Enum ErrorCode
Error code enumeration, indicating the type of the session error.
Namespace: Realms.Sync.Exceptions
Assembly: Realm.dll
public enum ErrorCode
Name | Description |
RuntimeError | Unrecognized error code. It usually indicates incompatibility between the App Services server and client SDK versions. |
BadPartitionValue | The partition value specified by the user is not valid - i.e. its the wrong type or is encoded incorrectly. |
ProtocolInvariantFailed | A fundamental invariant in the communication between the client and the server was not upheld. This typically indicates a bug in the synchronization layer and should be reported at https://github.com/realm/realm-core/issues. |
BadChangeset | The changeset is invalid. |
SubscriptionFailed | The client attempted to create a subscription which the server rejected. |
BadQuery | The client attempted to create a subscription for a query is invalid/malformed. |
ClientReset | A client reset has occurred. This error code will only be reported via a ClientResetException and only
in the case manual client reset handling is required - either via ManualRecoveryHandler or when
InvalidSchemaChange | The client attempted to upload an invalid schema change - either an additive schema change
when developer mode is |
PermissionDenied | Permission to Realm has been denied. |
ServerPermissionsChanged | The server permissions for this file have changed since the last time it was used. |
UserMismatch | The user for this session doesn't match the user who originally created the file. This can happen if you explicitly specify the Realm file path in the configuration and you open the Realm first with user A, then with user B without changing the on-disk path. |
WriteNotAllowed | Client attempted a write that is disallowed by permissions, or modifies an object outside the current query - this will result in a CompensatingWriteException. |
AutoClientResetFailed | Automatic client reset has failed. This will only be reported via ClientResetException when an automatic client reset handler was used but it failed to perform the client reset operation - typically due to a breaking schema change in the server schema or due to an exception occurring in the before or after client reset callbacks. |
WrongSyncType | The wrong sync type was used to connect to the server. This means that you're using PartitionSyncConfiguration to connect to an app configured for flexible sync or that you're using FlexibleSyncConfiguration to connect to an app configured to use partition sync. |
CompensatingWrite | Client attempted a write that is disallowed by permissions, or modifies an object outside the current query, and the server undid the modification. |
Unknown | Unrecognized error code. It usually indicates incompatibility between the App Services server and client SDK versions. |
OtherSessionError | Other session level error has occurred. |
IllegalRealmPath | Path to Realm is invalid. |
BadClientFileIdentifier | The client file identifier is invalid. |
BadServerVersion | The server version is invalid. |
BadClientVersion | The client version is invalid. |
DivergingHistories | Histories have diverged and cannot be merged. |
BadClientFile | The client file is invalid. |
ClientFileExpired | Client file has expired likely due to history compaction on the server. |
TooManySessions | The server has received too many sessions from this client. This is typically a transient error but can also indicate that the client has too many Realms open at the same time. |
ObjectAlreadyExists | The client attempted to create an object that already exists outside their view. |
InitialSyncNotCompleted | The client tried to synchronize before initial sync has completed. Please wait for the server process to complete and try again. |
BadProgress | An error sent by the server when its data structures used to track client progress become corrupted. |