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Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Backup Service

The Backup Daemon maintains copies of the data from your backed up mongod instances and creates snapshots used for restoring data. The file system that the Backup Daemon uses must have sufficient disk space and write capacity to store the backed up instances.

For replica sets, the local copy is equivalent to an additional secondary replica set member. For sharded clusters the daemon maintains a local copy of each shard as well as a copy of the config database.

To configure high availability:

  • Use multiple backup daemons to scale your deployment horizontally.
  • Deploy your backing databases in replica sets to provide failover.
  • Add backup daemons dedicated to queryable restore jobs.
  • Add backup daemons dedicated to restore jobs.

Multiple Backup Daemons

To increase your storage and to scale horizontally, you can run multiple instances of the Backup Daemon. Increase the available storage for the head databases to provide scalability. This does not increase the available space for snapshot storage.

With multiple daemons, you can choose which Backup Daemon, Sync Store, Oplog Store, Snapshot Store, and Assignment Labels to bind to a specific group. If you do not choose specific daemons and stores, Ops Manager uses all available backup components for each group.

For a tutorial on how to assign Backup Jobs to Backup Daemons, see Assign Snapshot Stores to Specific Data Centers.

Multiple Backup Daemons allow for manual failover should one daemon become unavailable. You can instruct Ops Manager to transfer the daemon’s backup responsibilities to another Backup Daemon. Ops Manager reconstructs the data on the new daemon’s server and binds the associated replica sets or shards to the new daemon. To learn how this process works, see Move Jobs from a Lost Backup Daemon to another Backup Daemon.

Ops Manager reconstructs the data using a snapshot and the oplog from the Snapshot Storage.

The Backup Daemon is installed with Ops Manager package but must be specifically activated to run. Select the procedure specific to your platform on the Install Ops Manager section.

Replica Sets for Backing Databases

Deploy replica sets rather than standalones for the dedicated MongoDB processes that host the Ops Manager Application and Backup Databases. Replica sets provide automatic failover should the primary become unavailable.

When deploying a replica set with members in multiple facilities, ensure that a single facility has enough votes to elect a primary if needed. When choosing between facilities for this single facility, choose the facility that hosts the Ops Manager Application and application database. Place a majority of voting members and all the members that can become primary in this facility. Otherwise, network partitions could prevent the set from being able to form a majority.

See also

Dedicated Queryable Daemons

To configure dedicated queryable daemons, adjust the settings per backup daemon on the Daemon configuration page. For the dedicated queryable daemon host, clear all checkboxes except Queryable Restore Jobs.

Additional Information

To move jobs from a lost Backup server to another Backup server, see Move Jobs from a Lost Backup Daemon to another Backup Daemon.

For information on making the Ops Manager Application highly available, see Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Application.

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