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Migrate from Ops Manager to Atlas

New in Ops Manager version 5.0


To live migrate data from the Ops Manager-managed deployments to clusters in Atlas, you:

  1. Add your deployment to Ops Manager if you haven’t already done so.
  2. Add credentials to Monitoring.
  3. Prepare a cluster in MongoDB Atlas.
  4. Provision a migration host in Ops Manager and connect Ops Manager to Atlas.
  5. Start the live migration process in Atlas.

You begin the process in Atlas, by running the live migration wizard. Depending on the stage in the process, you perform the live migration steps either in Atlas or in Ops Manager. See Workflow for Live Migration.

To live migrate your MongoDB Community deployments to Atlas using Ops Manager, see Migrate a MongoDB Community Deployment to Atlas.


  • You cannot select an M0 free cluster or M2/M5 shared cluster as the source or target for Live Migration. To migrate data from an M0 free cluster or M2/M5 shared cluster to a paid cluster, see Modify a Cluster.

  • The following table lists the current support status for VPC peering and VPC private endpoints for source and target clusters that you live migrate from Ops Manager to MongoDB Atlas.

    To request support for additional providers, submit a request on the MongoDB Feedback page.

    Cloud Provider VPC Peering VPC Private Endpoints
    Azure minus icon minus icon
    AWS check icon star icon minus icon
    GCP minus icon minus icon

    star icon To enable VPC with live migration on AWS:

Supported Platforms

For live migrations of source clusters running MongoDB versions 4.4.x or 5.0.x (FCV), the live migration to Atlas is supported for all platforms on which you can provision a migration host.

Provisioning of the migration host is not supported on Windows or macOS. You can still live migrate your data from a Windows-based deployment to Atlas if you provision your migration host on one of its supported platforms. You can’t live migrate your data from a macOS-based deployment to Atlas.


Before you begin the live migration process, follow these prerequisites.

Add Your Deployment to Ops Manager

Follow the procedure to Add MongoDB Processes.

Add Credentials for Monitoring

When you add your deployment to Ops Manager, you need to add credentials for Monitoring only, not for Automation or Backup. Adding your deployment for Monitoring imports your deployment’s metadata into Ops Manager to help with the live migration process. It doesn’t import your deployment’s actual data. To learn more about authentication credentials, see Authentication Use Cases.

To add credentials for Monitoring:

  1. Create the credentials to the deployment. See Required Access for Monitoring.
  2. Add the credentials based on your project’s authentication mechanism. See Add Authentication Credentials to your Deployment.


If you’re adding your MongoDB deployment to monitoring so that you can live migrate it to Atlas, you don’t need to add credentials for Automation and Backup. To learn more, see Authentication Use Cases.

Request an External IP Address

Request an external IP address for Ops Manager from your network administrator. When you are ready to live migrate data, Atlas uses this address for a link-token it generates. When you run live migration, you push the data from a live deployment in Ops Manager to a provisioned cluster in Atlas using the link-token. You generate this link-token in Atlas in Stage 1 of the live migration process. To learn more, see Live Migrate Your Data from Ops Manager or Cloud Manager.

Create a Cluster in Atlas

Perform these tasks in Atlas:

Workflow for Live Migration

The following diagram describes the stages in the live migration workflow.

"To live migrate your deployment to Atlas, generate a link-token, provision a migration host, and start live migration."

The stages in the live migration workflow are:

  • Stage 1: Link with Atlas. Perform this step in Atlas, after provisioning a cluster.
    1. In the left-side panel of your organization’s page, click Live Migration.
    2. Select Migrate from Ops Manager or Cloud Manager and start the live migration wizard.
    3. If you are migrating from MongoDB Community using Ops Manager, read and accept the Ops Manager Migration Agreement.
    4. In the Generate Link-Token step of the wizard, specify the external IP address for Ops Manager that you obtained from your service administrator. See Prerequisites.
  • Stage 2: Provision Migration Host.
    • In Ops Manager, provision a Migration Host. A migration host is a dedicated MongoDB Agent that orchestrates the live migration process from Ops Manager to Atlas.
    • In the Live Migration: Connect to Atlas section of your Ops Manager organization’s Settings page, select Connect to Atlas and enter the the link-token that you created in Atlas.
  • Stage 3: Start the Migration. In Atlas, follow the steps in the wizard to start the live migration process.

To learn more, see Live Migrate Your Data from Ops Manager or Cloud Manager.

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