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db.dropRole( rolename, writeConcern )

Deletes a user-defined role from the database on which you run the method.


mongo Shell Method

This page documents a mongo method. This is not the documentation for database commands or language-specific drivers, such as Node.js. To use the database command, see the dropRole command.

For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific MongoDB driver documentation.

The db.dropRole() method takes the following arguments:

The name of the user-defined role to remove from the database.
Optional. The level of write concern for the removal operation. The writeConcern document takes the same fields as the getLastError command.

When a role is dropped on a mongod, previously authenticated users remain logged in to the database but immediately lose the role's privileges.

When a role is dropped on a mongos, previously authenticated users remain logged in to the database but lose the role's privileges when the cache refreshes. The cache refreshes automatically after the time specified with the userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs parameter or manually when you run the invalidateUserCache command.

If run on a replica set, db.dropRole() is executed using "majority" write concern by default.

You must have the dropRole action on a database to drop a role from that database.

The following operations remove the readPrices role from the products database:

use products
db.dropRole( "readPrices", { w: "majority" } )