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Deployment Prerequisites

System Requirements

Hardware and Software

Each host must meet the following requirements.

  • At least 10 GB of free disk space plus whatever space is necessary to hold your MongoDB data.
  • At least 4 GB of RAM.
  • If you use AWS EC2 instances, you should use a minimum of an m3.medium instance.
  • The MongoDB Agent must be installed only on 64-bit architectures.

Server Networking Access

The hosts that serve the MongoDB deployments must:

  • Have full networking access to each other through their FQDNs. Each host must be able to reach every other host through the FQDN. To find the FQDN for each host, run the following command in the shell:

    hostname -f
  • Resolve each FQDN to a unique IP address. Run the following command in the shell to resolve the FQDN:

    dig +short
  • Set the Common Name or Subject Alternative Name value of any SSL certificates to the MongoDB host’s FQDN.

The network configuration must allow each MongoDB Agent to make a direct connection to every MongoDB deployment listed on the Deployment page. Ops Manager does not support port forwarding.

Backup and Monitoring

Ops Manager supports backup and monitoring only for MongoDB version 3.6 and later.

MongoDB 4.2 Backup Support

Enabling backup on MongoDB 4.2 hosts with an FCV of 4.2 has the following impact:

  • Increased disk usage, disk I/O, and network I/O on each MongoDB 4.2 host with backup enabled while a snapshot is being taken.
  • Increased inbound network load to the Ops Manager host or hosts while a snapshot is being taken.
  • Snapshots and backups use no storage capacity on Ops Manager application or Backup Daemon hosts.

MongoDB Agent System User Permissions

If you want the MongoDB Agent to manage your MongoDB deployments, the MongoDB Agent System User must have permission:

  • To stop the MongoDB processes. The MongoDB Agent System User restarts the processes using the agent’s own set of MongoDB binaries.

    If you had installed MongoDB with a package manager, use the same package manager to install the MongoDB Agent. This gives the MongoDB Agent the same owner as MongoDB.

  • To Read and Write the MongoDB data directories and log directories.

  • Set to the same user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) of the MongoDB process to be automated. If the MongoDB processes to be automated are not running as the same user and group, the Agent cannot manage those processes.


    If your MongoDB Agent runs as the mongod system user in the mongod system group, the MongoDB process must also run as the mongod system user in the mongod system group.


    On Microsoft Windows systems, the MongoDB Agent, and therefore the mongod or mongos services it manages, run as Windows services as the SYSTEM user. The existing MongoDB process should run as either SYSTEM or Administrator before adding it to Automation.

Installation Options

Installing MongoDB Enterprise Dependencies


If you want to run MongoDB Enterprise, you must manually install a set of dependencies to each host before installing MongoDB. Automation cannot install MongoDB Enterprise if these dependencies are not installed.

sudo apt-get install \
     libcurl4 libgssapi-krb5-2 libldap-2.4-2 liblzma5 \
     libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules \
     libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit libwrap0 openssl snmp

Installing to a Host Before Installing MongoDB

If you deploy the MongoDB Agent to a host onto which you want to have Automation install MongoDB, ensure the system user that owns the MongoDB Agent has Read and Write permissions on the MongoDB data and log directories you plan to use.

Installing to a Host that Already Runs MongoDB

If you install the MongoDB Agent to a host on which Automation is managing a MongoDB process, the MongoDB Agent system user must have the following permissions:

  • To stop the MongoDB process. The MongoDB Agent restarts the process using its own set of MongoDB binaries. If you had installed MongoDB with a package manager, use the same package manager to install the MongoDB Agent. This gives the MongoDB Agent the same owner as MongoDB.
  • To Read and Write to the MongoDB data and log directories.
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