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MongoDB Ops Manager

Add Existing MongoDB Processes to Ops Manager

On this page

  • Considerations
  • Prerequisites
  • Procedures

Ops Manager provides a wizard for adding your existing MongoDB deployments to monitoring and management. The wizard prompts you to:

  • Install the MongoDB Agent if you don't have it installed

  • Identify the sharded cluster, the replica set, or the standalone to add. You can choose to add the deployment to Monitoring or to both Monitoring and Automation.

    If you are adding a deployment that you intend to live migrate to Atlas, you need to add the deployment (and its credentials) only for Monitoring.

Deployments must have unique names within the projects.


Replica set, sharded cluster, and shard names within the same project must be unique. Failure to have unique names for the deployments will result in broken backup snapshots.

Automation doesn't support all MongoDB options, which can result in failed import attempts. To learn more, see MongoDB Settings and Automation Support.

If you enable TLS, the FQDN for the host serving a MongoDB process must match the SAN for the TLS certificate on that host.


To prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, keep the scope of TLS certificates as narrow as possible. Although you can use one TLS certificate with many SANs, or a wildcard TLS certificate on each host, you should not. To learn more, see RFC 2818, section 3.1.

Set up a preferred hostname if you:

  • Require a specific hostname, FQDN, IPv4 address or IPv6 address to access the MongoDB process, or

  • Must specify the hostname to use for hosts with multiple aliases.

To learn more, see the Preferred Hostnames setting in Project Settings.

If you have not completely removed a host from Ops Manager and want to restore that host, you can reimport the deleted MongoDB process.

If you have completely removed a host from Ops Manager, you need to undelete that host first. To search for a deleted host, you must have the Global Owner role.

To locate and undelete a previously deleted host:

  1. Navigate to the Deployment view.

  2. From the More menu, click Deleted Hosts.

  3. Select the to undelete the host.

After the host has been undeleted, you can import existing process procedure.


If your host does not appear in the Deleted Hosts list, you should be able to reimport the process immediately.

If you are adding an existing MongoDB process that runs as a Windows Service to Automation, Automation:

  • Stops and disables the existing service

  • Creates and starts a new service

If the Ops Manager project has MongoDB authentication settings enabled for its deployments, the MongoDB deployment you import must support the project's authentication mechanism.

We recommend that you import to a new destination project that has no running processes and doesn't have authentication enabled.

If the source cluster uses authentication, and the destination Ops Manager project doesn't have any existing managed processes, Ops Manager enables authentication in the destination project, imports the existing keyfile from the source cluster, and uses it to authenticate the user that conducts the import process.

If the source cluster and the destination Ops Manager project both use authentication, and the project has processes, Ops Manager attempts to use existing authentication settings in the destination project during the import process. For the import process to succeed, authentication credentials on the source cluster and the Ops Manager destination project must be the same.

To ensure that import is successful, before you start the import process, add the Ops Manager destination project's credentials on the source cluster. To learn more, see Rotate Keys for Replica Set or Rotate Keys for Sharded Clusters.

If your MongoDB deployment requires authentication, when you add the deployment to Ops Manager for monitoring, you must provide the necessary credentials.

  • If the deployment doesn't use Automation, but did use Backup, Monitoring, or both, you can find those credentials where the credentials were before updating to the MongoDB Agent.

  • If the deployment doesn't use Automation, but will use Backup, Monitoring, or both:

    1. Create the credentials for the MongoDB Deployment. To learn more, see Required Access for MongoDB Agent for Monitoring and Required Access for MongoDB Agent for Backup.

    2. Add the credentials that you granted to those functions to Ops Manager after you add the MongoDB processes. To learn more, see Add Credentials for Monitoring and Add Credentials for Backup.

  • If the deployment uses Automation, Ops Manager uses the credentials from the MongoDB Agent. You can delete the credentials from the legacy Backup, and Monitoring Agents. The MongoDB Agent uses those credentials for its Automation, Backup, and Monitoring functions.

  • If the deployment will use Automation but didn't use it before you import it, add the mms-automation user to the database processes you imported and add the user's credentials to Ops Manager.

To learn more, see Add Credentials for Automation.

Adding a MongoDB deployment to automation may affect the security settings of the Ops Manager project and the MongoDB deployment.

  • Automation enables the Project Security Setting. If the MongoDB deployment requires authentication but the Ops Manager project doesn't have authentication settings enabled, when you add the MongoDB deployment to automation, Ops Manager updates the project's security settings to the security settings of the newly imported deployment.

    The import process only updates the Ops Manager project's security setting if the project's security setting is currently disabled. The import process doesn't disable the project's security setting or change its enabled authentication mechanism.

  • Automation Imports MongoDB Users and Roles. The following statements apply to situations where a MongoDB deployment requires authentication or the Ops Manager project has authentication settings enabled.

    If the MongoDB deployment contains users or user-defined roles, you can choose to import these users and roles for Ops Manager to manage. The imported users and roles are Synced to all managed deployments in the Ops Manager project.

    • If you set the project's Enforce Consistent Set value to Yes, Ops Manager deletes from the MongoDB deployments those users and roles that are not imported.

    • If you set the project's Enforce Consistent Set value to No, Ops Manager stops managing non-imported users and roles in the project. These users and roles remain in the MongoDB deployment. To manage these users and roles, you must connect directly to the MongoDB deployment.

    If you don't want the Ops Manager project to manage specific users and roles, use the Authentication & Users and Authentication & Roles pages to remove these users and roles during import before you confirm and deploy the changes. To learn more, see Manage or Unmanage MongoDB Users.

    If the imported MongoDB deployment already has mms-backup-agent and mms-monitoring-agent users in its admin database, the import process overrides these users' roles with the roles for mms-backup-agent and mms-monitoring-agent users as set in the Ops Manager project.

  • Automation Applies to All Deployments in the Project. The project's updated security settings, including all users and roles managed by the Ops Manager project, apply to all deployments in the project, including the imported MongoDB deployment.

    Ops Manager restarts all deployments in the project with the new setting, including the imported MongoDB deployment. After import, all deployments in the project use the Ops Manager automation keyfile upon restart.

    The deployment that you import must use the same keyfile as the existing processes in the destination project or the import process may not proceed. To learn more, see Authentication Credentials on Source and Destination Clusters.

    If the existing deployments in the project require a different security profile from the imported process, create a new project into which you can import the source MongoDB deployment.

The following examples apply to situations where the MongoDB deployment requires authentication or the Ops Manager project has authentication settings enabled.

If you import the MongoDB users and custom roles, once the Ops Manager project begins to manage the MongoDB deployment, the following happens, regardless of the Enforce Consistent Set value:

  • The Ops Manager project enables authentication, manages imported users and roles, and syncs the new users and roles to all its managed deployments.

  • The MongoDB deployment's access control is enabled and requires authentication. The MongoDB deployment has all users and roles that the Ops Manager project manages. These users and roles have Synced set to Yes.

If you don't import the MongoDB users and custom roles, once the Ops Manager project begins to manage the MongoDB deployment, the following happens:

If Enforce Consistent Set is set to Yes:

  • The Ops Manager project enables authentication and doesn't change its managed users and roles.

  • The MongoDB deployment's access control is enabled and requires authentication.

  • Ops Manager deletes the non-imported MongoDB users and roles from the deployment.

  • The MongoDB deployment has all users and roles that the Ops Manager project manages. These users and roles have Synced set to Yes.

If Enforce Consistent Set is set to No:

  • The Ops Manager project enables authentication and doesn't change its security settings, including users and roles.

  • The MongoDB deployment's access control is enabled and requires authentication.

  • The non-imported MongoDB users and roles remain in the MongoDB deployment.

  • The MongoDB deployment has all users and roles managed by the Ops Manager project. These users and roles have Synced set to Yes.

  • If mongod is enabled as a service on the deployment, a race condition might result where systemd starts mongod on reboot, rather than the Automation. To prevent this issue, ensure the mongod service is disabled before you add your deployment to Automation:

    1. Verify whether the mongod service is enabled:

      sudo systemctl is-enabled mongod.service
    2. If the service is enabled, disable it:

      sudo systemctl disable mongod.service
  • If the Ops Manager project doesn't have authentication settings enabled but the MongoDB process requires authentication, add the MongoDB Agent user for the Ops Manager project with the appropriate roles. The import process displays the required roles for the user. The added user becomes the project's MongoDB Agent user.

  • If the Ops Manager project has authentication settings enabled, add the Ops Manager project's MongoDB Agent user to the MongoDB process.

    • To find the MongoDB Agent user, click Deployments, then Security, then Users.

    • To find the password for the Ops Manager project's MongoDB Agent user, use one of the following methods:

      Follow the steps in the Add MongoDB Processes procedure to launch the wizard in the UI. When you reach the modal that says Do you want to add automation to this deployment?:

      1. Select Add Automation and Configure Authentication.

      2. Click Show Password.

      Use the Automation Configuration Resource endpoint:

      curl --user "{username}:{apiKey}" --digest \
      --header "Accept: application/json" \
      --include \
      --request GET "<host>/api/public/v1.0/groups/<Group-ID>/automationConfig"

      Open the mmsConfigBackup file in your preferred text editor and find the autoPwd value.


      If the Ops Manager project is using Username/Password authentication, add the project's Ops Manager MongoDB Agents User mms-automation to the admin database in the MongoDB deployment to import.

      user: "mms-automation",
      pwd: <password>,
      roles: [
  • When you add a cluster under Ops Manager, Ops Manager automatically enables log rotation, which could collide with your existing logRotate configuration for mongod or mongos logs. To prevent this collision, do the following:

    • Disable your logRotate configuration for mongod or mongos processes.

    • Remove the systemLog.logRotate and systemLog.logAppend options from the mongod or mongos process configuration to use the default of Ops Manager.

  • The import process requires that the authentication credentials and keyfiles are the same on the source and destination clusters. To learn more, see Authentication Credentials on Source and Destination Clusters.

  • To successfully import an existing replica set to Ops Manager, the instance must be healthy.


If you are adding a sharded cluster, you must create this user through the mongos and on every shard. That is, create the user both as a cluster wide user through mongos as well as a shard local user on each shard.

To add existing MongoDB processes to Ops Manager:

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.


After you add existing MongoDB process to Ops Manager, you might have to add authentication credentials for the new deployments if authentication is enabled for the project into which you imported the deployment. See Authentication Use Cases to learn in which situations you must add Automation, Monitoring, or Backup credentials for your new deployment.

If you are adding a deployment that you intend to live migrate to Atlas, you need to add the deployment (and its credentials) only for Monitoring.

Select the authentication mechanism that you want to use:

To add credentials for a deployment that will use Automation but didn't use it before you imported it to Ops Manager:


The MongoDB Agent user performs automation tasks for your MongoDB databases. Make sure this MongoDB user has the proper privileges.

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.

  1. Click the Security tab.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If this is your first time configuring TLS, authentication, or authorization settings for this project, click Get Started.

    • If you have already configured TLS authentication, or authorization settings for this project, click Edit.

MongoDB Agent Username
Enter the MongoDB Agent username.
MongoDB Agent Password
Enter the password for MongoDB Agent Username.
MongoDB Agent LDAP Username
Enter the LDAP username.
MongoDB Agent LDAP Password
Enter the password for MongoDB Agent's LDAP Username.
MongoDB Agent LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the MongoDB Agent's LDAP Group.

Provide the MongoDB Agent's LDAP Group DN only if you use LDAP Authorization. Each MongoDB Agent should have and use its own LDAP Group DN.

The required values depend upon whether you are connecting to a Linux-served KDC or Windows Active Directory Server.

Monitoring Kerberos Principal
Kerberos Principal.
Monitoring Keytab Path
Absolute file Ppath to the MongoDB Agent's Keytab.
Monitoring LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the MongoDB Agent's LDAP Group.

The LDAP Group DN is then created as a role in MongoDB to grant the MongoDB Agent the appropriate privileges.

You only need to provide the LDAP Group DN if you use LDAP Authorization.

MongoDB Agent Username
Active Directory user name.
MongoDB Agent Password
Active Directory password.
NetBIOS name of a domain in Active Directory Domain Services. Must be in all capital letters.
MongoDB Agent Username
Enter the LDAPv3 distinguished name derived from the MongoDB Agent's PEM Key file.
TLS/SSL CA File Path
The path on disk that contains the trusted certificate authority (CA) certificates in PEM format. These certificates verify the server certificate returned from any MongoDB instances running with TLS/SSL. You must enter at least one TLS/SSL CA file path.
MongoDB Agent PEM Key file
If your MongoDB deployment requires client certificates, on the line for the appropriate operating system, provide the path and .pem filename for the client certificate used by the MongoDB Agent's PEM Key file on the server. You must enter a value for at least one MongoDB Agent PEM Key File.
MongoDB Agent PEM Key Password
Provide the password to the PEM Key file if it was encrypted.
MongoDB Agent LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the MongoDB Agent's LDAP Group.

You only need to provide MongoDB Agent's LDAP Group DN if you use LDAP Authorization.

To add credentials for a deployment that will not use Automation but will use Monitoring:

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Projects menu in the navigation bar.

  3. If it is not already displayed, click Deployment in the sidebar.

  1. Click , then click Monitoring Settings next to the deployment for which you want to view monitoring settings.

Monitoring Username
Enter the Monitoring username.
Monitoring Password
Enter the password for Monitoring Username.
Monitoring LDAP Username
Enter the LDAP username.
Monitoring LDAP Password
Enter the password for Monitoring's LDAP Username.
Monitoring LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the Monitoring's LDAP Group.

Provide the Monitoring's LDAP Group DN only if you use LDAP Authorization. Each Monitoring should have and use its own LDAP Group DN.

The required values depend upon whether you are connecting to a Linux-served KDC or Windows Active Directory Server.

Monitoring Kerberos Principal
Kerberos Principal.
Monitoring Keytab Path
Absolute file Ppath to the Monitoring's Keytab.
Monitoring LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the Monitoring's LDAP Group.

The LDAP Group DN is then created as a role in MongoDB to grant the Monitoring the appropriate privileges.

You only need to provide the LDAP Group DN if you use LDAP Authorization.

Monitoring Username
Active Directory user name.
Monitoring Password
Active Directory password.
NetBIOS name of a domain in Active Directory Domain Services. Must be in all capital letters.
Monitoring Username
Enter the LDAPv3 distinguished name derived from the Monitoring's PEM Key file.
Monitoring PEM Key file
Provide the path and filename for the Monitoring's PEM Key file on the server on the line for the appropriate operating system.
Monitoring PEM Key Password
Provide the password to the PEM Key file if it was encrypted.
Monitoring LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the Monitoring's LDAP Group.

You only need to provide the Monitoring's LDAP Group DN if you use LDAP Authorization.

To add credentials for a deployment that will not use Automation but will use Backup:

  1. If it is not already displayed, select the organization that contains your desired project from the Organizations menu in the navigation bar.

  2. If it is not already displayed, select your desired project from the Project menu in the navigation bar.

  3. Click Continuous Backup in the sidebar.

Backup Username
Enter the Backup username.
Backup Password
Enter the password for Backup Username.
Backup LDAP Username
Enter the LDAP username.
Backup LDAP Password
Enter the password for Backup's LDAP Username.
Backup LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the Backup's LDAP Group.

Provide the Backup's LDAP Group DN only if you use LDAP Authorization. Each Backup should have and use its own LDAP Group DN.

The required values depend upon whether you are connecting to a Linux-served KDC or Windows Active Directory Server.

Monitoring Kerberos Principal
Kerberos Principal.
Monitoring Keytab Path
Absolute file Ppath to the Backup's Keytab.
Monitoring LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the Backup's LDAP Group.

The LDAP Group DN is then created as a role in MongoDB to grant the Backup the appropriate privileges.

You only need to provide the LDAP Group DN if you use LDAP Authorization.

Backup Username
Active Directory user name.
Backup Password
Active Directory password.
NetBIOS name of a domain in Active Directory Domain Services. Must be in all capital letters.
Backup Username
Enter the LDAPv3 distinguished name derived from the Backup's PEM Key file.
Backup PEM Key file
Provide the path and filename for the Backup's PEM Key file on the server on the line for the appropriate operating system.
Backup PEM Key Password
Provide the password to the PEM Key file if it was encrypted.
Backup LDAP Group DN

Enter the Distinguished Name for the Backup's LDAP Group.

You only need to provide Backup's LDAP Group DN if you use LDAP Authorization.


Provision a Migration Host for MongoDB Agent