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Manage File System Snapshot Storage

Ops Manager can back up MongoDB databases as snapshots to one or more of the following storage options:

  • Another MongoDB database, called a blockstore,
  • As files stored on a local or network-attached file system, and/or
  • An AWS S3 bucket.

This tutorial covers backing up your snapshots on file system storage.


You might have issues that require you to use more than one snapshot store. These issues could include needing more capacity, localizing data, or meeting privacy regulations.

To learn how to assign snapshot stores to different data centers, see Assign Snapshot Stores to Specific Data Centers.


  • Ops Manager doesn’t compress backups to file system stores from MongoDB databases running FCV 4.2 or later. Ops Manager ignores the File System Store Gzip Compression Level setting for those databases.
  • If you configure Ops Manager to use multiple Ops Manager application servers behind an HTTP or HTTPS load balancer and use file system snapshots, FCV 4.2 or later backup snapshot jobs run in parallel on one or more servers. Ensure that you have a shared file system mounted on each Ops Manager server. The Ops Manager application server might open and write different offsets of the same files. Ensure that the shared file system allows this. Otherwise, you will encounter access errors.


Before creating any file system snapshot stores:

  • Attach storage volumes with sufficient capacity to the Ops Manager host. The file system snapshot store stores only the backup snapshots. The Oplog Store MongoDB database path should be on a different local file system. To learn more, see Manage Oplog Storage.
  • Grant the storage volumes the relevant permissions:
    • On Windows, grant access to the SYSTEM user.
    • On package-installed Linux distributions, grant access to the mongodb-mms:mongodb-mms user and group.
    • On archive extracted Linux distributions, grant access to the same user and group you assigned to the Ops Manager installation.
  • Deploy the dedicated MongoDB instance(s) to host this snapshot store.
  • Ensure the host running the Ops Manager Backup Daemon service has sufficient capacity to store the head database.
  • When running many Ops Manager instances, use a NAS or SAN for your file system store. This ensures that all instances share the same storage. You can’t restore backups or remove expired snapshots if the Ops Manager instances don’t share the file system store.


If the Ops Manager instances do not share the same view of file system snapshot storage, Backup restores will not be possible and Ops Manager will not be able to remove expired snapshots.

Add a File System Store


Click Create New File System Store.


Complete the File System Store details.

Field Contents
File System Store Name A name for the file system store.
Path The file system path in which the snapshot will be stored.
MMapV1 Compression Setting

Select whether or not MMapV1 storage engine snapshots are compressed. Any backup job using MMapV1 snapshots inherits this setting. The default value is on.


If you plan on using queryable backups, set this value to off. Queryable backup cannot query compressed snapshots.

WiredTiger Compression Setting

Select whether or not WiredTiger storage engine snapshots are compressed. Any backup job using WiredTiger snapshots inherits this setting. The default value is off.


If you plan on using queryable backups, set this value to off. Queryable backup cannot query compressed snapshots.

New Assignment Enabled checkbox This enables the filestore once it has been created. If you leave this unchecked, the filestore is created but no newly started backups can be assigned to it.

Click Create.

Edit an Existing File System Store

Once created, file system stores are listed directly on the Snapshot Storage page in a table. Each row contains the settings for each File System Store.


Navigate to the Snapshot Storage page.

  1. Click the Admin link.
  2. Click the Backup tab.
  3. (Optional) If you have not previously set the head directory, set it in the Head Directory box.
  4. Click the Snapshot Storage page.

Go to the row for the filestore you want to edit.


In the Store Path column, update any values that need to be changed in the following fields:

Field Contents
Store Path The location where file system-based backups are stored on the Ops Manager server.
Assignment Labels A comma-separated list of labels to assign the filestores to specific groups.
Load Factor

A proportional value of how backup jobs are assigned to the given snapshot store compared to other snapshot stores.

By default snapshot stores assign one shard per snapshot store.

If a snapshot store has more than one shard assigned, it would result in one snapshot store being backed up often than the another. This ratio of backup jobs to shards can be changed using the load factor.

An example of how the Load Factor affects backups:

You are backing up a 5 shard cluster. Your deployment has filestore (A) with one shard and blockstore (B) with four shards. These blockstores should not get equally distribution of backup jobs, as B is four times larger than A. B should get a Load Factor of 4 and A should get a Load Factor or 1.


Check the checkbox in the Assignment Enabled column.


Click Save.


If you change the path, restart all the Ops Manager instances including those running Backup Daemons.

Delete a File System Store


Navigate to the Snapshot Storage page.

  1. Click the Admin link.
  2. Click the Backup tab.
  3. (Optional) If you have not previously set the head directory, set it in the Head Directory box.
  4. Click the Snapshot Storage page.


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