Dollar-Prefixed Field Names
On this page
This section summarizes how different insert and update operations
handle dollar ($
) prefixed field names.
Insert Operations
Dollar ($
) prefixed fields are permitted as top level and nested
field names for inserts.
db.sales.insertOne( { "$price": 50.00, "quantity": 30 } )
Dollar ($
) prefixed fields are permitted on inserts using otherwise
reserved words. Operator names like $inc
can be used as
field names as well as words like id
, db
, and ref
db.books.insertOne( { "$id": "h1961-01", "location": { "$db": "novels", "$ref": "2007042768", "$inc": true } } )
An update which creates a new document during an upsert is
treated as an insert
rather than an update
for field name
validation. Upserts can accept dollar ($
) prefixed
fields. However, upserts are a special case and
similar update operations may cause an error if the match
of the update selects an existing document.
This code sample has upsert: true
so it will insert a new document
if the collection doesn't already contain a document that matches the
query term, { "date": "2021-07-07" }
. If this sample code matches
an existing document, the update will fail since $hotel
is dollar
) prefixed.
db.expenses.updateOne( { "date": "2021-07-07" }, { $set: { "phone": 25.17, "$hotel": 320.10 } }, { upsert: true } )
Document Replacing Updates
Update operators either replace existing fields with new documents
or else modify those fields. In cases where the update performs a
replacement, dollar ($
) prefixed fields are not permitted as top
level field names.
Consider a document like
{ "_id": "E123", "address": { "$number": 123, "$street": "Elm Road" }, "$rooms": { "br": 2, "bath": 1 } }
You could use an update operator that replaces an existing document to
modify the address.$street
field but you could not update the
field that way.
db.housing.updateOne( { "_id": "E123" }, { $set: { "address.$street": "Elm Ave" } } )
Use $setField
as part of an aggregation pipeline to
update top level dollar ($
prefixed fields like $rooms
Document Modifying Updates
When an update modifies, rather than replaces, existing document
fields, dollar ($
) prefixed fields can be top level field names.
Subfields can be accessed directly, but you need a helper method to
access the top level fields.
See also:
Consider a collection with documents like this inventory record:
{ _id: ObjectId("610023ad7d58ecda39b8d161"), "part": "AB305", "$bin": 200, "quantity": 100, "pricing": { sale: true, "$discount": 60 } }
The pricing.$discount
subfield can be queried directly.
db.inventory.findAndModify( { query: { "part": { $eq: "AB305" } }, update: { $inc: { "pricing.$discount": 10 } } } )
Use $getField
and $literal
to access the
value of the top level $bin
db.inventory.findAndModify( { query: { $expr: { $eq: [ { $getField: { $literal: "$bin" } }, 200 ] } }, update: { $inc: { "quantity": 10 } } } )
Updates Using Aggregation Pipelines
Use $setField
, $getField
, and
in the $replaceWith
stage to modify
dollar ($
) prefixed fields in an aggregation pipeline.
Consider a collection of school records like:
{ "_id": 100001, "$term": "fall", "registered": true, "grade": 4 }
Create a new collection for the spring semester using a
pipeline to update the dollar ($
) prefixed $term
field. [ { $match: { "registered": true } }, { $replaceWith: { $setField: { field: { $literal: "$term" }, input: "$$ROOT", value: "spring" } } }, { $out: "spring2022" } ] )
General Restrictions
In addition to the storage validation rules above, there are some
general restrictions on using dollar ($
) prefixed field names.
These fields cannot:
Be indexed
Be used as part of a shard key
Be validated using
Be be modified with an escape sequence
Be used with Field Level Encryption
Be used as a subfield in an
Possible Data Loss With Dollar Signs ($) and Periods (.)
There is a small chance of data loss when using dollar ($
) prefixed
field names or field names that contain periods (.
) if these
field names are used in conjunction with unacknowledged writes
(write concern w=0
) on servers
that are older than MongoDB 5.0.
When running insert
, update
, and
commands, drivers that are 5.0 compatible
remove restrictions on using documents with field names that are
dollar ($
) prefixed or that contain periods (.
). These field
names generated a client-side error in earlier driver versions.
The restrictions are removed regardless of the server version the driver is connected to. If a 5.0 driver sends a document to an older server, the document will be rejected without sending an error.
Import and Export Concerns With Dollar Signs ($) and Periods (.)
Starting in MongoDB 5.0, document field names can be dollar ($
prefixed and can contain periods (.
). However,
and mongoexport
may not work
as expected in some situations with field names that make use of these
MongoDB Extended JSON v2
cannot differentiate between type wrappers and fields that happen to
have the same name as type wrappers. Do not use Extended JSON
formats in contexts where the corresponding BSON representations
might include dollar ($
) prefixed keys. The
DBRef mechanism is an exception to this
general rule.
There are also restrictions on using mongoimport
with periods (.
) in field names. Since
CSV files use the period (.
) to represent data hierarchies, a
period (.
) in a field name will be misinterpreted as a level of