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Upgrade to MongoDB Enterprise (Replica Set)

MongoDB Enterprise provides various features not available in the MongoDB Community edition, such as:

The following steps outline the procedure to upgrade a replica set from the MongoDB Community Edition to the MongoDB Enterprise Edition. For example, the steps can be used to upgrade MongoDB 4.0 Community to MongoDB 4.0 Enterprise.


Do not use these instructions to upgrade to another release version. To upgrade release versions, refer to the appropriate release upgrade instructions, such as Upgrade to MongoDB 5.0.

With Ops Manager, you can automatically upgrade from MongoDB Community Server to MongoDB Enterprise Server.

For more information, see Change MongoDB Version.

When updating the replica set manually, you can perform a rolling upgrade to update each MongoDB Community Server to Enterprise edition with minimal downtime.

In a rolling upgrade, each secondary is taken down and upgraded. The Enterprise server then rejoins the replica set as a secondary. When all secondaries are upgraded, you can step down the primary, forcing the replica set to elect one of the Enterprise servers as the new primary.

To minimize downtime, manually upgrade each from MongoDB Community Server to Enterprise Edition:


Upgrade each secondary member of the replica set individually. Finish the upgrade process on one server and wait until it rejoins the replica set as an Enterprise server before starting the next.

For the procedure, see Upgrade to MongoDB Enterprise Server.


When all secondaries in the replica set are up and running MongoDB Enterprise Server, step down the primary member. This forces an election, causing an Enterprise Server to become the new primary member.

To step down the primary member, use the rs.status() method to get the id of the current primary member:

rs.status().members.find(m => m.state === 1)._id

Then, force the primary to step down with the rs.stepDown() method:

rs.stepDown( 120 )

This command steps down the primary and makes the server ineligible as primary for 120 seconds. If no primary is found after 120 seconds, the server can then be reelected. For more information, see the rs.stepDown() method.

To confirm that the primary member has stepped down and the replica set has chose a new primary, rerun the rs.status() method:

rs.status().members.find(m => m.state === 1)._id

Upgrade the former primary member. When the former primary starts, it rejoins the replica set as a secondary.

For the procedure, see Upgrade to MongoDB Enterprise Server.


Before using any Enterprise features, ensure that all members have been upgraded to Enterprise edition.