MongoDB for Public Sector: Government

MongoDB helps federal, state, and local governments improve citizen welfare and navigate challenges like rising costs, changing regulations, and more.

Illustration of data transfer from application to user.

Innovate to improve citizen welfare

Modernize legacy solutions to power innovation

Smart cities, traffic flow planning, construction alerts, and more can all improve the experience citizens have living within your state or local government. MongoDB powers modern applications and meaningful innovation.

Illustration of a laptop with different data types.
Illustration of a spinning wheel in motion with a dollar sign in the middle of the arrow pointer.

Control costs with ease

MongoDB gives government IT departments full control over database spending. With built-in features, like auto-scaling, and both enterprise and pay-as-you-go payment models, MongoDB is flexible enough to align with government budgets.

Built-in security, not bolt-on features

Managing your data, while also ensuring you meet strict security standards, is a challenge, especially for governments with limited resources. All of MongoDB’s security features are built in, so you won’t pay extra to protect critical data.

Illustration of documents and a lock.

MongoDB Atlas for Government (U.S.)

The first fully managed, multi-cloud database authorized at FedRAMP® Moderate, offering the versatility and scalability needed to modernize legacy applications and support the unique requirements and missions of the U.S. Government in a secure, fully-managed, dedicated FedRAMP® authorized environment.
MongoDB Atlas for Government illustration


An illustration of a government building.

MongoDB for Public Sector

Public sector organizations face a unique set of challenges. To address these, MongoDB Atlas for Government offers key features to help accelerate innovation and break down data silos, all in a secure FedRAMP environment.


Intro to MongoDB Atlas for Government

Unpack all the features that make Atlas for Government a must-have solution for the public sector.

Watch the webinar

MongoDB for Public Sector Datasheet

Learn how the leading modern database powers mission-critical applications in the public sector.

Read the datasheet

Atlas for Government is FedRAMP® Moderate

Find out more about MongoDB Atlas for Government’s FedRAMP Moderate authorization.

Read the blog

MongoDB Atlas for Government Security

This session explores how to modernize with Atlas for Government without compromising on security.

Watch the discussion

Talk to an expert

Want to learn more about powering your mission-critical applications with MongoDB? Connect with a public sector expert.
Illustration of hands typing on a laptop in the foreground and a superimposed desktop window and coffee cup in the background.