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Convert Config Servers to a Replica Set

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Deprecation notice

This procedure was deprecated as of 15 August 2019. It is no longer supported.

In a sharded cluster, config servers store the metadata for the sharded cluster. For a sharded cluster to be fully operational, the config servers must be available and the metadata must be consistent across the config servers.

Config servers that run the WiredTiger storage engine can be deployed as replica sets. Running config servers as replica sets improves consistency and increases availability for the config servers. Ops Manager automatically deploys config servers as replica sets for all new sharded cluster deployments using MongoDB 3.2 or later. However, you must must convert config servers to replica sets for existing MongoDB 3.2 sharded cluster deployments before you can upgrade. You can manage config server replica sets just as you would any other replica set.

Feature Availability

  • For deployments running MongoDB 3.2.4 or Later.
  • Requires Ops Manager version 2.0.3 or greater.


If you have backup enabled and if you convert a sharded cluster’s config servers to a replica set, then Ops Manager Automation can no longer use snapshots created before the conversion to restore the sharded cluster. Automation can only use snapshots created after the conversion.


  • Ops Manager version 2.0.3 or greater.
    Ops Manager must be version 2.0.3 or greater.
  • MongoDB 3.2.4 or Later
    To convert the config servers to a replica set, the sharded cluster must be running MongoDB 3.2.4 or later. To upgrade the MongoDB version, see Change the Version of MongoDB.
  • Three Config Servers to Convert
    The sharded cluster must be running exactly three config servers to convert. After the conversion of the config servers to a replica set, you can add additional members to the config server replica set.
  • Write Permission for Parent Directory of dbPath
    The Automation must have write permission on the parent directory of the dbPath of each config server.



During the conversion of the config servers to a replica set,

  • If the config servers use the MMAPv1 storage engine, Ops Manager changes the storage engine to WiredTiger.
  • The MongoDB Agent creates temporary config servers as part of the conversion process and deletes them after the conversion. If your MongoDB Agent detects them at any point during the conversion, they appear as unreachable hosts in your deployments list. After the conversion, you can safely delete them from the list. See Stop Managing and/or Monitoring One Deployment.

If you have not upgraded your sharded cluster to MongoDB 3.2.4 or later, do so now.

See Change the Version of MongoDB.


Click the ellipsis icon next to a config server and select Convert Config Servers to Replica Sets.


Enter a name for the new replica set.


Enter the ports for the temporary config servers created during the conversion and click Upgrade.

During conversion, the Automation creates temporary config servers. These temporary config servers must be network accessible from all nodes in the cluster. During the procedure, specify distinct available ports for these temporary config servers.


Click Save.


Click Review & Deploy.


Click Confirm & Deploy.

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