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Cluster Parameters for a Self-Managed Deployment

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You can specify configuration options which affect all nodes in a replica set or sharded cluster. To set these options, use the setClusterParameter command:

db.adminCommand( { setClusterParameter:{ <parameter>: <value> } } )

To view the current values of cluster parameters, use the getClusterParameter command:

db.adminCommand( { getClusterParameter: <parameter> } )

New in version 6.0.

Available for both mongod and mongos.

This is an object containing change stream configuration options.

You can only set changeStreamOptions on mongos or a replica set primary. The value is set cluster-wide.


New in version 6.0.

Default: off

Controls the retention policy of change stream pre- and post-images. Pre- and post-images are the versions of a document before and after document modification respectively. expireAfterSeconds controls how long pre- and post-images are retained.

When expireAfterSeconds is off, MongoDB uses the default retention policy: pre- and post-images are retained until the corresponding change stream events are removed from the oplog.

To specify the minimum pre- and post-image retention time:

  • Set expireAfterSeconds using an integer.

  • If a change stream event is removed from the oplog, then the corresponding pre- and post-images are also deleted regardless of the expireAfterSeconds pre- and post-image retention time.

The following example sets the retention time for pre- and post-images in change streams to 100 seconds:

db.runCommand( {
setClusterParameter: {
changeStreamOptions: { preAndPostImages: { expireAfterSeconds: 100 } }
} )

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