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Resolve Pre-flight Check Failure

When you start Ops Manager in Local Mode, Ops Manager performs a pre-flight check. This check verifies if you downloaded all the MongoDB binary archives for at least one platform of the needed MongoDB versions to the Versions Directory on the Ops Manager server. If these binaries were not downloaded, Ops Manager fails this check and stops.

To pass the pre-flight check, you can either:

  • Install all of the binaries for every version of MongoDB you need in the Versions Directory or
  • Reconfigure Ops Manager temporarily so it can start, then change the versions of MongoDB your Ops Manager server supports.

This tutorial outlines the steps to configure Ops Manager temporarily to resolve the pre-flight check failure and return to Local Mode setting.

Change Configuration File to Allow Ops Manager to Start

To reconfigure Ops Manager temporarily:


Open the Ops Manager configuration properties file.

On your Ops Manager host, open the Ops Manager configuration properties file. The configuration properties file is located in the following path:


Update the configuration file to change the source for MongoDB binaries.

Add the following line to change the source for the MongoDB binaries to be via the internet.


Save and close the file.


Repeat for each Ops Manager host. (Optional)

If you run Ops Manager with high availability, you must repeat the previous step on each Ops Manager host.


Start the Ops Manager service on each Ops Manager host.

sudo service mongodb-mms start

If you run Ops Manager with high availability, you must repeat this step on each Ops Manager host.


Ensure you have downloaded MongoDB binaries in your Versions Directory.

For the selected versions, ensure that you have downloaded and placed the archived binaries in the Versions Directory for every project in Ops Manager.

Once you have changed which versions you want to support, continue to the Return to Local Mode procedure.

Return to Local Mode

Once you have resolved the pre-flight check errors, proceed with the following steps to run Ops Manager in Local Mode.

If these steps are not completed, Ops Manager remains in Internet mode and displays a notice in the configuration page notifying you that the Local Mode setting in your overrides this setting.

To revert to Local Mode:


Open the Ops Manager configuration properties file.

On your Ops Manager host, open the Ops Manager configuration properties file. The configuration properties file is located in the following path:


Delete the automation.versions.source line.

Remove the following line to revert the change you made in the previous procedure and re-enables Local Mode.


Save and close the file.


Repeat the previous steps on each Ops Manager host. (Optional)

If you run Ops Manager with high availability, you must repeat the previous steps on each Ops Manager host.


Restart the Ops Manager service on each Ops Manager host.

sudo service mongodb-mms restart
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