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Upgrade Ops Manager

  • Ubuntu/Debian
  • Linux

This tutorial describes how to upgrade an existing Ops Manager installation.

Upgrade Path


Ops Manager unintentionally and temporarily disables TLS/SSL when upgrading Ops Manager from version 4.2.0 through 4.2.23 to version 4.4.x. This behavior is a bug and may expose deployments to risk.

Upgrade to Ops Manager 4.2.24 or later, then upgrade to Ops Manager 4.4.

The version of your existing Ops Manager installation determines the upgrade path you must take to upgrade to Ops Manager 4.4 or later.


  • To ensure a successful upgrade, you must follow the upgrade path for your existing version to perform necessary database migrations.
  • To protect your data, Ops Manager refuses to start direct upgrades from versions 1.8.x and 2.0.x to version 3.4 or later.
  • There are no supported downgrade paths for Ops Manager.

The following table lists upgrade paths for all versions:

Existing Version Upgrade Path
5.0.x Use the procedure on this page to upgrade from Ops Manager 5.0.x to the latest patch version of 5.0.

Use the procedure on this page to upgrade from Ops Manager 4.4.x to the latest patch version of 4.4. Then, upgrade to the latest patch version of 5.0.


Ops Manager version 4.4.13 fixes a bug that would re-enable Ops Manager instances for API writes during an upgrade.


Use the procedure on this page to upgrade from Ops Manager 4.2.x to 4.2.24 or later first, then to the latest patch version of 4.4.

An unintentional and temporary disabling of TLS occurs when upgrading to versions earlier than 4.2.24. Upgrading to 4.2.24 first avoids this outcome.


Use the v4.2 upgrade tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 4.0.x to version 4.2.24 or later.

An unintentional and temporary disabling of TLS occurs when upgrading to versions earlier than 4.2.24. Upgrading to 4.2.24 first avoids this outcome.

3.6.x Use the v4.0 upgrade tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.6.x to version 4.0.x.
3.4.x Use the v3.6 upgrade tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 3.4.x to version 3.6.x.
2.x or earlier Use the v3.4 upgrade tutorial to upgrade from Ops Manager 2.x or earlier.


To maintain existing settings and availability, back up the following in your current Ops Manager instance:

  • and gen.key files to a secure location. The stores settings for the Ops Manager instance. The gen.key provides details to encrypt and decrypt Ops Managers backing databases and user credentials. Ops Manager might delete these files as part of the upgrade process.
  • Application Database. If the upgrade fails, you need a current backup to restore your Ops Manager instance. Use mongodump to back up your Application Database.


Before upgrading Ops Manager from 4.2 to 5.0, review the following considerations:

Connection Strings

Use standard connection strings when connecting to the AppDB during the upgrade procedure. Using DNS SRV connection strings can cause the upgrade to fail.

Backing Databases

Ops Manager 5.0.0 requires a minimum of MongoDB 4.2.0 for Ops Manager backing databases.


Your MongoDB version for Ops Manager backing databases can’t be later than your Ops Manager version.

Compatible MongoDB Tools

If Ops Manager manages your MongoDB Tools, the tool versions are upgraded when you upgrade Ops Manager.

If you run Ops Manager 5.0.x in local mode, you must download and install a compatible version of the MongoDB Tools TGZ package to the versions directory.

Ops Manager Server Versions Compatible MongoDB Database Tools Version
5.0.19, 5.0.20 100.6.1
5.0.16, 5.0.17, 5.0.18 100.6.0
5.0.12, 5.0.13, 5.0.14, 5.0.15 100.5.3
5.0.7, 5.0.8, 5.0.9, 5.0.10, 5.0.11 100.5.2
5.0.6 100.5.1
5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3, 5.0.4, 5.0.5 100.4.0
5.0.0 100.3.1

To access older versions of the MongoDB Tools, click Archived releases on the Download page.

Personal API Keys

Ops Manager 5.0 removes the use of Personal API Keys.

Platform Support Changes

Ops Manager 5.0 and later make the following changes to supported platforms:

  • Removes support of the Windows platform.
  • Maintains support for managing MongoDB deployments that run on Windows 2016, 2019, 2020.
  • Removes support for managing MongoDB deployments with the MongoDB Agent that runs on Ubuntu 16.x on the PowerPC (ppc64le) architecture.

To learn more about supported platforms for running Ops Manager on, see Ops Manager Software Requirements.

Rapid Release Versions

Rapid Release versions will not be released for Ops Manager 5.0 and later.

Security Remediation

Ops Manager upgraded all third party dependencies to recent versions. This addresses existing security vulnerabilities.

Snapshots during Resharding

You may not be able to restore a Ops Manager snapshot taken during a resharding operation of a MongoDB 5.0 sharded cluster. A subsequent Ops Manager 5.0.x release will remove this limitation.


Hardware and Software Requirements

Your servers must meet the Ops Manager System Requirements.

Potential for Production Failure

Your Ops Manager instance can fail in production if you fail to configure the following:

If your backing databases run the MMAPv1 storage engine, the upgrade process fails. Ops Manager prompts you to upgrade the storage engine for those backing databases to WiredTiger.

Administrator Privileges

You must have administrator privileges on the servers on which you perform the upgrade.

Download Software from MongoDB

To download the software, click the download link available on the customer downloads page. MongoDB provides the URL of that page to its customers.

  • If you can’t access this link, visit the download page for a current evaluation copy of the Ops Manager software.
  • If you need an earlier version of the Ops Manager software, visit the Release Archive.

Download Software to Run in Local Mode

If you plan to run Ops Manager in Local Mode, download the MongoDB software to your versions library directory. The required software includes:

Platform Compatibility

Before you upgrade Ops Manager, make sure:

If you upgraded the platform for the MongoDB Agent hosts, upgrade the MongoDB Agents before upgrading Ops Manager.


Upgrade Mode for Highly Available Ops Manager Applications

If you have an Ops Manager 4.4 installation with more than one Ops Manager host pointing to the same Application Database, you can upgrade Ops Manager to a newer 4.4 version without incurring monitoring downtime. During this upgrade, Ops Manager enters a state known as Upgrade Mode. The benefits of this mode are that throughout the upgrade process:

  • Alerts and monitoring operate
  • Ops Manager instances remain live
  • Ops Manager Application may be accessed in read-only mode
  • Ops Manager APIs that write or delete data are disabled

Your Ops Manager instance stays in Upgrade Mode until all Ops Manager hosts have been upgraded and restarted.

You should not upgrade more than one Ops Manager host at a time.

When Ops Manager enters upgrade mode, the Backup Daemons attempt to stop themselves. This process can fail if the Daemons are in the middle of a long backup job. In this case, do one of the following:

  • Restart the first Ops Manager instance once the Backup Daemons finish the job.
  • Stop the Backup Daemons manually.

To manually stop your Backup Daemons:

  1. Log into the first host that serves a Backup Daemon.

  2. Issue the following command:

    sudo service mongodb-mms-backup-daemon stop
  3. Verify that you shut down the Backup Daemon:

    ps -ef | grep mongodb-mms-backup-daemon

    If the Backup Daemon continues to run, issue this command:

    sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb-mms-backup-daemon stop
  4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 with every other Backup Daemon host.

If you’re running your Ops Manager Application in a high availability configuration, complete this procedure on one Ops Manager host at a time.

Use this procedure to upgrade the Ops Manager Application on hosts installed using deb packages:


Download the latest version of the Ops Manager package.

  1. Open your preferred browser to visit the MongoDB Download Center on

    If you start on instead of following the link above, click Products arrow right icon Ops Manager arrow right icon Try it now.

  2. From the Platforms dropdown menu, click Ubuntu 18.04.

  3. From the Packages dropdown menu, click DEB for x86_64 architecture.

  4. Click Download.

    The downloaded package is named mongodb-mms-<version>.x86_64.deb, where <version> is the version number.


Stop your first running Ops Manager instance.

Issue the following command to stop the Ops Manager Application:

sudo service mongodb-mms stop

Install the Ops Manager package on the host that you are upgrading.

Upgrade Mode for Highly Available Ops Manager Applications

If you have an Ops Manager 4.4 installation with more than one Ops Manager host pointing to the same Application Database, this Ops Manager deployment runs with high availability. After you upgrade one Ops Manager host of a highly available Ops Manager deployment, that deployment enters Upgrade Mode.

  1. Install the .deb package on each Ops Manager Application and Backup Daemon host. Issue the following command, where <version> is the version of the .deb package:

    sudo dpkg -i mongodb-mms_<version>_x86_64.deb
  2. When prompted whether to overwrite the currently installed version of mms.conf, you should type Y to replace the existing file.

  3. If you modified the ports or the JVM settings that Ops Manager uses, you need to re-apply those changes to the mms.conf file after Ops Manager is upgraded.


    Don’t add passwords or secrets to JVM arguments in the mms.conf file. Ops Manager exposes them as plain text in the diagnostic archives.

    The upgrade to Ops Manager 4.1 and 4.2 removed the -d64 flag from the JAVA_MMS_UI_OPTS parameter.

  4. When upgrading to Ops Manager 4.4.11, Ops Manager prompts you to choose which version of the /opt/mongodb/mms/conf/ file it should use. To avoid having to manually reconfigure Ops Manager, choose the current file. For more information, see 4.4.11 Release Notes.


Start Ops Manager on the upgraded host.

sudo service mongodb-mms start


In high availability instances of Ops Manager, the Backup Daemon waits for all nodes to upgrade before starting.

Log into your upgraded Ops Manager host after it restarts. If your login succeeds, the upgrade succeeded.


[Optional] Repeat the preceding steps for all other Ops Manager hosts in your High Availability deployment.


The logs that generate from starting Ops Manager service can be expected to temporarily pause logging at Starting pre-flight checks until all Ops Manager servers upgrade to the same version.

If your upgrade is successful, repeat steps 1 to 4 on the next host in your high availability Ops Manager deployment.


Update all Agents.

Once your upgrade has finished, login to your Ops Manager instance. Ops Manager displays a banner that says One or more agents are out of date.

Click Update All Agents, then confirm the changes.


If Ops Manager manages your MongoDB Tools, the tool versions are upgraded with the agents.

If Ops Manager manages your BI Connector, the BI Connector version is upgraded with the agents.


Unrecognized VM option

The pre-flight check output or startup log should include an error like Unrecognized VM option 'UseParNewGC'. This error may occur if any of the following files have been edited:

  • /etc/rc.d/init.d/mongodb-mms
  • mms.conf

Remove -XX:+UseParNewGC from the config files to resolve this issue.

Illegal Reflective Access
This warning displays due to the version of the Guice library that Ops Manager uses. You can safely ignore this warning.
Configuration Setting Changes

Ops Manager may replace any changes you made to your configuration file on upgrade, depending on Linux distribution and local configurations.

When upgrading, you may want to update the mongo.mongoUri value to include the new parameters introduced with the MongoDB Java driver. By default, this driver enables retryable reads and retryable writes. If you set custom logic to retry reads and writes, the attempts now may take too long. To disable these default values, add the following to your connection string:



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