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Groups are now projects.

In Ops Manager, MongoDB deployments are associated with projects.

You can create multiple projects in an organization. Each project has its own Monitoring, Backup and Automations associated with the project.

Working with Multiple Environments

For a project, the Monitoring must be able to connect to all hosts it monitors. If you have multiple MongoDB deployments in distinct environments and cannot monitor all deployments with a single agent (for instance, if your environments are separated by firewalls), you will need to add new projects.

You can also use multiple projects and agents if you want to separately monitor different MongoDB deployments that run in the same environment.

Create One Project


  • To create a project for an organization, you must be either an Organization Owner or an Organization Project Creator.
  • When you create a project, you are added as an Project Owner of the project.
  • When you create a project, Ops Manager automatically assigns a set of default alert configurations to the project.

Provide a name and default server type for your Project.

Name Enter the name for this project.
Default Project Server Type

Select the default server type to be applied to all hosts added to this project. This default type overrides the default type set for the parent organization.

Server Intention Environment Purpose License Requirement
Production Server

Hosts your application to your internal or external end users.


If an end user might use an environment, it functions as a Production environment. This applies whether the environment also provides testing, quality assurance, evaluation, or development capabilities.

One license per server
Test/QA Server

This type of environment can be used to:

Test Exercises your application to verify that it works as designed and expected. The platform configuration might be a less performant version of Production in compute, network, and storage capability.
Assure system quality Validates your application against a combination of data, hardware, and software configured to simulate Production. The platform configuration should be a smaller scale of Production in compute, network, and storage capability.
Stage Simulates the Production environment including performance testing and release candidate approval. The platform configuration should mirror Production in compute, network, and storage capability.
One license per server
Development Server Hosts in progress design, code, debugging or some combination thereof for your application. Used to evaluate if the current state of your application can be promoted to another environment. None
RAM Pool Provides any combination of servers for any environment purpose. One license for any number of servers up to the maximum of the total GB of RAM you purchased across these servers.
Backing Database Hosts your Ops Manager backing database. Enable Application Database Monitoring to enable this option. None


  • You can modify this setting in Edit Project Settings
  • You can change the server type for individual hosts.

Optional: Configure LDAP options.

If managing Ops Manager users through LDAP, enter values for the following Optional LDAP Configuration fields .


Multiple LDAP Groups Can Map to One Role

Ops Manager roles can include more than one LDAP group. Type multiple LDAP group names in the relevant role fields separated by two semicolons (;;).

Field Action
LDAP Groups for Project Owner Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which the Project Owners of the Ops Manager project belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
LDAP Groups for Automation Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager project’s Automation Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
LDAP Groups for Backup Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager project’s Backup Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
LDAP Groups for Monitoring Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager project’s Monitoring Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
LDAP Groups for User Admin Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager project’s User Administrators belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).
LDAP Groups for Read Only Role Type the LDAP group(s) to which Ops Manager project’s Read Only Users belong. You can type multiple LDAP groups into this field if they are separated by two semicolons (;;).

Add members to your project.

For existing Ops Manager users, enter their username. Usually, this is the email the person used to register.

For new Ops Manager users, enter their email address to send an invitation.


Specify the access for the members.


Click the Create Project button to create the project.

Move One Project from One Organization to Another


  • To move a project between Organizations, you must have the Organization Owner on the source and target Organization.
  • When you move the Project, Ops Manager removes users that don’t belong to the target Organization.

Choose the Project to move.

  1. Click ellipsis icon to the right of the project you want to move.

  2. Click Move Project.

    The Move Project modal displays.


Choose the target Organization.

  1. Click the target Organization to which you want to move your project.
  2. Click Confirm and Move.

Delete One Project


Deleting a project removes all the project’s artifacts, including all monitoring data. Ops Manager no longer displays the project in selection lists.

You can delete a project if:


View all of your projects.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the office icon Organizations menu in the navigation bar.
  2. Click the Leaf icon in the upper left corner of the page. You can also expand the Projects menu in the navigation bar, then click View All Projects.

Delete the project.

Click the trash icon button for the project you wish to delete to open the Delete Project modal.


Confirm that you want to delete this project.

  1. Click Delete Project.
  2. If Manage Your Two-Factor Authentication Options is enabled, enter the verification code.
  3. Click Delete Project again.

If prompted for authentication, enter the verification code. After verifying, click Delete Project again.


Stop the MongoDB Agents.

Agent Procedure
Automations Stop the agent’s process on each server.
Monitoring See Stop the Monitoring Agent and Remove Monitoring Agents from Ops Manager.
Backup See Stop the Backup Agent and Remove the Backup Agent from Ops Manager.

Additional Information

Use the following procedure to modify project settings:

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