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Configure and Resolve Alerts

Ops Manager issues alerts for the conditions configured in your alert settings. When a condition triggers an alert, you receive the alert at regular intervals until the alert resolves or Ops Manager cancels it.

Alert Conditions

When you configure alerts, you specify alert conditions and thresholds. Review the possible alert conditions for which you can trigger alerts related to your clusters.

Configure Alerts

To set which conditions trigger alerts and how Ops Manager notifies users, Configure Alert Settings. You can configure alerts at the organization or project level. Ops Manager provides default alerts at the project level. You can clone existing alerts and configure maintenance window alerts.

Resolve Alerts

When a condition triggers an alert, Ops Manager displays a warning symbol on the cluster and sends alert notifications. Resolve these alerts and work to prevent alert conditions from occurring in the future. To learn how to fix the immediate problem, implement a long-term solution, and monitor your progress, see Resolve Alerts.

Alerts Workflow

When an alert condition is met, the following alert lifecycle begins:


The alert condition is met.

  • For informational alerts like the User joined the organization. alert, Ops Manager sends notifications as soon as the condition is met. These alerts don’t appear in the Ops Manager UI. The informational alerts workflow ends here.

  • Otherwise, Ops Manager retrieves metrics at regular intervals based on granularity. When the retrieved metrics indicate that an alert condition is met, Ops Manager tracks the alert condition until it ends, or until it remains past the amount of time specified in the send if condition lasts at least field.


    If the alert condition ends between sampling periods, Ops Manager doesn’t track the alert condition or send any notifications.


The alert condition remains past the amount of time specified in the send if condition lasts at least field.

Ops Manager sends notifications. The alerts appear on the All Alerts tab (organization alerts) or the Open Alerts tab (project alerts).


The alert remains active until it resolves, or you disable or delete it.

The following stages might occur:

  • You acknowledge the alert. Ops Manager sends no further notifications until either the acknowledgement period ends, you resolve the alert condition, or you unacknowledge the alert. If an alert condition ends during an acknowledgment period, Ops Manager sends a notification.
  • You unacknowledge an alert that you previously acknowledged. After you unacknowledge an active alert, Ops Manager resumes sending notifications at regular intervals until the condition resolves or you delete, disable, or re-acknowledge the alert.
  • You disable the alert. Ops Manager cancels active alerts related to the setting. A disabled alert setting remains visible but grayed-out and you can later re-enable it.
  • You enable an alert that you previously disabled.
  • You delete the alert. Ops Manager cancels active alerts related to the setting. A deleted alert setting does not remain visible.
  • The alert condition resolves. The alert appears on the All Alerts tab (organization alerts) or the Closed Alerts tab (project alerts).
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