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Manage MongoDB Users

When you select an Authentication Mechanism for your Ops Manager project, this enables access control for all managed deployments in your Ops Manager project.

With access control enabled, clients must authenticate to the MongoDB process as MongoDB users. Once authenticated, these users only have privileges granted by their assigned roles. You can assign MongoDB’s built-in roles to a user as well as custom roles.

You can create MongoDB users before or after enabling accessing control, but your MongoDB instances do not require user credentials if access control is not enabled.


MongoDB users are separate from Ops Manager users. MongoDB users have access to MongoDB databases, while Ops Manager users access the Ops Manager application itself.


Managed Users and Roles

Any users or roles you choose to manage in an Ops Manager project have their Synced value set to Yes and are synced to all deployments in the project.

Any users or roles you do not choose to manage in an Ops Manager project have their Synced value set to No and exist only in their respective MongoDB deployments.


If you toggle Synced to OFF after import, any users or roles you create are deleted.

Consistent Users and Roles

If you enforce a consistent set of users and roles in your project, Ops Manager synchronizes these users and roles across all deployments in that project. Toggle Enforce Consistent Set to choose whether or not to manage one set of users and roles:

Enforce Consistent Set is YES

In a managed project, Ops Manager grants all of the users and roles access to all deployments. All deployments that the Ops Manager project manages have the same set of MongoDB users and roles.

Ops Manager limits the access to users and roles where you set Synced to Yes. Ops Manager deletes all users and roles that Ops Manager project doesn’t manage from the deployments in your project.

Enforce Consistent Set is NO

In a managed project, Ops Manager allows each deployment to use its own set of MongoDB users and roles. Ops Manager doesn’t need to manage these MongoDB users and roles. To manage these users and roles, you must connect direct to the MongoDB deployment.

Ops Manager grants managed MongoDB users and roles where you set Synced to Yes access to all managed deployments.

Ops Manager limits access of unmanaged MongoDB users and roles, where you set Synced to No, to those users’ and roles’ specific deployments.


Enforce Consistent Set defaults to NO.

To learn how importing MongoDB deployments can affect managing users and roles, see Automation and Updated Security Settings Upon Import.

Add One MongoDB User

Ops Manager Uses Default Hashing Iterations for User Credentials

When you create a MongoDB user via Ops Manager, it uses the default number of iterations for SCRAM-SHA-1 (10,000) and SCRAM-SHA-256 (15,000) to hash user credentials. If you want to use different values, create the user in MongoDB directly.


Click the Add New User button.


Complete the user account fields.

Field Description
  • In the first field, enter the database on which the user authenticates.
  • In the second field, enter a username on that database.

Together, the database and username uniquely identify the user. Though the user has just one authentication database, the user can have privileges on other databases. You grant those privileges when assigning the user roles.

If you are authenticating with an external system, like Kerberos or an LDAP server, add users to the $external database.

Roles Enter any available user-defined roles and built-in roles into this box. The combo box provides a list of existing roles when you click in it.

Enter the user’s password.


If you specified $external as the database in the Identifier, you do not need to specify a password for the new user.

Authentication Restrictions
  1. Click Add Entry.
  2. Add one or more IP addresses and/or CIDR blocks in either the Client Source or Server Address boxes. Separate multiple addresses or blocks with commas.
    • Client Source restricts which addresses this user can authenticate and use the given roles.
    • Server Address restricts the addresses this user can authenticate and has the given roles.
  3. Click Save.
  4. To add another entry, click Add Entry.

Click Add User.


Click Review & Deploy to review your changes.


Click Confirm & Deploy to deploy your changes.

Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.

Edit One MongoDB User Details

Ops Manager Uses Default Hashing Iterations for User Credentials

When you edit a MongoDB user via Ops Manager, it uses the default number of iterations for SCRAM-SHA-1 (10,000) and SCRAM-SHA-256 (15,000) to hash user credentials. If you want to use different values, update the user in MongoDB directly.


Navigate to the MongoDB Users tab for your deployment.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.
  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.
  4. Click the Security tab.
  5. Click MongoDB Users.

Click Edit next to the user you want to modify.


Edit the user’s information.

Field Description
Identifier These values cannot be edited.

Enter any available user-defined roles and built-in roles into this box. The combo box provides a list of existing roles when you click in it.

To remove a role, click the x to the left of that role.


Enter the user’s password.


If you specified $external as the database in the Identifier, you do not need to change this value.

Authentication Restrictions

To add an authentication restriction:

  1. Click Add Entry.
  2. Add one or more IP addresses or CIDR blocks in either the Client Source or Server Address boxes. Separate multiple addresses or blocks with commas.
    • Client Source restricts which addresses this user can authenticate and use the given roles.
    • Server Address restricts the addresses this user can authenticate and has the given roles.
  3. Click Save.
  4. To add another entry, click Add Entry.

To remove an authentication restriction:

  1. Click the x to the right of the authentication restriction.

Click Save Changes.


Click Review & Deploy to review your changes.


Click Confirm & Deploy to deploy your changes.

Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.

Manage or Unmanage MongoDB Users


Navigate to the MongoDB Users tab for your deployment.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.
  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.
  4. Click the Security tab.
  5. Click MongoDB Users.

Click Refresh to discover any unmanaged users in your deployments.

This shows all MongoDB users present in all managed deployments for the Ops Manager project and any potential conflicts.


Select users to manage or unmanage.

Set the Sync switch to Yes for each MongoDB user you want Ops Manager to manage. To manage all MongoDB users for the Ops Manager project, click the Sync All link.

Set the Sync switch to No to unmanage the MongoDB user.

Current Sync State New Sync State What Changes

Ops Manager now manages the user.


If there are any potential conflicts with other discovered users, you will be presented with the option to resolve conflicts.


Ops Manager no longer manages the user.


If Ensure Consistent Set is YES, the user is deleted from all MongoDB databases Ops Manager currently manages for this project.


If Ensure Consistent Set is NO, Ops Manager no longer manages the users in that MongoDB database, but these users can be managed through a direct connection to that database.


Click Review & Deploy to review your changes.


Click Confirm & Deploy to deploy your changes.

Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.


Click Refresh to verify the desired users have been removed from your deployments.

Remove a MongoDB User

The following procedure deletes the MongoDB user from all the project’s managed MongoDB deployments. See also Manage or Unmanage MongoDB Users.


Navigate to the MongoDB Users tab for your deployment.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.
  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.
  4. Click the Security tab.
  5. Click MongoDB Users.

Set the Ensure Consistent Set toggle to YES.


Set the Sync setting for the users to be deleted to OFF.


Click Delete next to the user to delete.


Click Review & Deploy to review your changes.


Click Confirm & Deploy to deploy your changes.

Otherwise, click Cancel and you can make additional changes.


Click Refresh to verify the desired users have been removed from your deployments.

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