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Convert a Self-Managed Replica Set to a Sharded Cluster

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This tutorial converts a single three-member replica set to a sharded cluster with two shards. Each shard is an independent three-member replica set. This tutorial is specific to MongoDB 6.0. For other versions of MongoDB, refer to the corresponding version of the MongoDB Manual.

You can convert to a sharded cluster in the UI for deployments hosted in MongoDB Atlas.

Individual steps in these procedures note when downtime will occur.


These procedures cause some downtime for your deployment.

This tutorial uses a total of ten servers: one server for the mongos and three servers each for the first replica set, the second replica set, and the config server replica set.

Each server must have a resolvable domain, hostname, or IP address within your system.

The tutorial uses the default data directories (e.g. /data/db and /data/configdb). Create the appropriate directories with appropriate permissions. To use different paths, see Self-Managed Configuration File Options .


To get existing users and roles, run mongodump:

mongodump -d=admin --out=adminDump -u <adminUser> -p <password> --host <replicaSetURI> --dumpDbUsersAndRoles

Deploy a three-member replica set for the config servers. In this example, the config servers use the following hosts:




  1. Configure the Config Servers

    Configure a mongod instance on each config server host. Specify these options in the configuration file for each mongod instance:




    localhost, followed by any other hostnames on which the mongod should listen for client connections.

    replSetName: configReplSet
    clusterRole: configsvr
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment.

  2. Start the Config Servers

    Deploy the mongod with your specified configuration:

    mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>

    The config servers use the default data directory /data/configdb and the default port 27019.

  3. Connect to one of the config servers.

    Use mongosh to connect to one of the config servers. For example:

    mongosh "mongodb://"
  4. Initiate the config server replica set.

    To initiate the replica set, run rs.initiate():

    rs.initiate( {
    _id: "configReplSet",
    configsvr: true,
    members: [
    { _id: 0, host: "" },
    { _id: 1, host: "" },
    { _id: 2, host: "" }
    } )

    The preceding command uses the localhost exception to perform administrative actions without authentication.


    Run rs.initiate() on just one and only one mongod instance for the replica set.


Restore the existing users and roles you got when you ran mongodump.

mongorestore ./adminDump --nsInclude "admin.*" --host <configPrimaryURI>

The preceding command uses the localhost exception to perform administrative actions without authentication.

The output from running this command may be similar to:

0 document(s) restored successfully

This message does not indicate a problem. This output means that 0 documents other than the users and roles were restored.


Reconfigure and restart the config server replica set.

  1. Reconfigure the Config Servers

    Select the tab for your authentication mechanism:

    Restart a mongod instance on each of these hosts:




    Specify these options in the configuration file for each mongod instance:


    The path to the key file used for your initial replica set.

    keyFile: <PATH_TO_KEYFILE>
    replSetName: configReplSet
    clusterRole: configsvr
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment.

    Restart a mongod instance on each of these hosts:




    Specify these options in the configuration file for each mongod instance in addition to the options you already configured:




    The absolute path to the .pem file that contains both the TLS certificate and key.

    The absolute path to the .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority.

    localhost, followed by any other hostnames on which the mongod should listen for client connections.

    WARNING: Before binding to a non-localhost (e.g. publicly accessible) IP address, ensure you have secured your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider enabling authentication and hardening network infrastructure.

    clusterRole: configsvr
    replSetName: configReplSet
    clusterAuthMode: x509
    mode: requireTLS
    certificateKeyFile: <FILE_WITH_COMBINED_CERT_AND_KEY>
    CAFile: <CA_FILE>
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment, such as net.tls.certificateKeyFilePassword if your TLS certificate-key file is encrypted with a password.

  2. Restart MongoDB

    Restart the mongod with your specified configuration:

    mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> --shutdown
    mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>

The mongos provides the interface between the client applications and the sharded cluster.

  1. Create a configuration file for the mongos.

    Specify these options in your mongos configuration file:


    configReplSet, followed by a slash / and at least one of the config server hostnames and ports.

    The path to the key file used for your initial replica set.

    localhost, followed by any other hostnames on which the mongos should listen for client connections.

    configDB: configReplSet/,,
    keyFile: <PATH_TO_KEYFILE>
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment.

    Specify these options in your mongos configuration file:


    configReplSet, followed by a slash / and at least one of the config server hostnames and ports.



    The absolute path to the .pem file that contains both the TLS certificate and key.

    The absolute path to the .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority.

    localhost, followed by any other hostnames on which the mongos should listen for client connections.

    configDB: configReplSet/,,
    clusterAuthMode: x509
    mode: requireTLS
    certificateKeyFile: <FILE_WITH_COMBINED_CERT_AND_KEY>
    CAFile: <CA_FILE>
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include any additional options appropriate for your deployment.

  2. Deploy the mongos.

    Deploy the mongos with your specified configuration:

    mongos --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>

In this example, your initial replica set is a three-member replica set. This step updates the initial replica set so that it can be added as a shard to your sharded cluster.

The replica set runs on these hosts:




For sharded clusters, you must set the role for each mongod instance in the shard to shardsvr. To specify the server role, set the sharding.clusterRole setting in the mongod configuration file.


The default port for mongod instances with the shardsvr role is 27018. To use a different port, specify the net.port setting.

  1. Connect to a member of your initial replica set.

    Use mongosh to connect to one of the members of your initial replica set.

    mongosh "mongodb://<username>"

    If your deployment uses X.509 authentication, specify these mongosh options:

    For example:

    mongosh "mongodb://<username>" --tls --tlsCAFile <CA_FILE> --tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>
  2. Determine the replica set's primary and secondaries.

    Run rs.status() to determine the primary and secondaries:


    In the command output, the replSetGetStatus.members[n].stateStr field indicates which member is the primary and which members are secondaries.

  3. Restart the secondaries with the --shardsvr option.


    This step requires some downtime for applications connected to the replica set secondaries.

    1. Connect to a secondary.

      Use mongosh to connect to one of the secondaries.

      mongosh "mongodb://<username>@<host>:<port>"
    2. Shut down the secondary.

      Run the following commands:

      use admin
    3. Edit the secondary's configuration file.

      In the secondary's configuration file, set sharding.clusterRole to shardsvr:

      keyFile: <PATH_TO_KEYFILE>
      replSetName: rs0
      clusterRole: shardsvr
      port: 27017
      bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

      Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment.

    4. Restart the secondary as a shard server.

      Run the following command on the host containing the secondary:

      mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>
    5. Repeat the shut down and restart steps for the other secondary.

    1. Connect to a secondary.

      Use mongosh to connect to one of the secondaries.

      If your deployment uses X.509 authentication, specify these mongosh options:

      mongosh "mongodb://<username>@<host>:<port>" --tls --tlsCAFile <CA_FILE> --tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>
    2. Shut down the secondary.

      Run the following commands:

      use admin
    3. Edit the secondary's configuration file.

      In the secondary's configuration file, set sharding.clusterRole to shardsvr:

      replSetName: rs0
      clusterRole: shardsvr
      clusterAuthMode: x509
      port: 27017
      mode: requireTLS
      certificateKeyFile: <FILE_WITH_COMBINED_CERT_AND_KEY>
      CAFile: <CA_FILE>
      bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

      Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment, such as net.tls.certificateKeyFilePassword if your TLS certificate-key file is encrypted with a password.

    4. Restart the secondary as a shard server.

      Run the following command on the host containing the secondary:

      mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>
    5. Repeat the shut down and restart steps for the other secondary.



This step requires some downtime for applications connected to the primary of the replica set.

  1. Connect to the primary.

    Use mongosh to connect to the primary:

    mongosh "mongodb://<username>@<host>:<port>"
  2. Step down the primary.

    Run the following command:

  3. Verify that the step down is complete.

    Run rs.status() to confirm that the member you are connected to has stepped down and is now a secondary:

  4. Shut down the former primary.

    Run the following commands:

    use admin

    Wait for the shutdown to complete.

  5. Edit the primary's configuration file.

    In the primary's configuration file, set sharding.clusterRole to shardsvr:

    keyFile: <PATH_TO_KEYFILE>
    replSetName: rs0
    clusterRole: shardsvr
    port: 27017
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment.

  6. Restart the primary as a shard server.

    Run the following command on the host containing the primary:

    mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>
  1. Connect to the primary.

    Use mongosh to connect to one of the secondaries.

    If your deployment uses X.509 authentication, specify these mongosh options:

    If your deployment uses X.509 authentication, specify these mongosh options:

    mongosh "mongodb://<username>@<host>:<port>" --tls --tlsCAFile <CA_FILE> --tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>
  2. Step down the primary.

    Run the following command:

  3. Verify that the step down is complete.

    Run rs.status() to confirm that the member you are connected to has stepped down and is now a secondary:

  4. Shut down the former primary.

    Run the following commands:

    use admin

    Wait for the shutdown to complete.

  5. Edit the primary's configuration file.

    In the primary's configuration file, set sharding.clusterRole to shardsvr:

    replSetName: rs0
    clusterRole: shardsvr
    clusterAuthMode: x509
    port: 27017
    mode: requireTLS
    certificateKeyFile: <FILE_WITH_COMBINED_CERT_AND_KEY>
    CAFile: <CA_FILE>
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment, such as net.tls.certificateKeyFilePassword if your TLS certificate-key file is encrypted with a password.

  6. Restart the primary as a shard server.

    Run the following command on the host containing the primary:

    mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>

After you convert the initial replica set (rs0) to a shard, add it to the sharded cluster.

  1. Connect to the mongos as your cluster's administrative user.

    The mongos instance is running on host

    To connect mongosh to the mongos, run the following command:

    mongosh "mongodb://"

    If your deployment uses X.509 authentication, specify these mongosh options:

    If your deployment uses X.509 authentication, specify these mongosh options:

    mongosh "mongodb://" --tls --tlsCAFile <CA_FILE> --tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>

    This command authenticates you as the admin01 user you created on the sharded cluster. After you enter the command, enter your user's password.

  2. Add the shard.

    To add a shard to the cluster, run the sh.addShard() method:

    sh.addShard( "rs0/,," )

After you add the first shard to your cluster, update the connection string used by your applications to the connection string for your sharded cluster. Then, restart your applications.


Once the new shard is active, mongosh and other clients must always connect to the mongos instance. Do not connect directly to the mongod instances. If your clients connect to shards directly, you may create data or metadata inconsistencies.


Deploy a new replica set called rs1. The members of replica set rs1 are on the following hosts:




  1. Start each member of the replica set.

    For each mongod instance in the replica set, create a configuration file with these options:


    The path to the key file used for your initial replica set.



    localhost, followed by any other hostnames on which the mongod should listen for client connections.

    keyFile: <PATH_TO_KEYFILE>
    replSetName: rs1
    clusterRole: shardsvr
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Include additional options as appropriate for your deployment.

    For each member, start a mongod with the following options:






    The absolute path to the .pem file that contains both the TLS certificate and key.

    The absolute path to the .pem file that contains the root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority.

    localhost, followed by any other hostnames on which the mongod should listen for client connections.

    replSetName: rs1
    clusterRole: shardsvr
    clusterAuthMode: x509
    mode: requireTLS
    certificateKeyFile: <FILE_WITH_COMBINED_CERT_AND_KEY>
    CAFile: <CA_FILE>
    bindIp: localhost,<ipaddress>

    Deploy the mongod with your specified configuration:

    mongod --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>


    When you specify the --shardsvr option for a mongod instance, the instance runs on port 27018 by default.

  2. Start each member of the replica set.

  3. Connect to a replica set member.

    Use mongosh to connect to one of the replica set members. For example:

    mongosh "mongodb://"
    mongosh "mongodb://" --tls --tlsCAFile <CA_FILE> --tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>
  4. Initiate the replica set.

    In mongosh, run the rs.initiate() method to initiate a replica set that contains the current member:

    rs.initiate( {
    _id : "rs1",
    members: [
    { _id: 0, host: "" },
    { _id: 1, host: "" },
    { _id: 2, host: "" }
    } )

    The preceding command requires the localhost exception to perform administrative actions without authentication.


    Run rs.initiate() on just one and only one mongod instance for the replica set.

  5. Add an administrative user for the replica set.

    After you deploy the replica set, use the localhost exception to create the replica set's first user.

    1. Determine the replica set primary.

      To determine the primary, run rs.status():


      In the command output, the replSetGetStatus.members[n].stateStr field indicates which member is the primary.

    2. Connect to the replica set primary.

      Connect to the replica set primary with mongosh. For example, if the primary is, run this command:

      mongosh "mongodb://"
    3. Create an administrative user.

      Run the following db.createUser() method to create a user named rs1Admin with the userAdmin role:

      use admin
      user: "rs1Admin",
      pwd: passwordPrompt(),
      roles: [
      { role: "userAdmin", db: "admin" }

      After you run the command, the database prompts you to enter a password for the rs1Admin user.


Add the new replica set, rs1, to the sharded cluster.

  1. Connect mongosh to the mongos.

    Run the following command from the command line to connect to the mongos instance running on host

    mongosh "mongodb://"
    mongosh "mongodb://" --tls --tlsCAFile <CA_FILE> --tlsCertificateKeyFile <filename>

    This command authenticates you as the admin01 user you created on the sharded cluster. After you enter the command, enter your user's password.

  2. Add the second shard.

    After you connect to the mongos, add the replica set rs1 as a shard to the cluster with the sh.addShard() method:

    sh.addShard( "rs1/,," )

The final step of the procedure is to shard a collection in the sharded cluster.

  1. Determine the shard key.

    Determine the shard key for the collection. The shard key indicates how MongoDB distributes the documents between shards. Good shard keys:

    • Have values that are evenly distributed among all documents.

    • Group documents that are often accessed at the same time into contiguous chunks.

    • Allow for effective distribution of activity among shards.

    For more information, see Choose a Shard Key.

    This procedure uses the number field as the shard key for the test_collection collection.

  2. Create an index on the shard key.

    Before you shard a non-empty collection, create an index on the shard key:

    use test
    db.test_collection.createIndex( { "number" : 1 } )
  3. Shard the collection.

    In the test database, shard the test_collection. Specify number as the shard key.

    sh.shardCollection( "test.test_collection", { "number" : 1 } )

    The next time that the balancer runs, it redistributes chunks of documents between shards. As clients insert additional documents into this collection, the mongos routes the documents to the appropriate shard.

    When the balancer redistributes chunks, it may negatively impact your application's performance. To minimize performance impact, you can specify when the balancer runs so it does not run during peak hours. To learn more, see Schedule the Balancing Window.

For more sharding tutorials and procedures, see these pages:


Convert Sharded Cluster to Replica Set