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Online Archive.
Tier your MongoDB Atlas data, query it in place.

Automate data tiering with MongoDB Atlas Online Archive. Scale your storage and optimize costs while keeping data accessible.
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A layer cake, consisting of three translucent panels labeled “Document Model,” “Expanded Capabilities,” and “Enterprise Platform.” The middle layer also has five bright green squares surrounding it, labeled “Transactional,” “Search,” “Data lake,” “Mobile (Realm),” and “Analytical.”
Seamlessly manage your MongoDB Atlas data tiering at scale with Online Archive. Create custom rules to automatically archive MongoDB Atlas data to fully managed cloud object storage — so that you can optimize cost and performance without sacrificing data accessibility.
An illustration of a box with various objects like an apple, a camer, and a soccer ball and a secondary box with a user profile on top of a triangle surrounded by clouds. Arrows point to 3 green tiers at the right side edge of the triangle. It represents automated data tiering.

data tiering

Set custom parameters to automatically archive MongoDB Atlas aged data to inexpensive, fully managed cloud object storage. Balance price and performance — while removing the need for manual data offload or deletion.
An illustration of a magnifying glass, a box, a could, a user profile, and 3 tiers to represent accessible archives.

Accessible archives

Query all your data through a single, unified endpoint for fast insights. Online Archive ensures that your MongoDB Atlas data is readily available — and can be accessed alongside data stored in your cluster.
Illustration of a plug and socket encircling a web page with a check mark and cursor arrow on top to represent a fully integrated online archive

Fully integrated and managed

Configure and control Online Archive directly from the MongoDB Atlas UI. Work with all your Atlas data in a single, seamless interface — and free your developers from manual maintenance.Learn more about MongoDB Atlas

Feature overview

Automated archival

Set and forget rules to archive MongoDB Atlas data and to retain it without human intervention.


Fully managed storage

Leave the infrastructure to us. Data in Online Archive is fully managed and queryable through MongoDB Atlas.


Flexible configuration

Adapt Online Archive to your needs. Set rules to archive MongoDB data based on date or custom queries.


Federated queries

Using Atlas Data Federation, query and aggregate data from MongoDB Atlas clusters, Atlas Data Lake, Online Archive, and cloud object storage.


On-demand pricing

Control costs with an on-demand storage and query service where you only pay for what you use.


Built into MongoDB Atlas

Access Online Archive from the MongoDB Atlas interface for provisioning, access, billing, and support.

Manage MongoDB
data at scale

Manage your entire data lifecycle cost-effectively without replicating or migrating it across multiple systems.
View Documentation
Create flexible archival rules
Set rules to archive MongoDB data based on a date field or a custom criteria to fit your unique use case. You can edit or pause your rules at any time using the MongoDB Atlas UI or API.
Learn more
Query your data in-place
Run queries in-place across your live and historical data using a unified endpoint. Access your data through a standard connection or private endpoint.
Learn more
Create flexible archival rules
Set rules to archive MongoDB data based on a date field or a custom criteria to fit your unique use case. You can edit or pause your rules at any time using the MongoDB Atlas UI or API.
Learn more
Query your data in-place
Run queries in-place across your live and historical data using a unified endpoint. Access your data through a standard connection or private endpoint.
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Manage your data lifecycle

See how Online Archive in MongoDB Atlas works, how it empowers other organizations to succeed, and how it can help you do the same.
A yellow box containing green user profile cards to represent the online archive in action.
See Online Archive
in action
From creating custom rules to querying archived data, this in-depth demo discusses all the ins and outs of Online Archive.
Learn More
An image of the Nesto logo.
Case Study

Cutting costs with intelligent data tiering

Learn how hospitality platform Nesto used Online Archive to cut storage costs by 60% — and overall database spend by 35%.

A purple hand holding a green pencil writing on paper to represent using the online archive.

A guide to archiving your MongoDB Atlas data

Learn how to write an archival rule and query all your data — hot and cold — in this detailed walkthrough.

Get the most out of MongoDB Atlas

Power more data-driven experiences and insights with the rest of our application data platform.


Build fast, relevance-based full-text search in minutes. Eliminate the need to run a separate search engine alongside your database.


Data Federation

Analyze rich data easily across Atlas and cloud object storage. Combine, transform, and enrich data from multiple sources without
complex integrations.



Bring your data to life instantly. Create, share, and embed visualizations for real-time insights and business intelligence.


What is Online Archive?

The amount of data that applications generate is growing exponentially, introducing cost and infrastructure complexity for many companies today. MongoDB Atlas makes it easy to manage your entire data lifecycle without replicating or migrating it across multiple systems.

With MongoDB Atlas Online Archive, you can seamlessly tier your data across fully managed databases and cloud object storage, all while retaining the ability to query it through a single endpoint. Create a rule to automatically archive infrequently accessed data from your live MongoDB Atlas clusters to fully managed cloud object storage and save on operational and transactional data storage costs.

What is the process of archiving MongoDB Atlas data?

Online Archive allows customers to automatically tier data across Atlas clusters and MongoDB-managed cloud object storage and use a unified endpoint to query that data from their applications.

Here’s how it works:

  1. First, you need to write an archiving rule by providing a namespace (database and collection) and one of the following options:
    a. Date Match: Date field (within the documents, can be nested), and age limit (number of days past the date field when archival should begin)
    b. Custom Filter: Write a custom query (e.g. archive = true)

  2. Next, you can choose up to two commonly queried fields in addition to the date field which will allow us to partition archived documents for optimal query performance.

  3. Once you confirm the details of the online archive, Atlas begins archiving documents that match the rule to fully-managed cloud object storage.

  4. You can then use the new connection string you are provided with, to query both your Atlas cluster and their Online Archive simultaneously. You are also provided with an archive-only connection string to query archival data independent from live cluster data.

Archived documents are deleted from the Atlas cluster and cannot be updated or deleted once archived.You can pause, edit rules, or delete the archive at any time.

Is Online Archive available on all Atlas cluster tiers?
Atlas customers can use Online Archive on all dedicated (M10 or higher) clusters. Archived data is stored on MongoDB’s fully managed cloud object storage and is encrypted by MongoDB’s encryption key. To query an Online Archive, customers can use a public connection or AWS PrivateLink.
How much data can be archived, and how often is data archived?

Online Archive archival jobs run every five minutes. Documents that match the customer’s archive rule are stored in a temporary collection on the Atlas cluster, then archived off in files up to 100MB, and archiving up to 2GB total per 5 minute interval. This is done so that archival jobs don’t overwhelm the cluster’s resources.

2GBs every 5 minutes is the fastest that archiving will happen, if the archival job is consistently archiving less than 2GB of data every 5 minutes then the interval will gradually decrease to further reduce demand on the cluster.

What is the process of setting an expiry date for the archived data ?
With the data expiration feature, you can specify for how many days data should be stored in the online archive before being deleted. You can set an expiration from the archive as low as seven days and as high as 9,125 days; you can set the archive expiration time through either the Atlas UI or the Admin API. Expiration rules can be edited after creation, if needed.
Is it possible to schedule archiving during non-peak hours?
Yes, with Scheduled Archiving, you can configure the scheduled window by setting rules. The window can be scheduled to repeat every day, every week, or every month, depending on your preference.
Is Online Archive an alternative to Cloud Backup?
No, Online Archive is not an alternative to backup. It is a utility to enable a data tiering strategy. Online Archive should be used in conjunction with your backup strategy to ensure that the data that has moved off their Atlas cluster into their Online Archive has already been captured by your backups.

Start using Online Archive in MongoDB Atlas today

Create and configure a dedicated MongoDB Atlas cluster — and an Online Archive alongside it. Optimize costs and performance as your data grows.
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  • Sample datasets
  • Always-on authentication
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Command line tools