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Stop Managing and/or Monitoring One Deployment

Ops Manager uses Automation to manage your deployments but can monitor and back up your deployments without Automation.

If you no longer want to use Ops Manager for one or both of these capabilities, you can stop Ops Manager from either:

  • Managing your deployment while still monitoring it and backing it up, or
  • Managing, monitoring, and backing up your deployment

After you stop Ops Manager from managing a deployment, you cannot use Ops Manager to upgrade, stop, start, or change that deployment’s configuration in any way. If you want to shut down your deployment before stop Ops Manager from managing it, do that first. Otherwise, you must connect to each process using mongosh to shut down the process directly.

If you stop using Ops Manager to monitor your deployment, any associated snapshots are deleted and all historic monitoring data is removed.

Stopping Ops Manager from managing or monitoring your deployment does not affect the deployment’s mongod and mongos processes. These processes continue to run uninterrupted unless you explicitly shut it down first.


Restore a Previously Removed Host

If you have not completely removed a host from Ops Manager and want to restore that host, you can reimport the deleted MongoDB process.

If you have completely removed a host from Ops Manager, you need to undelete that host first. To search for a deleted host, you must have the Global Owner role.

To locate and undelete a previously deleted host:

  1. Navigate to the Deployment view.
  2. From the More menu, click Deleted Hosts.
  3. Select the trash icon to undelete the host.

After the host has been undeleted, you can import existing process procedure.


If your host does not appear in the Deleted Hosts list, you should be able to reimport the process immediately.

MongoDB Agent Binaries

If you stop using Ops Manager to manage a deployment and completely remove the deployment from Ops Manager, Ops Manager deletes the binaries under the MongoDB Agent’s /bin directory.


This tutorial explains how to stop Ops Manager Automation from managing your deployment. You may need to complete some additional tasks before you remove your deployment from Ops Manager Automation. The following table highlights which actions you need to take before starting this tutorial.

If you want to… You first need to…
Stop monitoring a deployment Stop backing up the deployment
Terminate a deployment Shut down the deployment
Stop Ops Manager from managing a Sharded Cluster

Shut down any mongos processes associated with a sharded cluster.

The Remove from Ops Manager option is unavailable for running mongos processes.



As an alternative to disabling automation for a deployment, you can temporarily suspend automation for that deployment.

This is useful if you need to temporarily shut down the deployment for maintenance, and do not want Ops Manager to automatically start the deployment back up until you are ready.


Click the ellipsis icon next to the desired deployment.


Select Remove from Ops Manager.


Choose to stop managing and/or monitoring the deployment.

Select one of the following:

Unmanage this item in Ops Manager but continue to monitor Removes the process from management only. You can no longer control the process through Ops Manager, but Ops Manager continues to display its status and track its metrics.
Completely remove from Ops Manager Removes the processes from both management and monitoring. Ops Manager no longer displays the process.

Confirm that you want automation and/or monitoring disabled for the deployment.

  1. Click Remove <Deployment>.

    <Deployment> stands in for the deployment being removed: Sharded Cluster, Replica Set or Standalone

  2. If prompted for a verification code, enter the code and then click Remove <Deployment> again.


Click Review & Deploy to review your changes.

Ops Manager displays your proposed changes.

  1. If you are satisfied, click Confirm & Deploy.
  2. If you want to make further configuration changes, click Cancel. Click Modify for the cluster to make additional changes.
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