$rand (aggregation)
On this page
Each time $rand
is called it will return a floating point value
that has up to 17 digits after the decimal point. Trailing 0s are
dropped so the actual number of digits may vary.
Generate Random Data Points
This example models charitable donations. The collection starts with a list of donors.
db.donors.insertMany( [ { donorId: 1000, amount: 0, frequency: 1 }, { donorId: 1001, amount: 0, frequency: 2 }, { donorId: 1002, amount: 0, frequency: 1 }, { donorId: 1003, amount: 0, frequency: 2 }, { donorId: 1004, amount: 0, frequency: 1 } ] )
We use an aggregation pipeline to update each document with a random donation amount.
db.donors.aggregate( [ { $set: { amount: { $multiply: [ { $rand: {} }, 100 ] } } }, { $set: { amount: { $floor: "$amount" } } }, { $merge: "donors" } ] )
The first $set
stage updates the amount
field. An
initial value between 0 and 1 is generated using $rand
. Then
scales it upward 100 times.
The $floor
operator in the second $set
stage removes
the decimal portion from the amount
to leave an integer value.
Finally, $merge
writes the random value created in the
previous steps to the amount
field, updating it for each document
in the donors
You can view the results with a projection stage:
db.donors.aggregate( [ { $project: {_id: 0, donorId: 1, amount: 1 } } ] )
The projection shows the scaled amounts are now random values in the range from 0 to 99.
{ "donorId" : 1000, "amount" : 27 } { "donorId" : 1001, "amount" : 10 } { "donorId" : 1002, "amount" : 88 } { "donorId" : 1003, "amount" : 73 } { "donorId" : 1004, "amount" : 5 }
Select Random Items From a Collection
You can use $rand
in an aggregation pipeline to select random
documents from a collection. Consider a collection of voter records:
db.voters.insertMany( [ { name: "Archibald", voterId: 4321, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Beckham", voterId: 4331, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Carolin", voterId: 5321, district: 4, registered: true }, { name: "Debarge", voterId: 4343, district: 3, registered: false }, { name: "Eckhard", voterId: 4161, district: 3, registered: false }, { name: "Faberge", voterId: 4300, district: 1, registered: true }, { name: "Grimwald", voterId: 4111, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Humphrey", voterId: 2021, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Idelfon", voterId: 1021, district: 4, registered: true }, { name: "Justo", voterId: 9891, district: 3, registered: false } ] )
Imagine you want to select about half of the voters in District 3 to do some polling.
db.voters.aggregate( [ { $match: { district: 3 } }, { $match: { $expr: { $lt: [0.5, {$rand: {} } ] } } }, { $project: { _id: 0, name: 1, registered: 1 } } ] )
The first pipeline stage matches all documents where the voter is from district 3.
The second $match
stage uses $rand
in a match
expression to further refine the selection. For each document,
generates a value between 0 and 1. The threshold of 0.5
in the less than ($lt)
comparison means that
will be true for about half the documents.
In the $project
stage the selected documents are filtered
to return the name
and registered
fields. There are 7 voters in
District 3, running the code selects about half of them.
{ "name" : "Archibald", "registered" : true } { "name" : "Debarge", "registered" : false } { "name" : "Humphrey", "registered" : true }
The number of documents selected is different each time. If you need
to select an exact number of documents, consider using
instead of $rand
See also: