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MongoDB Ops Manager

Configure TLS Connections to Ops Manager

On this page

  • Prequisites
  • Configure Ops Manager Application for TLS
  • Configure MongoDB Agents to use TLS

You can configure Ops Manager to encrypt connections from all MongoDB Agents to Ops Manager, from website clients to the Ops Manager Application, and from API clients to the REST API.

To encrypt connections, you can:

  • Set up an HTTPS proxy in front of Ops Manager, or

  • Run the Ops Manager Application over HTTPS, as described on this page.

The following procedure configures Ops Manager with a .pem file that contains the Ops Manager host's TLS certificate.

The MongoDB Agent uses HTTPS after successfully completing the procedure.


See also:

To learn more about .pem files, read the .pem file section in the MongoDB manual.

  • Update to or install the MongoDB Agent.

  • Add any TLS-related custom settings to your MongoDB Agent configuration.

  1. Upload your .pem file to each Ops Manager Application host. This certificate must be uploaded to each Ops Manager host so they can accept TLS connections.

  2. Change the owner of the .pem file to the user and group that own the Ops Manager process.

  3. Change the permissions of the .pem file so only the file owner can read and write the file.

  1. Click Admin in the Ops Manager application to view the Admin interface.

  2. Click the General tab

  3. Click Ops Manager Config.

  4. Click Web Server & Email.

  5. Set the following options under Web Server heading:


    Provide the full URL for Ops Manager Application including port 8443 for HTTPS access.

    For example:
    Type the absolute file system path where the .pem file is located on all Ops Manager hosts in this box.
    If you encrypted the HTTPS PEM Key File, type the password needed to decrypt it in this box.

    Select if client applications or MongoDB Agents must present a TLS certificate when connecting to a TLS-enabled Ops Manager. Ops Manager checks for certificates from these client hosts when they try to connect. If you choose to require the client TLS certificates, make sure they are valid.

    Accepted values are:

    • None

    • Required for Agents Only

    • Required for All Requests

  6. Click Save.


In Ops Manager Server 4.4.13 and later, the Ops Manager Application requires its clients to use TLS version 1.2 by default.

To change the minimum TLS version:

  1. Click Admin in the Ops Manager application to view the Admin interface.

  2. Click the General tab

  3. Click Ops Manager Config.

  4. Click Custom.

  5. Configure the minimum TLS version.

  6. Enter mms.minimumTLSVersion in the Key box.

  7. Enter a minimum TLS version in the Value box.

    The following values are accepted:

    • TLSv1

    • TLSv1.1

    • TLSv1.2

  8. Click Save.


To exclude specific TLS cipher suites from TLS connections with the Ops Manager Application.

  1. Click Admin in the Ops Manager application to view the Admin interface.

  2. Click the General tab

  3. Click Ops Manager Config.

  4. Click Custom.

  5. Enter mms.disableCiphers in the Key box.

  6. Enter a comma-separated list of cipher suites to disable in the Value box.


    Cipher suite names used in Ops Manager must follow RFC 5246 naming conventions. Do not use the OpenSSL naming convention.

    For example, use TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256, not NULL-SHA256.

  7. Click Save.


Restart the Ops Manager Application per the instructions to Start and Stop Ops Manager Application.

On each MongoDB host in your cluster:


The location of the MongoDB Agent configuration file depends on your platform:


Set or add the following properties where needed:


Set this value to match the URL you entered in the URL to Access Ops Manager box.

IMPORTANT: Ensure that you update both this property and the URL to Access Ops Manager box. Both values must match. If Monitoring and Backup are enabled for the MongoDB Agent, they use the URL to Access Ops Manager configured on the Ops Manager server, unless the mmsBaseURL custom monitoring setting is set for the MongoDB Agent. For more information, see the MongoDB Agent Monitoring Settings.


Set this value to true if all of the following apply:

  • You want the agent to validate TLS certificates of Ops Manager.

  • You signed the TLS certificates of your Ops Manager hosts with a known external Certificate Authority or self-signed Certificate Authority.

If you set this value to true, you must set httpsCAFile.


If you are using your own self-signed Certificate Authority .pem files, add this property and set it to the absolute path to your Certificate Authority file on the MongoDB host.

IMPORTANT: This Certificate Authority file must be in the same location on each MongoDB host in the same sharded cluster or replica set. Any MongoDB host that does not have the file in the same file location as the others may become unaccessible.

Add the Certificate Authority for the certificate to this .pem file if you:

  1. Need your MongoDB Agents to download their MongoDB
    installers from the Internet,
  2. Use TLS to encrypt connections, and

  3. Signed your certificates with a private CA. (You set the httpsCAFile option.)

To learn how to download TLS certificates from another web site, see the OpenSSL Cookbook entry.

If you set Client Certificate Mode in Ops Manager to Required for Agents Only or Required for All Requests, add this value and specify the absolute path to the file containing the client's private key, certificate, and optional intermediate certificates in .pem format .
If you encrypted the tlsMMSServerClientCertificate .pem file, provide the password needed to decrypt it.


Encrypt User Credentials