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Ruby MongoDB Driver

Monitor Data Changes

On this page

  • Overview
  • Sample Data
  • Open a Change Stream
  • Modify the Change Stream Output
  • Modify watch Behavior
  • Include Pre-Images and Post-Images
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use a change stream to monitor real-time changes to your data. A change stream is a MongoDB Server feature that allows your application to subscribe to data changes on a collection, database, or deployment.

When using the Ruby driver, you can call the watch method to return a Mongo::Collection::View::ChangeStream object. Then, you can iterate through its content to monitor data changes, such as updates, insertions, and deletions.

The examples in this guide use the restaurants collection in the sample_restaurants database from the Atlas sample datasets. To access this collection from your Ruby application, create a Mongo::Client object that connects to an Atlas cluster and assign the following values to your database and collection variables:

database = client.use('sample_restaurants')
collection = database[:restaurants]

To learn how to create a free MongoDB Atlas cluster and load the sample datasets, see the Get Started with Atlas guide.

To open a change stream, call the watch method. The object on which you call the watch method determines the scope of events that the change stream monitors. You can call the watch method on the following objects

  • Mongo::Client: Monitors changes to all collections across all databases in a deployment, excluding system collections or collections in the admin, local, and config databases

  • Mongo::Database: Monitors changes to all collections in one database

  • Mongo::Collection: Monitors changes to one collection

The following example opens a change stream on the restaurants collection and outputs changes as they occur:

stream =
stream.each do |doc|
puts doc
break if doc['operationType'] == 'invalidate'

To begin watching for changes, run the preceding code. Then, in a separate shell, modify the restaurants collection. The following example updates a document that has a name field value of 'Blarney Castle':

{ 'name' => 'Blarney Castle' },
{ '$set' => { 'cuisine' => 'Irish' } }

When you update the collection, the change stream application prints the change as it occurs. The printed change event resembles the following output:

{"_id"=>{"_data"=>"..."}, "operationType"=>"update", "clusterTime"=>#<...>,
"ns"=>{"db"=>"sample_restaurants", "coll"=>"restaurants"}, "documentKey"=>
{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...')}, "updateDescription"=>{"updatedFields"=>
{"cuisine"=>"Irish"}, "removedFields"=>[], "truncatedArrays"=>[]}}

To modify the change stream output, you can pass pipeline stages in an array as a parameter to the watch method. You can include the following stages in the array:

  • $addFields or $set: Adds new fields to documents

  • $match: Filters the documents

  • $project: Projects a subset of the document fields

  • $replaceWith or $replaceRoot: Replaces the input document with the specified document

  • $redact: Restricts the contents of the documents

  • $unset: Removes fields from documents

The following example passes a pipeline that includes the $match stage to the watch method. This instructs the watch method to output events only when update operations occur:

pipeline = [{ '$match' => { 'operationType' => 'update' } }]
stream =
stream.each do |doc|
puts doc
break if doc['operationType'] == 'invalidate'

To modify the behavior of the watch method, you can pass an options hash as a parameter to watch. The following table describes some of the options that you can set:



Specifies whether to show the full document after the change, rather than showing only the changes made to the document. To learn more about this option, see the Include Pre-Images and Post-Images section of this guide.


Specifies whether to show the full document as it was before the change, rather than showing only the changes made to the document. To learn more about this option, see Include Pre-Images and Post-Images.


Specifies the logical starting point for the change stream.
This option is mutually exclusive with start_at_operation_time.


Instructs the change stream to only provide changes that occurred at or after the specified timestamp.
This option is mutually exclusive with resume_after.


Sets the collation to use for the change stream cursor.

For a full list of watch options, see watch in the API documentation.


You can enable pre-images and post-images on collections only if your deployment uses MongoDB v6.0 or later.

By default, when you perform an operation on a collection, the corresponding change event includes only the modified fields and their values before and after the operation.

You can instruct the watch method to return the document's pre-image, the full version of the document before changes, in addition to the modified fields. To include the pre-image in the change stream event, pass an options hash to watch that sets the full_document_before_change option. You can set this option to the following string values:

  • 'whenAvailable': The change event includes a pre-image of the modified document for change events. If the pre-image is not available, this change event field has a nil value.

  • 'required': The change event includes a pre-image of the modified document for change events. If the pre-image is not available, the server raises an error.

  • 'off': (Default) The change event does not include a pre-image of the modified document.

You can also instruct the watch method to return the document's post-image, the full version of the document after changes, in addition to the modified fields. To include the post-image in the change stream event, pass an options hash to watch that sets the full_document option. You can set this option to the following string values:

  • 'updateLookup': The change event includes a copy of the entire changed document from some time after the change.

  • 'whenAvailable': The change event includes a post-image of the modified document for change events. If the post-image is not available, this change event field has a nil value.

  • 'required': The change event includes a post-image of the modified document for change events. If the post-image is not available, the server raises an error.

  • 'default': (Default) The change event does not include a post-image of the modified document.

The following example calls the watch method on a collection and includes the post-image of updated documents by setting the full_document option:

options = { full_document: 'updateLookup' }
stream =[], options)
stream.each do |doc|
puts doc
break if doc['operationType'] == 'invalidate'

With the change stream application running in a separate shell, updating a document in the restaurants collection by using the preceding update example prints a change event resembling the following output:

{"_id"=>{"_data"=>"..."}, "operationType"=>"update", "clusterTime"=>
#<...1>, "wallTime"=>..., "fullDocument"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...'),
"address"=>{"building"=>"202-24", "coord"=>[-73.9250442, 40.5595462],
"street"=>"Rockaway Point Boulevard", "zipcode"=>"11697"},
"borough"=>"Queens", "cuisine"=>"Irish", "grades"=>[...],
"name"=>"Blarney Castle", "restaurant_id"=>"40366356"}, "ns"=>
{"db"=>"sample_restaurants", "coll"=>"restaurants"}, "documentKey"=>
{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('...')}, "updateDescription"=>{"updatedFields"=>
{"cuisine"=>"Irish"}, "removedFields"=>[], "truncatedArrays"=>[]}}


To learn more about pre-images and post-images, see Change Streams with Document Pre- and Post-Images in the MongoDB Server manual.

To learn more about change streams, see Change Streams in the MongoDB Server manual.

To learn more about any of the methods or types discussed in this guide, see the following API documentation:

