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Edit Personal Settings

To access personal settings, click on your user name in the upper-right hand corner and select Account.

Edit Your User Account

To access your profile settings, click on your user name in the upper-right hand corner and select Account. Click the Profile tab.

To edit a setting, click its pencil icon:

User Name Displays your username. You cannot change your username.
Email Address Displays the email address Ops Manager associates with your account.
Mobile Phone Number The number to use to receive SMS alerts, including two-factor authentication codes.

Allows you to change your Ops Manager password.

Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one letter, one digit, and one special character.

Two-Factor Authentication

Ops Manager may require two factor authentication for login. To learn more, see Manage Your Two-Factor Authentication Options.

To delete or reset two-factor authentication, contact your Ops Manager system administrator.

Edit Your Personal Preferences

To access your preference settings, click on your user name in the upper-right hand corner and select Account. Click the Personalization tab.

My Time Zone Select your time zone.
My Date Format Select your preferred date format.

Configure Public API Access

To access your preference settings, click on your user name in the upper-right hand corner and select Account.

Click Public API Access tab. From this page you can:

View/Edit Organization Membership

To view your organizations, click on your user name in the upper-right hand corner and select Organizations.

The page displays the Ops Manager organizations to which you belong.

  • To add a new organization, click New Organization. To learn more, see Create an Organization.
  • To leave an organization, click the Leave button for that organization.
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