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Install MongoDB Enterprise with Docker

On this page

  • About This Task
  • Before You Begin
  • Steps
  • Next Steps (Optional)
  • Learn More


The recommended solutions for using containers with MongoDB are:

  • For development and testing use the MongoDB Community Docker container. This image is maintained by MongoDB. The image contains the Community Edition of MongoDB.

  • For MongoDB Enterprise production installations, use the Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to deploy and manage MongoDB clusters within Kubernetes.

You can run MongoDB Enterprise Edition as a Docker container using the official MongoDB Enterprise image. Use a Docker container to run your MongoDB deployment if you want to:

  • Quickly set up a deployment.

  • Avoid editing configuration files.

  • Test features from multiple versions of MongoDB.

  • This page assumes prior knowledge of Docker. A full description of Docker is beyond the scope of this documentation.

  • This procedure uses the official MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Server container, which is maintained by MongoDB.

  • MongoDB 5.0+ Docker images require AVX support on your system. If your system does not support AVX, you can use a docker image of MongoDB prior to version 5.0.


    Versions of MongoDB prior to 5.0 are EOL'd and no longer supported by MongoDB. These versions should be used for testing purposes only.

docker pull mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-server:latest
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-server:latest

The -p 27017:27017 in this command maps the container port to the host port. This allows you to connect to MongoDB with a localhost:27017 connection string.

To install a specific version of MongoDB, specify the version after the : in the Docker run command. Docker pulls and runs the specified version.

For example, to run MongoDB 5.0:

docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-server:5.0-ubuntu2004

For a full list of available versions, see Tags.


Add Command Line Options

You can use mongod command-line options by appending the command-line options to the docker run command.

For example, consider the mongod --replSet docker command-line option:

docker run -p 27017:27017 -d mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-server:latest --name mongodb --replSet myReplicaSet

To check the status of your Docker container, run the following command:

docker container ls

The output from the ls command lists the following fields that describe the running container:

  • Container ID

  • Image

  • Command

  • Created

  • Status

  • Port

  • Names

c29db5687290 mongodb-enterprise-server:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds 27017/tcp mongo
mongosh --port 27017

To confirm your MongoDB instance is running, run the Hello command:

hello: 1

The result of this command returns a document describing your mongod deployment:

isWritablePrimary: true,
topologyVersion: {
processId: ObjectId("63c00e27195285e827d48908"),
counter: Long("0")
maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216,
maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000,
maxWriteBatchSize: 100000,
localTime: ISODate("2023-01-12T16:51:10.132Z"),
logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30,
connectionId: 18,
minWireVersion: 0,
maxWireVersion: 20,
readOnly: false,
ok: 1

You can use Cosign to verify MongoDB's signature for container images.

This procedure is optional. You do not need to verify MongoDB's signature to run MongoDB on Docker or any other containerized platform.

To verify MongoDB's container signature, perform the following steps:


For installation instructions, see the Cosign GitHub repository.

curl > server.pem

Run the following command to verify the signature by tag: cosign verify --private-infrastructure --key=./server.pem

For compatibility information, see Docker & MongoDB.


Install using msiexec.exe