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Update from all legacy Agents

    You have a project with automated MongoDB deployments with Monitoring, Backup, or both and want to update to the MongoDB Agent.

    Review the Prerequisites First

    If you want to start or continue using Automation to manage your MongoDB deployments, please review the MongoDB Agent Prerequisites before updating to the MongoDB Agent.



    Log in to the Ops Manager Application.


    Optional: Unmanage Any Unique Indexes.

    If you upgrade from Ops Manager 4.0 to 4.2 or later, edit each deployment to remove any unique indexes from management.

    Ops Manager 4.2 and later differs from 4.0 in how it manages index. To view, create, or delete indexes after this upgrade, use Data Explorer.


    Don’t drop your unique indexes. You need only remove them from management.


    From the notification banner, click Update All Agents.

    The Update to MongoDB Agent page opens to start the update process. The Introducing the MongoDB Agent step displays. When you have finished reading this step, click Next.


    Optional: Add any existing configuration options for your legacy Agents that Automation did not manage.

    If Automation did not manage your Backup or Monitoring Agents, you can add any Backup or Monitoring settings you had before at the Add Custom Configuration Options for your MongoDB Agent (Optional) step.

    Deployments using Kerberos Authentication

    Don’t add either of the following settings from the legacy Agents:

    • krb5Principal
    • krb5Keytab

    Your legacy Agents authenticated with Kerberos as separate database users. Because the MongoDB Agent combines the functions of the legacy Agents, it employs a single database user. To upgrade to the MongoDB Agent and continue using Kerberos, you must:

    1. Create a new Kerberos User Principal and database user for the MongoDB Agent.
    2. Update the Agent authentication configuration in the Ops Manager Authentication & TLS settings with the new MongoDB Agent Principal and Keytab files.

    You can remove the legacy Monitoring and Backup Agent users after updating to the MongoDB Agent.

    To add options that you had for your Backup Agent and Monitoring Agent:

    1. Under the Backup Configurations section:
      1. Type the desired setting in the Setting box and its corresponding value in the Value box.
      2. To add more than one Setting, click the + Add Setting link. Another row appears.
      3. Repeat until all settings have been added.
    2. Under the Monitoring Configurations section:
      1. Type the desired setting in the Setting box and the corresponding value in the Value box.
      2. To add more than one Setting, click the + Add Setting link. Another row appears.
      3. Repeat until all settings have been added.
    3. Once you have added all the settings necessary for your deployment, click Next.

    You can click the trash icon to remove any settings that you have added.


    Ops Manager does not validate any of these settings. Make sure that the settings and values are correct.


    Update automated hosts to MongoDB Agent.

    If your project has hosts that use Automation, you can update the Agents on those hosts to the MongoDB Agent.

    1. Click Update All.
    2. Wait until all hosts show Updated.
    3. Click Next.


    All authentication SCRAM, LDAP, and Kerberos credentials from legacy Agents are retained after the update. All .pem key files are retained as well.

    All credentials for the legacy Agents are migrated to the MongoDB Agent.

    • The legacy Automation Agent credentials become the MongoDB Agent credentials used for Automation. These credentials should not need modification. However, if you need to modify them, navigate to Deployment arrow right icon Security arrow right icon Authentication & TLS arrow right icon Edit Settings.
    • The legacy Monitoring Agent credentials can be modified from Deployment arrow right icon Processes arrow right icon ellipsis icon arrow right icon Monitoring Settings arrow right icon Credentials.
    • The legacy Backup Agent credentials can be modified from Continuous Backup arrow right icon Overview arrow right icon <Deployment to Backup> arrow right icon ellipsis icon under Options column arrow right icon Edit Credentials.

    Finish the installation of the MongoDB Agent.

    At the Final Steps modal, the legacy Backup and Monitoring Agents are put into standby mode. Click Finish.

    Next Steps

    After the MongoDB Agent update completes:

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