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The native method listed here is for the legacy mongo shell.

To use native methods in mongosh, see Native Methods in mongosh.


New in version 4.2.

Returns a boolean value indicating if the current mongosh session is running in interactive mode or in script mode:

  • true if in interactive mode

  • false if in script mode

Connect mongosh to a deployment. Inside mongosh, run:


The method returns true.

Create a JavaScript testExample.js file with the content:

print("Is the shell in interactive mode? " + isInteractive() );

Connect mongosh to a deployment. Inside mongosh, load the javascript file (see load()):

let loadStatus = load("testExample.js"); //You may need to specify the path to the file

The method returns the following in mongosh:

Is the shell in interactive mode? true

Create a JavaScript testExample.js file with the content:

print("\n\nIs the shell in interactive mode? " + isInteractive() );

From a terminal/command-line prompt (i.e. not inside mongosh), specify the javascript file to mongosh in order to execute the file, as follows:

mongosh localhost:27017/test testExample.js

The operation prints to the terminal information about the MongoDB shell version and various information followed by:

MongoDB shell version v4.4.0
Is the shell in interactive mode? false

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