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React to Changes - React Native SDK

On this page

  • Register a Realm Change Listener
  • Register a Collection Change Listener
  • Register an Object Change Listener
  • Remove All Change Listeners
  • Change Notification Limits

Realm objects and collections always reflect the latest state of your data when you read them. Realm emits a change notification whenever the state of your data changes, which lets you reactively update your app in response to committed write transaction.

You can register three types of notification listeners:

  • A realm listener fires whenever any object in a realm changes.

  • A collection listener fires whenever a specific query matches a new set of objects or when any matched object changes.

  • An object listener fires whenever a specific object is deleted or has one or more properties modified.

To register a change listener for an entire realm, pass a callback function to the realm's addListener() method. Realm calls the listener asynchronously whenever an operation adds, changes, or removes objects in the realm.

To remove a realm listener, pass the callback to the realm's removeListener() method.


Use Object & Collection Listeners for Change Details

Realm does not pass any information about what changed to realm listener callback functions. If you need to know more information about what changed in an object or collection, use object listeners and collection listeners.


Handling Exceptions Inside a Listener

To handle exceptions thrown from a change listener, wrap your addListener() call within a try...catch statement.

// Define a listener callback function
function onRealmChange() {
console.log("Something changed!");
// Add the listener callback to the realm
try {
realm.addListener("change", onRealmChange);
} catch (error) {
`An exception was thrown within the change listener: ${error}`
// Remember to remove the listener when you're done!
realm.removeListener("change", onRealmChange);

To register a change listener for a collection of Realm objects, pass a callback function to the collection's addListener() method. Realm calls the listener asynchronously when it's registered as well as whenever an operation adds, changes, or removes objects in the collection.

To remove a collection listener, pass the callback to the collection's removeListener() method.


Order Matters

In collection notification handlers, always apply changes in the following order: deletions, insertions, then modifications. Handling insertions before deletions may result in unexpected behavior.

// You can define a listener for any collection of Realm objects
const dogs = realm.objects("Dog");
// Define a listener callback function for changes to any Dog
function onDogsChange(dogs, changes) {
// Handle deleted Dog objects
changes.deletions.forEach((index) => {
// You cannot directly access deleted objects,
// but you can update a UI list, etc. based on the index.
console.log(`Looks like Dog #${index} has left the realm.`);
// Handle newly added Dog objects
changes.insertions.forEach((index) => {
const insertedDog = dogs[index];
console.log(`Welcome our new friend, ${}!`);
// Handle Dog objects that were modified
changes.modifications.forEach((index) => {
const modifiedDog = dogs[index];
console.log(`Hey ${}, you look different!`);
// Add the listener callback to the collection of dogs
try {
} catch (error) {
`An exception was thrown within the change listener: ${error}`
// Remember to remove the listener when you're done!

To register a change listener on a specific Realm object, pass a callback function to the object's addListener() method. Realm calls the listener if any of the object's properties change or if someone deletes the object.

To remove an object listener, pass the callback to the object's removeListener() method.

// Define a listener callback function for changes to a specific Dog
function onDogChange(dog, changes) {
if (changes.deleted) {
console.log(`dog is deleted: ${changes.deleted}`);
} else {
changes.changedProperties.forEach((prop) => {
console.log(`* the value of "${prop}" changed to ${dog[prop]}`);
// You can define a listener for any Realm object
try {
} catch (error) {
`An exception was thrown within the change listener: ${error}`
// Remember to remove the listeners when you're done!

To remove all listeners on a given realm, object, or collection instance, call the instance's removeAllListeners() function:

// Remove all listeners from a realm
// Remove all listeners from a collection
// Remove all listeners from an object

Changes in nested documents deeper than four levels down do not trigger change notifications.

If you have a data structure where you need to listen for changes five levels down or deeper, workarounds include:

  • Refactor the schema to reduce nesting.

  • Add something like "push-to-refresh" to enable users to manually refresh data.


Query Data