
Unlocking the Power of Search Nodes

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October 22nd at 1 P.M. ET

One of the core tenets of MongoDB Atlas has been to make it super fast and simple to get started. When it comes to adding search features to your app that has meant co-locating search and database usage on the same Atlas nodes. Due to this co-located architecture, users have to size their workload based on both Search and Database requirements using traditional Atlas deployment. This introduces the possibility of resource contention between a database and search deployment, which has the potential to cause service interruptions.

With the recent introduction of Atlas Search Nodes, we now offer better performance at scale, workload isolation, higher availability, and the ability to better optimize resource usage by decoupling search usage from database needs.

In our webinar, Seth Payne, Staff Product Manager, will provide a guided walkthrough of Search Node functionality, and leave plenty of time for valued customers like you to get all your questions answered by our product experts.

The agenda for our webinar includes:

  • A walkthrough of what Search Nodes are
  • An overview of benefits (compared to co-located configurations)
  • How to migrate and get started with Search Nodes
  • Highlight a few success stories
  • A live Q&A with our product experts

Space is limited, please reserve your seat below to join us live on October 22!

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