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Manage the MongoDB Agent Functions

Manage Backup Function

Activate Backup

  1. From your Context menu, click the project that has the hosts you want to configure.

  2. Click Deployments.

  3. Click Servers.

  4. On the host where you want to activate Backup, click ellipsis icon .

  5. Click Activate Backup.

  6. From the banner, click Review & Deploy.

  7. If you want to activate Backup, click Confirm & Deploy. Otherwise click Cancel, then Discard Changes to cancel activating Backup.


    Only one host can backup a deployment at a time. On the Server tab, the host that is backing up the deployment displays Backup - active. Any other host with Backup activated displays Backup - standby.

Deactivate Backup

  1. From your Context menu, click the project that has the hosts you want to configure.
  2. Click Deployments.
  3. Click Servers.
  4. On the host where you want to deactivate Backup, click ellipsis icon .
  5. Click Deactivate Backup.
  6. From the banner, click Review & Deploy.
  7. If you want to activate Backup, click Confirm & Deploy. Otherwise click Cancel, then Discard Changes to cancel deactivating Backup.

Manage Monitoring Function

Activate Monitoring

  1. From your Context menu, click the project that has the hosts you want to configure.

  2. Click Deployments.

  3. Click Servers.

  4. On the host where you want to activate Monitoring, click ellipsis icon .

  5. Click Activate Monitoring.

  6. From the banner, click Review & Deploy.

  7. If you want to activate Monitoring, click Confirm & Deploy. Otherwise click Cancel, then Discard Changes to cancel activating Monitoring.


    Only one host can monitor a deployment at a time. On the Server tab, the host that is monitoring the deployment displays Monitoring - active. Any other host with Monitoring activated displays Monitoring - standby.

Multiple Monitoring Agents

You can activate Monitoring on multiple MongoDB Agents to distribute monitoring assignments and provide failover. Ops Manager distributes monitoring assignments among up to 100 running MongoDB Agents. Each MongoDB Agent running active Monitoring monitors a different set of MongoDB processes. One MongoDB Agent running active Monitoring per project is the primary Monitor. The primary Monitor reports the cluster’s status to Ops Manager. As MongoDB Agents have Monitoring enabled or disabled, Ops Manager redistributes assignments. If the primary Monitor fails, Ops Manager assigns another MongoDB Agent running active Monitoring to be the primary Monitor.

If you run more than 100 MongoDB Agents with active Monitoring, the additional MongoDB Agents run as standby MongoDB Agents. A standby MongoDB Agent is idle, except to log its status as a standby and periodically ask Ops Manager if it should begin monitoring.

To tune the frequency at which standby MongoDB Agents check to see if they should begin monitoring and the interval Ops Manager uses to determine if a standby agent should start monitoring, see Monitoring Failover.

If you install multiple Monitoring Agents, ensure that all the MongoDB Agents with active Monitoring can reach all the mongod processes in the deployment.

To activate Monitoring on multiple MongoDB Agents, repeat the activation process on multiple MongoDB Agents.

Deactivate Monitoring

  1. From your Context menu, click the project that has the hosts you want to configure.
  2. Click Deployments.
  3. Click Servers.
  4. On the host where you want to deactivate Monitoring, click ellipsis icon .
  5. Click Deactivate Monitoring.
  6. From the banner, click Review & Deploy.
  7. If you want to deactivate Monitoring, click Confirm & Deploy. Otherwise click Cancel, then Discard Changes to cancel activating Monitoring.

Manage Automation Function

Activate Automation

Automation is activated when you:

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