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Rotate Keyfile

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If your cluster uses keyfile authentication, it is recommended that you rotate the keyfile periodically. Ops Manager provides an automated procedure for keyfile rotation with no downtime.

To rotate the keyfile using the API instead of the user interface, see Rotate a Key File with the API.


To perform a rolling keyfile rotation:

  • Authentication must be enabled.
  • At least one cluster in the project must be configured with the clusterAuthMode option set to keyFile or sendKeyFile.
  • All clusters in the project must be running MongoDB version 4.2 or higher.



Click Rotate Keyfile.

The Rotate Keyfile button is in the Auth Mechanisms section.

Screenshot of Security screen.

Review your changes.

  1. Click Review & Deploy.
  2. The modal window contains a summary of the keyfile rotation procedure. If it all looks correct, click Confirm & Deploy.
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