response code
envelope Expected response body

Request Body Parameters

Path Element Required/Optional Description
name Required The new name of the team.


Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the team.
links object array One or more links to sub-resources and/or related resources. The relation-types between URLs are explained in the Web Linking Specification.
name string The new name of the team.



curl -X PATCH --digest --user '{PUBLIC-KEY}:{PRIVATE-KEY}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 "" \
 --data '{"name":"Finance"}'


  "id" : "6b77131987d9d66ddeb3f907",
  "links" : [ {
    "href" : "",
    "rel" : "self"
  } ],
  "name" : "Finance"
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