The Pre-Migration Analysis Report
On this page
The analysis report lists the migration risks detected in your database, and provides suggested mitigation actions for each one. To see all the potential migration risks that Relational Migrator can detect, see the Migration Risk Reference.
The Summary section lists the overall migration readiness of your database, and provides a breakdown of the metrics that affect that readiness level.
Detection Breakdown
The Detection Breakdown shows how many detections have Actions Required, are Potential Risks, or are strictly Informational.

Database Object Overview
The Database Object Overview shows detections for Tables, Stored Procedures, Triggers, and Views. Table risks are further categorized as Data Type, Schema, Unsupported Feature, or Performance.
Pre-Migration Analysis doesn't analyze the SQL code of stored procedures, views, and triggers. If your database has procedures that may present an issue, please contact your account representative.

Once you've addressed the migration risks, you can run Pre-Migration Analysis again by clicking Rerun analysis to confirm that there aren't any more issues.
The Database section lists all detected risks for your relational database. If you use the Status column of the table to mark resolved risks, they are hidden from the list. Check Include resolved detections to show them.
You can switch between tabs for more information on different types of detections.
The All detections tab
This is the default tab, and shows all detections in a single table. You can use the dropdown to switch between Show all, Tasks only, Risks only, and Notes only.
The Tables tab
The Tables tab lists detections for each table. The Overview and Analysis toggle shows detections. Switch it to Columns to see the column definitions for the selected table.
The Stored Procedures tab
Pre-Migration Analysis doesn't analyze stored procedure SQL code for risks.
The Stored Procedures tab shows each procedure. Switch the Overview and Analysis toggle to SQL code to see the code for the selected procedure.
The Triggers tab
Pre-Migration Analysis doesn't analyze trigger SQL code for risks, because MongoDB doesn't natively support triggers. Consider using Query Converter to convert your SQL to Atlas Triggers, in order to replicate existing behavior.
The Triggers tab shows each trigger. Switch the Overview and Analysis toggle to SQL code to see the code for the selected trigger.
The Views tab
Pre-Migration Analysis doesn't analyze view definitions for risks, because views must be converted to MQL. Consider using Query Converter to migrate views.
The Views tab shows each view. Switch the Overview and Analysis toggle to SQL code to see the SQL definition for the selected view.
The Incompatible features tab
The Incompatible features tab lists incompatible features in your source database that either don't have a MongoDB equivalent, or work differently enough that Relational Migrator can't automatically migrate them.
The Prerequisites section lists necessary tasks to prepare your database for migration. This is a targeted list of recommendations based on the information gathered during Pre-Migration Analysis. For general information on database prerequisites, see Prerequisites.
The Planning Resources section lists links to MongoDB blogs and documentation content about data modeling and migration.