- Create or Import a MongoDB Deployment >
- Deploy MongoDB Resources Using Kubernetes >
- Configure Kubernetes for Deploying MongoDB Resource
Configure Kubernetes for Deploying MongoDB Resource¶
On this page
You can use the Kubernetes Operator to deploy MongoDB resources such as a replica set, a sharded cluster, or a standalone instance using an object. Ops Manager can generate the YAML files you need to configure your Kubernetes environment for deploying a MongoDB Database resource.
To generate the YAML files:
- Verify Permissions
- Navigate to the Kubernetes Setup Page in the Ops Manager UI
- Set Up Kubernetes for a MongoDB Resource
Verify Permissions¶
You must have one of the following roles to access the Ops Manager UI for setting up Kubernetes:
Set Up Kubernetes for a MongoDB Resource¶
The MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator requires a Kubernetes ConfigMap to create or link your Ops Manager project.
Using the Kubernetes ConfigMap, you can either connect to a HTTPS-enabled Ops Manager that is using a custom CA or link to a Ops Manager project that isn’t using a custom CA.
You can use the Ops Manager Kubernetes Setup page to automatically generate the ConfigMap. The generated YAML file for the ConfigMap looks similar to the following:
- Using a Custom CA
- Not Using a Custom CA
You need to store your Programmatic API Key as a Kubernetes secret to create or update Kubernetes objects in your Ops Manager project. A Kubernetes secret stores authentication credentials so only Kubernetes can access them.
Setting up Template files and Configuration Parameters¶
To generate the YAML files, you must do the following:
Create a secret file with your API keys.¶
Create a YAML file that contains your Programmatic API Key in the /mongodb-ops-manager/
Create a ConfigMap to link to your Ops Manager instance.¶
Create a YAML file that contains the ConfigMap to connect to your
HTTPS-enabled Ops Manager instance in the /mongodb-ops-manager/
Configure the Ops Manager settings for Kubernetes.¶
In your server’s conf-mms.properties
file, configure the
following settings:
To learn more about these settings, see Kubernetes Setup.
Generating the YAML Files¶
To setup Kubernetes for a MongoDB resource:
- Using a Custom CA
- Not Using a Custom CA
In the Kubernetes Setup page, toggle the switch for Configure HTTPS-enabled Ops Manager Using a Custom CA from OFF to ON to generate a ConfigMap for HTTPS-enabled Ops Manager that is using a custom CA.¶
In the CA ConfigMap Name field, enter the name of your ConfigMap containing the root CA certificate in the same namespace as your database pods.¶
Optional: Select the Require Valid Server Certificate checkbox to force the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to require a valid TLS certificate from Ops Manager.¶
Enter the IP addresses to add to your Ops Manager project’s IP access list to grant programmatic access from your Kubernetes environment.¶
If you disabled the mms.publicApi.whitelistEnabled
setting in
your Ops Manager configuration, the
Access List Entry field is not visible in the UI.
Generate ConfigMap and Kubernetes secret YAML files.¶
To generate the ConfigMap and Kubernetes secret YAML files:
- Click Generate Key and YAML if you are generating new API keys.
- Click Generate YAML if you are using existing API keys.