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Kotlin Serialization

On this page

  • Overview
  • Supported Types
  • Add Kotlin Serialization to Your Project
  • Annotate Data Classes
  • Custom Serializer Example
  • Customize the Serializer Configuration
  • Custom Codec Example
  • Polymorphic Serialization
  • Polymorphic Data Classes Example
  • Serialize Dates and Times
  • kotlinx-datetime Library
  • Example Data Class with Dates and Times

The Kotlin driver supports the kotlinx.serialization library for serializing and deserializing Kotlin objects.

The driver provides an efficient Bson serializer that you can use with classes marked as @Serializable to handle the serialization of Kotlin objects to BSON data.

You can also install the bson-kotlinx library to support custom codecs with configurations to encode defaults, encode nulls, and define class discriminators.


To learn how to use the Codec interface instead of the Kotlin serialization library to specify custom encoding and decoding of Kotlin objects to BSON data, see the Codecs guide.

You might choose Kotlin serialization if you are already familiar with the framework or if you prefer to use an idiomatic Kotlin approach.

Although you can use the Kotlin driver with the Kotlin serialization Json library, the Json serializer does not directly support BSON value types such as ObjectId. You must provide a custom serializer that can handle the conversion between BSON and JSON.

The Kotlin driver supports:

  • All Kotlin types that are supported by the Kotlin serialization library

  • All available BSON types

Support for serialization in the Kotlin driver depends on the official Kotlin serialization library.

Select from the following tabs to see how to add the serialization dependencies to your project by using the Gradle and Maven package managers:

If you are using Gradle to manage your dependencies, add the following to your build.gradle.kts dependencies list:


If you are using Maven to manage your dependencies, add the following to your pom.xml dependencies list:


To declare a class as serializable, annotate your Kotlin data classes with the @Serializable annotation from the Kotlin serialization framework.

You can use your data classes in your code as normal after you mark them as serializable. The Kotlin driver and the Kotlin serialization framework handle the BSON serialization and deserialization.

This example shows a simple data class annotated with the following:

  • @Serializable to mark the class as serializable.

  • @SerialName to specify the name of the id and manufacturer properties in the BSON document. This can be used in place of the @BsonId and @BsonProperty annotations, which are unsupported in serializable classes.

  • @Contextual to mark the BSON id property to use the built-in ObjectIdSerializer. This annotation is required for BSON types to be serialized correctly.

data class PaintOrder(
@SerialName("_id") // Use instead of @BsonId
@Contextual val id: ObjectId?,
val color: String,
val qty: Int,
val manufacturer: String = "Acme" // Use instead of @BsonProperty


You cannot use annotations from the org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations package on @Serializable data classes.

For more information on serializable classes and available annotation classes, see the official Kotlin Serialization documentation.

You can create a custom serializer to handle how your data is represented in BSON. The Kotlin driver uses the KSerializer interface from the kotlinx.serialization package to implement custom serializers. You can specify the custom serializer as the parameter to the @Serializable annotation for a specific field.

The following example shows how to create a custom KSerializer instance to convert a kotlinx.datetime.Instant to a BsonDateTime:

object InstantAsBsonDateTime : KSerializer<Instant> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("InstantAsBsonDateTime", PrimitiveKind.LONG)
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: Instant) {
when (encoder) {
is BsonEncoder -> encoder.encodeBsonValue(BsonDateTime(value.toEpochMilliseconds()))
else -> throw SerializationException("Instant is not supported by ${encoder::class}")
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): Instant {
return when (decoder) {
is BsonDecoder -> Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(decoder.decodeBsonValue().asDateTime().value)
else -> throw SerializationException("Instant is not supported by ${decoder::class}")

The following code shows the PaintOrder data class in which the orderDate field has an annotation that specifies the custom serializer class defined in the preceding code:

data class PaintOrder(
val color: String,
val qty: Int,
@Serializable(with = InstantAsBsonDateTime::class)
val orderDate: Instant,

For more information about the methods and classes mentioned in this section, see the following API documentation:

You can use the KotlinSerializerCodec class from the org.bson.codecs.kotlinx package to create a codec for your @Serializable data classes and customize what is stored.

Use the BsonConfiguration class to define the configuration, including whether to encode defaults, encode nulls, or define class discriminators.

To create a custom codec, install the bson-kotlinx dependency to your project. Select from the following tabs to see how to add the dependency to your project by using the Gradle and Maven package managers:

If you are using Gradle to manage your dependencies, add the following to your build.gradle.kts dependencies list:


If you are using Maven to manage your dependencies, add the following to your pom.xml dependencies list:



bson-kotlin Dependency

You can also optionally install the bson-kotlin dependency through the default codec registry. This dependency uses reflection and the codec registry to support Kotlin data classes, but it does not support certain POJO annotations such as BsonDiscriminator, BsonExtraElements, and BsonConstructor. To learn more, see the bson-kotlin API documentation.

Generally, we recommend that you install and use the faster bson-kotlinx library for codec configuration.

Then, you can define your codec using the KotlinSerializerCodec.create() method and add it to the registry.

The following example shows how to create a codec using the KotlinSerializerCodec.create() method and configure it to not encode defaults:

import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
import org.bson.codecs.kotlinx.BsonConfiguration
import org.bson.codecs.kotlinx.KotlinSerializerCodec
val myCustomCodec = KotlinSerializerCodec.create<PaintOrder>(
bsonConfiguration = BsonConfiguration(encodeDefaults = false)
val registry = CodecRegistries.fromRegistries(
CodecRegistries.fromCodecs(myCustomCodec), collection.codecRegistry

For more information about the methods and classes mentioned in this section, see the following API documentation:

The Kotlin driver natively supports serialization and deserialization of polymorphic classes. When you mark a sealed interface and data classes that inherit that interface with the @Serializable annotation, the driver uses a KSerializer implementation to handle conversion of your types to and from BSON.

When you insert an instance of a polymorphic data class into MongoDB, the driver adds the field _t, the discriminator field. The value of this field is the data class name.

The following example creates an interface and two data classes that inherit that interface. In the data classes, the id field is marked with the annotations described in the Annotate Data Classes section:

sealed interface Person {
val name: String
data class Student(
val id: ObjectId,
override val name: String,
val grade: Int,
) : Person
data class Teacher(
val id: ObjectId,
override val name: String,
val department: String,
) : Person

Then, you can perform operations with data classes as usual. The following example parametrizes the collection with the Person interface, then performs operations with the polymorphic classes Teacher and Student. When you retrieve documents, the driver automatically detects the type based on the discriminator value and deserializes them accordingly.

val collection = database.getCollection<Person>("school")
val teacherDoc = Teacher(ObjectId(), "Vivian Lee", "History")
val studentDoc = Student(ObjectId(), "Kate Parker", 10)
println("Retrieving by using data classes")
.first().also { println(it) }
.first().also { println(it) }
println("\nRetrieving by using Person interface")
val resultsFlow = collection.withDocumentClass<Person>().find()
resultsFlow.collect { println(it) }
println("\nRetrieving as Document type")
val resultsDocFlow = collection.withDocumentClass<Document>().find()
resultsDocFlow.collect { println(it) }
Retrieving by using data classes
Teacher(id=..., name=Vivian Lee, department=History)
Student(id=..., name=Kate Parker, grade=10)
Retrieving by using Person interface
Teacher(id=..., name=Vivian Lee, department=History)
Student(id=..., name=Kate Parker, grade=10)
Retrieving as Document type
Document{{_id=..., _t=Teacher, name=Vivian Lee, department=History}}
Document{{_id=..., _t=Student, name=Kate Parker, grade=10}}

In this section, you can learn about using Kotlin serialization to work with date and time types.

kotlinx-datetime is a Kotlin library that offers a high level of control over how your date and time values are serialized. To use the library, add the kotlinx-datetime dependency to your project's dependency list.

Select from the following tabs to see how to add the kotlinx-datetime dependency to your project by using the Gradle and Maven package managers:


To learn more about this library, see the kotlinx-datetime repository on GitHub.

After you add the library dependency, you can implement serializers from the kotlinx-datetime library that map your data class field values to the expected types in BSON.

In this example, the driver serializes the fields of the Appointment data class with the following behavior:

  • name: The driver serializes the value as a string.

  • date: The driver uses the kotlinx-datetime serializer because the field has the @Contextual annotation. LocalDate values are serialized as BSON dates.

  • time: The driver serializes the value as a string because it does not have the @Contextual annotation. This is the default serialization behavior for LocalTime values.

data class Appointment(
val name: String,
@Contextual val date: LocalDate,
val time: LocalTime,

The following example inserts an instance of the Appointment data class into the appointments collection:

val collection = database.getCollection<Appointment>("appointments")
val apptDoc = Appointment(
"Daria Smith",
LocalDate(2024, 10, 15),
LocalTime(hour = 11, minute = 30)

In MongoDB, the LocalDate value is stored as a BSON date, and the time field is stored as a string by default serialization:

"_id": ...,
"name": "Daria Smith",
"date": {
"$date": "2024-10-15T00:00:00.000Z"
"time": "11:30",

