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collMod makes it possible to add options to a collection or to modify view definitions.


In mongosh, this command can also be run through the hideIndex() and unhideIndex() helper methods.

Helper methods are convenient for mongosh users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command.


The view modified by this command does not refer to materialized views. For discussion of on-demand materialized views, see $merge instead.

This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud


This command is supported in all MongoDB Atlas clusters. For information on Atlas support for all commands, see Unsupported Commands.

The command has the following syntax:


Starting in MongoDB 4.2

  • The noPadding and usePowerOf2Sizes MMAPv1 options for the collMod command are removed.

  • The view definition pipeline cannot include the $out or the $merge stage. If the view definition includes nested pipeline (e.g. the view definition includes $lookup or $facet stage), this restriction applies to the nested pipelines as well.

db.runCommand( { collMod: <collection or view>, <option1>: <value1>, <option2>: <value2> ... } )

For the <collection or view>, specify the name of a collection or view in the current database.


The index option can change the following properties of an existing index:

Index Property


The number of seconds that determines the expiration threshold of a TTL Collection.

If successful, the command returns a document that contains both the old and new values for the changed property: expireAfterSeconds_old and expireAfterSeconds_new.

You can only modify an existing TTL index; i.e. an index with an existing expireAfterSeconds property. If the index does not have an existing expireAfterSeconds property, the operation errors with no expireAfterSeconds field to update.

Modifying the index option expireAfterSeconds resets the $indexStats for the index.

If you use TTL indexes created before MongoDB 5.0, or if you want to sync data created in MongDB 5.0 with a pre-5.0 installation, see Indexes Configured Using NaN to avoid misconfiguration issues.

The TTL index expireAfterSeconds value must be within 0 and 2147483647 inclusive.


A boolean that determines whether the index is hidden or not from the query planner.

If the hidden value changes, the command returns a document that contains both the old and new values for the changed property: hidden_old and hidden_new.

However, if the hidden value has not changed (i.e. hiding an already hidden index or unhiding an already unhidden index), the command omits the hidden_old and hidden_new fields from the output.

To hide an index, you must have featureCompatibilityVersion set to 4.4 or greater.

Modifying the index option hidden resets the $indexStats for the index if the value changes.

To change index options, specify either the key pattern or name of the existing index and the index option or options you wish to change:

db.runCommand( {
collMod: <collection>,
index: {
keyPattern: <index_spec> || name: <index_name>,
expireAfterSeconds: <number>, // If changing the TTL expiration threshold
hidden: <boolean> // If changing the visibility of the index from the query planner
} )

New in version 3.2.

validator allows users to specify validation rules or expressions for a collection. For more information, see Schema Validation.

The validator option takes a document that specifies the validation rules or expressions. You can specify the expressions using the same operators as the query operators with the exception of $near, $nearSphere, $text, and $where.


  • Validation occurs during updates and inserts. Existing documents do not undergo validation checks until modification.

  • You cannot specify a validator for collections in the admin, local, and config databases.

  • You cannot specify a validator for system.* collections.


New in version 3.2.

The validationLevel determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an update.

No validation for inserts or updates.
Default Apply validation rules to all inserts and all updates.
Apply validation rules to inserts and to updates on existing valid documents. Do not apply rules to updates on existing invalid documents.

New in version 3.2.

The validationAction option determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents.


Validation of documents only applies to those documents as determined by the validationLevel.

Default Documents must pass validation before the write occurs. Otherwise, the write operation fails.
Documents do not have to pass validation. If the document fails validation, the write operation logs the validation failure.

To view the validation specifications for a collection, use the db.getCollectionInfos() method.


The view modified by this command does not refer to materialized views. For discussion of on-demand materialized views, see $merge instead.


The underlying source collection or view for the view. The view definition is determined by applying the specified pipeline to this source.

Required if modifying a view on a MongoDB deployment that is running with access control.


The aggregation pipeline that defines the view.


The view definition pipeline cannot include the $out or the $merge stage. If the view definition includes nested pipeline (e.g. the view definition includes $lookup or $facet stage), this restriction applies to the nested pipelines as well.

Required if modifying a view on a MongoDB deployment that is running with access control.

The view definition is public; i.e. db.getCollectionInfos() and explain operations on the view will include the pipeline that defines the view. As such, avoid referring directly to sensitive fields and values in view definitions.

db.runCommand( {
collMod: "myView",
viewOn: "activities",
pipeline: [
{ $match: { status: "Q" } },
{ $project: { user: 1, date: 1, description: 1} } ]
} )

To enable automatic removal of documents or change the expireAfterSeconds parameter value for an existing time series collection, issue the following collMod command:

collMod: <collection>,
expireAfterSeconds: <Number> || "off"

The expireAfterSeconds field must be either:

  • A non-negative decimal number (>=0)

  • The string "off".

A number specifies the number of seconds after which documents expire. The string "off" removes the expireAfterSeconds parameter and disables automatic removal.

See also:


Optional. You can attach a comment to this command. The comment must be a top-level field and can be any valid BSON type. The comment that you specify appears alongside records of this command in the following locations:


Optional. A document expressing the write concern of the collMod command.

Omit to use the default write concern.

If the deployment enforces authentication/authorization, you must have the following privilege to run the collMod command:

Required Privileges

Modify a non-capped collection

collMod in the database

Modify a view

collMod in the database and either:

  • no find on the view to modify, or

  • both find on the view to modify and find on the source collection/view.

The built-in role dbAdmin provides the required privileges.

The collMod command obtains a collection lock on the specified collection for the duration of the operation.

The following example updates the expireAfterSeconds property of an existing TTL index { lastAccess: 1 } on a collection named user_log. The current expireAfterSeconds property for the index is set to 1800 seconds (or 30 minutes) and the example changes the value to 3600 seconds (or 60 minutes).

collMod: "user_log",
index: {
keyPattern: { lastAccess: 1 },
expireAfterSeconds: 3600

If successful, the operation returns a document that includes both the old and new value for the changed property:

{ "expireAfterSeconds_old" : 1800, "expireAfterSeconds_new" : 3600, "ok" : 1 }


To hide an index, you must have featureCompatibilityVersion set to 5.0 or greater.

The following example hides an existing index on the orders collection. Specifically, the operation hides the index with the specification { shippedDate: 1 } from the query planner.

collMod: "orders",
index: {
keyPattern: { shippedDate: 1 },
hidden: true

If successful, the operation returns a document that includes both the old and new value for the changed property:

{ "hidden_old" : false, "hidden_new" : true, "ok" : 1 }


If the operation is successful but the hidden value has not changed (i.e. hiding an already hidden index or unhiding an already unhidden index), the command omits the hidden_old and hidden_new fields from the output.

To hide a text index, you must specify the index by name and not by keyPattern.

See also:

The following example adds a validator to an existing collection named contacts.


MongoDB 3.6 adds the $jsonSchema operator to support JSON Schema validation.

db.runCommand( { collMod: "contacts",
validator: { $jsonSchema: {
bsonType: "object",
required: [ "phone" ],
properties: {
phone: {
bsonType: "string",
description: "must be a string and is required"
email: {
bsonType : "string",
pattern : "@mongodb\.com$",
description: "must be a string and match the regular expression pattern"
status: {
enum: [ "Unknown", "Incomplete" ],
description: "can only be one of the enum values"
} },
validationLevel: "moderate",
validationAction: "warn"
} )

With the moderate validationLevel, MongoDB applies validation rules to insert operations and to update operationss to existing documents that already fulfill the validation criteria. Updates to existing documents that do not fulfill the validation criteria are not checked for validity.

With the warn validationAction, MongoDB logs any violations but allows the insertion or update to proceed.

For example, the following insert operation violates the validation rule.

db.contacts.insertOne( { name: "Amanda", status: "Updated" } )

However, since the validationAction is warn only, MongoDB only logs the validation violation message and allows the operation to proceed:

2017-12-01T12:31:23.738-05:00 W STORAGE [conn1] Document would fail validation collection: example.contacts doc: { _id: ObjectId('5a2191ebacbbfc2bdc4dcffc'), name: "Amanda", status: "Updated" }

For more information, see Schema Validation.