$dateSubtract (aggregation)
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New in version 5.0.
Decrements a
object by a specified number of time units.The
expression has the following syntax:{ $dateSubtract: { startDate: <Expression>, unit: <Expression>, amount: <Expression>, timezone: <tzExpression> } } Returns a
. ThestartDate
can be any expression that resolves to type Date, Timestamp or ObjectId. No matter which data type is used as input, the value returned will be aDate()
The beginning date, in UTC, for the subtraction operation. The
can be any expression that resolves to a Date, a Timestamp, or an ObjectID.unit
used to measure theamount
of time subtracted from thestartDate
. Theunit
is an expression that resolves to one of the following strings:year
The number of
subtracted from thestartDate
. Theamount
is an expression that resolves to an integer or long. Theamount
can also resolve to an integral decimal and or a double if that value can be converted to a long without loss of precision.timezone
The timezone to carry out the operation.
must be a valid expression that resolves to a string formatted as either an Olson Timezone Identifier or a UTC Offset. If notimezone
is provided, the result is displayed inUTC
.FormatExamplesOlson Timezone Identifier
"America/New_York" "Europe/London" "GMT" UTC Offset
+/-[hh]:[mm], e.g. "+04:45" +/-[hh][mm], e.g. "-0530" +/-[hh], e.g. "+03" For more information on expressions and types see Expression Operators and BSON Types.
Time Measurement
MongoDB follows prevaling database usage and works with time in UTC. The
expression always takes a startDate
in UTC and
returns a result in UTC. If the timezone
is specified, the
calculation will be done using the specified timezone
. The timezone
is especially important when a calculation involves Daylight Savings
Time (DST).
If the unit
is a month
, or larger the operation adjusts to
account for the last day of the month. Subtracting one month
on the
last day of March, for example, demonstrates the
"last-day-of-the-month" adjustment.
{ $dateSubtract: { startDate: ISODate("2021-03-31T12:10:05Z"), unit: "month", amount: 1 } }
Notice that the date returned, ISODate("2021-02-28T12:10:05Z")
, is
the 28th and not the 31st since February has fewer days than March.
Time Zone
When using an Olson Timezone Identifier in the <timezone>
field, MongoDB applies the DST offset
if applicable for the specified timezone.
For example, consider a sales
collection with the following document:
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "abc", "price" : 20, "quantity" : 5, "date" : ISODate("2017-05-20T10:24:51.303Z") }
The following aggregation illustrates how MongoDB handles the DST
offset for the Olson Timezone Identifier. The example uses the
and $minute
operators to return the
corresponding portions of the date
db.sales.aggregate([ { $project: { "nycHour": { $hour: { date: "$date", timezone: "-05:00" } }, "nycMinute": { $minute: { date: "$date", timezone: "-05:00" } }, "gmtHour": { $hour: { date: "$date", timezone: "GMT" } }, "gmtMinute": { $minute: { date: "$date", timezone: "GMT" } }, "nycOlsonHour": { $hour: { date: "$date", timezone: "America/New_York" } }, "nycOlsonMinute": { $minute: { date: "$date", timezone: "America/New_York" } } } }])
The operation returns the following result:
{ "_id": 1, "nycHour" : 5, "nycMinute" : 24, "gmtHour" : 10, "gmtMinute" : 24, "nycOlsonHour" : 6, "nycOlsonMinute" : 24 }
Subtract A Fixed Amount
Consider a collection of system connection times like these:
db.connectionTime.insertMany( [ { custId: 457, login: ISODate("2020-12-25T19:04:00"), logout: ISODate("2020-12-28T09:04:00") }, { custId: 457, login: ISODate("2021-01-27T05:12:00"), logout: ISODate("2021-01-28T13:05:00") }, { custId: 458, login: ISODate("2021-01-22T06:27:00"), logout: ISODate("2021-01-31T11:00:00") }, { custId: 459, login: ISODate("2021-02-14T20:14:00"), logout: ISODate("2021-02-17T16:05:00") }, { custId: 460, login: ISODate("2021-02-26T02:44:00"), logout: ISODate("2021-02-18T14:13:00") } ] )
Due to a service issue you need to subtract 3 hours from each of the
January 2021 logout times. You can use $dateSubtract
in an
aggregation pipeline to decrement the logoutTime
db.connectionTime.aggregate( [ { $match: { $expr: { $eq: [ { $year: "$logout" }, 2021 ] }, $expr: { $eq: [ { $month: "$logout" }, 1 ] } } }, { $project: { logoutTime: { $dateSubtract: { startDate: "$logout", unit: "hour", amount: 3 } } } }, { $merge: "connectionTime" } ] )
Two similar comparisons are made in the $match
stage. First
the $year
and $month
operators extract the
year and month, respectively, from the logoutTime
Date object. Then
the month and year are checked to see if they match the selection
targets. Since "January" is encoded as "1", $expr
is true when
the year and month are equal ($eq
) to "2021" and "1".
The $project
stage uses $dateSubtract
to subtract 3
hours from the logoutTime
of each selected dcoument.
Finaly, the $merge
stage updates the collection, writing
the new logoutTime
for the modified documents.
Unlike $out
, the $merge
stage only updates the
matched documents and preserves the rest of the collection. For more
details see: $out compared with $merge.
The resulting documents look like this:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("603dd94b044b995ad331c0b5"), "custId" : 457, "login" : ISODate("2020-12-25T19:04:00Z"), "logout" : ISODate("2020-12-28T09:04:00Z") } { "_id" : ObjectId("603dd94b044b995ad331c0b6"), "custId" : 457, "login" : ISODate("2021-01-27T05:12:00Z"), "logout" : ISODate("2021-01-28T13:05:00Z"), "logoutTime" : ISODate("2021-01-28T10:05:00Z") } { "_id" : ObjectId("603dd94b044b995ad331c0b7"), "custId" : 458, "login" : ISODate("2021-01-22T06:27:00Z"), "logout" : ISODate("2021-01-31T11:00:00Z"), "logoutTime" : ISODate("2021-01-31T08:00:00Z") } { "_id" : ObjectId("603dd94b044b995ad331c0b8"), "custId" : 459, "login" : ISODate("2021-02-14T20:14:00Z"), "logout" : ISODate("2021-02-17T16:05:00Z") } { "_id" : ObjectId("603dd94b044b995ad331c0b9"), "custId" : 460, "login" : ISODate("2021-02-26T02:44:00Z"), "logout" : ISODate("2021-02-18T14:13:00Z") }
Filter by Relative Dates
You want to send a survey to clients who have used your service in the
past week. The $dateSubtract
expression can create a range filter
relative to the time the query is executed.
db.connectionTime.aggregate( [ { $match: { $expr: { $gt: [ "$logoutTime", { $dateSubtract: { startDate: "$$NOW", unit: "week", amount: 1 } } ] } } }, { $project: { _id: 0, custId: 1, loggedOut: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d", date: "$logoutTime" } } } } ] )
The built in aggregation variable $$NOW
returns the
current datetime in ISODate format. The $match
stage uses the value in $$NOW
to get today's date.
Then the comparison expression ($expr
) filters the collection
using greater than ($gt
) and $dateSubtract
to match
documents that have a logoutTime
in the past week.
The $project
stage uses the $dateToString
expression to convert the dates to a more readable format. Without the
conversion, MongoDB returns the date in ISODate format and
assumes a UTC timezone.
The output shows two customers have logged out in the last week.
{ "custId" : 459, "loggedOut" : "2021-02-17" } { "custId" : 460, "loggedOut" : "2021-02-18" }
Adjust for Daylight Savings Time
All dates are stored internally in UTC time. When a timezone
specified, $dateSubtract
uses local time to carry out the
calculations. The results are displayed in UTC.
You have customers in several timezones and you want to see what effect
daylight savings time might have on your billing periods if you bill by
or by hour
Create this collection of connection times:
db.billing.insertMany( [ { location: "America/New_York", login: ISODate("2021-03-14T10:00:00-0500"), logout: ISODate("2021-03-14T18:00:00-0500") }, { location: "America/Mexico_City", login: ISODate("2021-03-14T10:00:00-00:00"), logout: ISODate("2021-03-15T08:00:00-0500") } ] )
First subtract 1 day, then subtract 24 hours from the login
in each document.
db.billing.aggregate( [ { $project: { _id: 0, location: 1, start: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date: "$login" } }, days: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date: { $dateSubtract: { startDate: "$login", unit: "day", amount: 1, timezone: "$location" } } } }, hours: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date: { $dateSubtract: { startDate: "$login", unit: "hour", amount: 24, timezone: "$location" } } } }, startTZInfo: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date: "$login", timezone: "$location" } }, daysTZInfo: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date: { $dateSubtract: { startDate: "$login", unit: "day", amount: 1, timezone: "$location" } }, timezone: "$location" } }, hoursTZInfo: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", date: { $dateSubtract: { startDate: "$login", unit: "hour", amount: 24, timezone: "$location" } }, timezone: "$location" } }, } } ] ).pretty()
The $dateToString
expression reformats the output for
readability. Results are summarized here:
Field | New York | Mexico City |
Start | 2021-03-14 15:00 | 2021-03-14 15:00 |
Start, TZ Info | 2021-03-14 11:00 | 2021-03-14 04:00 |
1 Day | 2021-03-13 16:00 | 2021-03-13 15:00 |
1 Day, TZInfo | 2021-03-13 11:00 | 2021-03-13 09:00 |
24 Hours | 2021-03-13 15:00 | 2021-03-13 15:00 |
24 Hours, TZInfo | 2021-03-13 10:00 | 2021-03-13 09:00 |
The chart highlights several points:
Unformatted dates are returned in UTC. The
for New York is UTC -5, however thestart
, andhours
rows display the time in UTC.March 14th is the start of DST in New York, but not in Mexico. The calculated time is adjusted when a location switches to DST and crosses from one
to the next.DST modifies the length of the
, not thehour
. There is no DST change forhours
. There is an only an adjustment for DST when the measurementunit
or larger and the computation crosses a clock change in the specifiedtimezone
See also: