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Returns information for all the users in the database.

db.getUsers() wraps the usersInfo: 1 command.

The db.getUsers() method can take the following options:

db.getUsers( {
showCredentials: <Boolean>,
showCustomData: <Boolean>,
filter: <document>
} )



Optional. Set to true to display the user's password hash.

By default, this field is false.



Optional. Set to false to omit the user's customData from the output.

By default, this field is true.

New in version 5.2.



Optional. A document that specifies $match stage conditions to return information for users that match the filter conditions.

For more information, see usersInfo.

This method is available in deployments hosted in the following environments:


This command is not supported in MongoDB Atlas clusters. For information on Atlas support for all commands, see Unsupported Commands.

To view another user's information, you must have the viewUser action on the other user's database.

Users can view their own information.

The db.getUsers() method can accept a filter document to return information for users that match the filter condition.

To view all users for the current database who have SCRAM-SHA-256 credentials:

db.getUsers({ filter: { mechanisms: "SCRAM-SHA-256" } })

When viewing all users, you can specify the showCredentials option but not the showPrivileges or the showAuthenticationRestrictions options.

New in version 5.2: To omit users' custom data from the db.getUsers() output, set the showCustomData option to false.

Use the createUser command to create a user named accountAdmin01 on the products database:

db.getSiblingDB("products").runCommand( {
createUser: "accountAdmin01",
pwd: passwordPrompt(),
customData: { employeeId: 12345 },
roles: [ { role: 'readWrite', db: 'products' } ]
} )

The user contains a customData field of { employeeId: 12345 }.

To retrieve the user but omit the custom data from the output, run db.getUsers() with showCustomData set to false:

db.getSiblingDB("products").getUsers( { showCustomData: false } )

Example output:

users: [
_id: 'products.accountAdmin01',
userId: UUID("0955afc1-303c-4683-a029-8e17dd5501f4"),
user: 'accountAdmin01',
db: 'products',
roles: [ { role: 'readWrite', db: 'products' } ],
mechanisms: [ 'SCRAM-SHA-1', 'SCRAM-SHA-256' ]
ok: 1