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Config Shard

Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can configure a config server to store your application data in addition to the usual sharded cluster metadata. A mongod node that provides both config server and shard server functionality is called a config shard. A mongod node that runs as a standalone --configsvr without shard server functionality is called a dedicated config server.

A sharded cluster must have a config server, but it can be either a config shard (embedded config server) or a dedicated config server. Using a config shard reduces the number of nodes required and can simplify your deployment. A config shard cluster is also called an embedded config server cluster. You cannot use the same config server for multiple sharded clusters.

You can consider using a config shard if your cluster has three or fewer shards.

If your application has demanding availability and resiliency requirements, consider deploying a dedicated config server. A dedicated config server provides isolation, dedicated resources, and consistent performance for critical cluster operations.

You should use a dedicated config server if you satisfy one or more of the following conditions:

In an embedded config server cluster, a config shard will be used to store cluster metadata and user data. It helps reduce the complexity of a sharded cluster deployment.

You can store sharded and unsharded collection data in your config shard. It has all the properties of a shard as well as acting as the config server.

To confirm that a sharded cluster uses a config shard, run the listShards command against the admin database while connected to a mongos and inspect the output for a document where _id is set to "config". If the listShards output does not contain a document where _id is set to "config", the cluster does not use a config shard.

The following example runs the listShards command and tries to find a document where _id is set to "config".

db.adminCommand({ listShards: 1 })["shards"].find(element => element._id === "config")

In this example, the returned document has _id set to "config" which confirms that this cluster uses a config shard.

_id: "config",
host: "configRepl/localhost:27018",
state: 1,
topologyTime: Timestamp({ t: 1732218671, i: 13 }),
replSetConfigVersion: Long('-1')

To configure a dedicated config server to run as a config shard, run the transitionFromDedicatedConfigServer command.

To configure a config shard to run as a dedicated config server, run the transitionToDedicatedConfigServer command.