Optimize Queries by Using Indexes
On this page
On this page, you can see copyable code examples that show how to manage different types of indexes by using the MongoDB Ruby Driver.
To use an example from this page, copy the code example into the sample
application or your own application. Be sure to replace all placeholders in the
code examples, such as <connection string>
, with the relevant values for
your MongoDB deployment.
Sample Application
You can use the following sample application to test the code on this page. To use the sample application, perform the following steps:
Ensure you have the Ruby driver installed in your project. See the Download and Install guide to learn more.
Copy the following code and paste it into a new
file.Copy a code example from this page and paste it on the specified lines in the file.
require 'mongo' # Replace the placeholders with your credentials uri = "<connection string>" # Sets the server_api field of the options object to Stable API version 1 options = { server_api: { version: "1" }} # Creates a new client and connect to the server client = Mongo::Client.new(uri, options) database = client.use('<database name>') collection = database[:<collection name>] # Start example code here # End example code here client.close
Single Field Index
The following example creates an ascending index on the specified field:
collection.indexes.create_one({ <field name>: 1 })
To learn more about single field indexes, see the Single Field Indexes guide.
Compound Index
The following example creates a compound index on the two specified fields.
collection.indexes.create_one({ <field name 1>: -1, <field name 2>: 1 })
To learn more about compound indexes, see the Compound Indexes guide.
Multikey Index
The following example creates a multikey index on the specified array-valued field:
collection.indexes.create_one({ <field name>: 1 })
To learn more about multikey indexes, see the Multikey Indexes guide.
Geospatial Index
The following example creates a 2dsphere index on the specified field that contains GeoJSON objects:
collection.indexes.create_one({ <GeoJSON field name>: '2dsphere' })
To learn more about geospatial indexes, see the Geospatial Indexes guide.
Atlas Search Index Management
The following sections contain code examples that describe how to manage Atlas Search indexes.
To learn more about search indexes, see the Atlas Search Indexes guide.
Create Search Index
The following example creates an Atlas Search index on the specified field:
index_definition = { mappings: { dynamic: false, fields: { <field name>: { type: '<field type>' } } } } collection.search_indexes.create_one(index_definition, name: '<index name>')
List Search Indexes
The following example prints a list of Atlas Search indexes in the specified collection:
puts collection.search_indexes.collect(&:to_json)
Update Search Indexes
The following example updates an existing Atlas Search index with the specified new index definition:
updated_definition = { mappings: { dynamic: false, fields: { <updated field name>: { type: '<updated field type>' } } } } collection.search_indexes.update_one(updated_definition, name: '<index name>')
Delete Search Indexes
The following example deletes an Atlas Search index with the specified name:
collection.search_indexes.drop_one(name: '<index name>')
Text Index
The following example creates a text index on the specified string field:
collection.indexes.create_one({ <field name>: 'text' })
To learn more about text indexes, see the Text Indexes guide.
Create Many Indexes
The following example creates multiple indexes on the given array of index specifications:
collection.indexes.create_many([ { key: { <field name 1>: 1 } }, { key: { <field name 2>: -1 } }, ])
Drop Index
The following example deletes an index with the specified name:
collection.indexes.drop_one( '<index name>' )
The following example shows how to delete all indexes in a collection:
List Indexes
The following example prints a list of all indexes in the specified collection:
puts collection.indexes.collect(&:to_json)
Index Options
The following is a full list of the available options you can add
when creating indexes. These options mirror the options supported by the
command. For more information, see the createIndex command in the MongoDB Server manual.
Option | Description |
| Either |
| Number of seconds to expire documents in the collection after. |
| The name of the index. |
| Whether the index should be sparse or not, either |
| The name of the storage engine for this particular index. |
| The index format version to use. |
| The default language of text indexes. |
| The field name to use when overriding the default language. |
| The version format for text index storage. |
| A document specifying fields and weights in text search. |
| The 2d sphere index version. |
| Sets the maximum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index. |
| Maximum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index. |
| Minimum boundary for latitude and longitude in the 2d index. |
| The number of units within which to group the location values in a geo haystack index. |
| A filter for a partial index. |
| A Boolean specifying whether the index should be hidden; a hidden index is one that exists on the collection but will not be used by the query planner. |
| Specify how many data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, must complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready. Potential values are:
For more information, see commitQuorom in the MongoDB Server manual. |
API Documentation
To learn more about the methods or objects used in this guide, see the following API documentation: