Class EmailPasswordAuth

    • Method Detail

      • registerUser

        public void registerUser​(String email,
                                 String password)
                          throws AppException
        Registers a new user with the given email and password.
        email - the email to register with. This will be the username used during log in.
        password - the password to associate with the email. The password must be between 6 and 128 characters long.
        AppException - if the server failed to register the user.
      • registerUserAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask registerUserAsync​(String email,
                                                String password,
                                                App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Registers a new user with the given email and password.
        email - the email to register with. This will be the username used during log in.
        password - the password to associated with the email. The password must be between 6 and 128 characters long.
        callback - callback when registration has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this method is called on.
        IllegalStateException - if called from a non-looper thread.
        AppException - if the server failed to register the user.
      • confirmUser

        public void confirmUser​(String token,
                                String tokenId)
                         throws AppException
        Confirms a user with the given token and token id.
        token - the confirmation token.
        tokenId - the id of the confirmation token.
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • confirmUserAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask confirmUserAsync​(String token,
                                               String tokenId,
                                               App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Confirms a user with the given token and token id.
        token - the confirmation token.
        tokenId - the id of the confirmation token.
        callback - callback when confirmation has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this method is called on.
        IllegalStateException - if called from a non-looper thread.
      • resendConfirmationEmail

        public void resendConfirmationEmail​(String email)
                                     throws AppException
        Resend the confirmation for a user to the given email.
        email - the email of the user.
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • resendConfirmationEmailAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask resendConfirmationEmailAsync​(String email,
                                                           App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Resend the confirmation for a user to the given email.
        email - the email of the user.
        callback - callback when resending the email has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this method is called on.
        IllegalStateException - if called from a non-looper thread.
      • retryCustomConfirmation

        public void retryCustomConfirmation​(String email)
                                     throws AppException
        Retries the custom confirmation on a user for a given email.
        email - the email of the user.
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • retryCustomConfirmationAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask retryCustomConfirmationAsync​(String email,
                                                           App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Retries the custom confirmation on a user for a given email.
        email - the email of the user.
        callback - callback when retrying the custom confirmation has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this method is called on.
        IllegalStateException - if called from a non-looper thread.
      • sendResetPasswordEmail

        public void sendResetPasswordEmail​(String email)
                                    throws AppException
        Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.
        email - the email of the user.
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • sendResetPasswordEmailAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask sendResetPasswordEmailAsync​(String email,
                                                          App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.
        email - the email of the user.
        callback - callback when sending the email has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this method is called on.
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • callResetPasswordFunction

        public void callResetPasswordFunction​(String email,
                                              String newPassword,
                                              Object... args)
                                       throws AppException
        Call the reset password function configured to the Credentials.Provider.EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.
        email - the email of the user.
        newPassword - the new password of the user.
        args - any additional arguments provided to the reset function. All arguments must be able to be converted to JSON compatible values using toString().
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • callResetPasswordFunctionAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask callResetPasswordFunctionAsync​(String email,
                                                             String newPassword,
                                                             Object[] args,
                                                             App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Call the reset password function configured to the Credentials.Provider.EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.
        email - the email of the user.
        newPassword - the new password of the user.
        args - any additional arguments provided to the reset function. All arguments must be able to be converted to JSON compatible values using toString().
        callback - callback when the reset has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this this method is called on.
        IllegalStateException - if called from a non-looper thread.
      • resetPassword

        public void resetPassword​(String token,
                                  String tokenId,
                                  String newPassword)
                           throws AppException
        Resets the password of a user with the given token, token id, and new password.
        token - the reset password token.
        tokenId - the id of the reset password token.
        newPassword - the new password for the user identified by the token. The password must be between 6 and 128 characters long.
        AppException - if the server failed to confirm the user.
      • resetPasswordAsync

        public RealmAsyncTask resetPasswordAsync​(String token,
                                                 String tokenId,
                                                 String newPassword,
                                                 App.Callback<Void> callback)
        Resets the newPassword of a user with the given token, token id, and new password.
        token - the reset password token.
        tokenId - the id of the reset password token.
        newPassword - the new password for the user identified by the token. The password must be between 6 and 128 characters long.
        callback - callback when the reset has completed or failed. The callback will always happen on the same thread as this this method is called on.
        IllegalStateException - if called from a non-looper thread.