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Start and Stop the Backup Daemon

The Ops Manager Application manages backups for FCV 4.2 and later. To ensure high availability of backups, deploy sufficient number of Ops Manager hosts with a load balancer. To learn how to deploy Ops Manager with high availability, see Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Application.


Backups depend upon which version of MongoDB your database is compatible. This Feature Compatibility Version ranges from the current version to one version earlier. For example, with MongoDB 5.0, the FCV can be 4.4 or 5.0. Backup changed with the MongoDB 4.2. Backup configuration and execution changed between FCV 4.0 and FCV 4.2.

Even though we recommend that you deploy Ops Manager with high availability, for FCV 4.2 and later, you must run at least one Backup Daemon on a server.

The following procedure demontrates how to start and stop the Backup Daemon on a server.


  1. Start the Backup Daemon:

    /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon start
  2. Stop the Backup Daemon:

    /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon stop
  3. Restart the Backup Daemon:

    /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon restart
  4. Check the status of the Backup Daemon:

    /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon status

Additional Information

To learn about creating and using multipe backup daemons, see Multiple Backup Daemons.

To move jobs from a lost Backup server to another Backup server, see Move Jobs from a Lost Backup Daemon to another Backup Daemon.

To learn how to deploy Ops Manager with high availability, see Configure a Highly Available Ops Manager Application.

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