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Pymongo ドライバー



  • Overview
  • 接続 URI の使用
  • を使用する MongoClient
  • 接続オプション
  • ネットワーク圧縮
  • タイムアウト
  • サーバーの選択
  • 接続プール
  • 認証
  • 読み取り操作と書込み操作

このセクションでは、PyMongo で使用できる MongoDB の接続オプションと認証オプションについて説明します。 接続 URI または MongoClientコンストラクターへの引数のいずれかを使用して接続を構成できます。

MongoClient コンストラクターに接続 URI を渡す場合は、接続オプションを <name>=<value> ペアとして文字列に含めることができます。次の例では、接続 URI に、値が 60000connectTimeoutMS オプションと、値が truetls オプションが含まれています。

uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>/?connectTimeoutMS=60000&tls=true"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

接続 URI に接続オプションを含める代わりに、引数としてMongoClientコンストラクターに接続オプションを渡すことができます。 このように接続を構成すると、実行時に設定を変更しやすくなり、コンパイル中にエラーを検出しやすくなります。 次の例は、 MongoClientコンストラクターを使用して接続オプションを設定する方法を示しています。

uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, connectTimeoutMS=60000, tls=True)

次のセクションでは、PyMongo で使用できる接続オプションについて説明します。 MongoClient パラメータが 接続string内の複数のオプションにマップされている場合、接続 URI の例には関連するすべてのオプションが表示されます。



The preferred compression types, in order, for wire-protocol messages sent to
or received from the server. The driver uses the first of these compression types
that the server supports.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: compressors = "snappy,zstd,zlib"
Connection URI Example: compressors=snappy,zstd,zlib


The compression level for zlib to use. This option accepts
an integer value between -1 and 9:

- -1: (Default). zlib uses its default compression level (usually 6).
- 0: No compression.
- 1: Fastest speed but lowest compression.
- 9: Best compression but slowest speed.

Data Type: int
Default: -1
MongoClient Example: zlibCompressionLevel = 3
Connection URI Example: zlibCompressionLevel=3


The number of milliseconds each driver operation must complete within. If an
operation doesn't finish in the specified time, PyMongo raises a timeout exception.
For more information, see Limit Server Execution Time.

Data Type: int
Default: None
MongoClient Example: timeoutMS = 10000
Connection URI Example: timeoutMs=10000


A user-defined Python function called by PyMongo to choose the server
to run an operation against. For more information, see

Data Type: callable
Default: None
MongoClient Example: server_selector = your_function
Connection URI Example: N/A

接続プール とはオープンデータベース接続のキャッシュであり、 PyMongoによって維持されます。アプリケーションがMongoDBへの接続を要求すると、 PyMongo はプールから接続を取得し、操作を実行し、再利用するためにプールに接続を返します。接続プールは、アプリケーションのレイテンシとPyMongo が新しい接続を作成する必要がある回数を削減するのに役立ちます。

接続プールの詳細については、 MongoDB Serverマニュアルの「 接続プールの概要」を参照してください。



The time that PyMongo waits when establishing a new connection before timing out.

Data Type: int
Default: 20000
MongoClient Example: connectTimeoutMS = 40000
Connection URI Example: connectTimeoutMS=40000


The maximum number of connections that each pool can establish concurrently. If this limit is reached, further requests wait until a connection is established or another in-use connection is checked back into the pool.

Data Type: int
Default: 2
MongoClient Example: maxConnecting = 3
Connection URI Example: maxConnecting=3


The maximum time that a connection can remain idle in the pool. When a connection exceeds this limit, PyMongo closes the connection and removes it from the pool.

Data Type: int
Default: None (no limit)
MongoClient Example: maxIdleTimeMS = 60000
Connection URI Example: maxIdleTimeMS=60000


The maximum number of concurrent connections that the pool maintains. If the maximum pool size is reached, further requests wait until a connection becomes available.

Data Type: int
Default: 100
MongoClient Example: maxPoolSize = 150
Connection URI Example: maxPoolSize=150


The minimum number of concurrent connections that the pool maintains. If the number of open connections falls below this value due to network errors, PyMongo attempts to create new connections to maintain this minimum.

Data Type: int
Default: 0
MongoClient Example: minPoolSize = 3
Connection URI Example: minPoolSize=3


The length of time that PyMongo waits for a response from the server before timing out.

Data Type: int
Default: None (no timeout)
MongoClient Example: socketTimeoutMS = 100000
Connection URI Example: socketTimeoutMS=100000


How long a thread waits for a connection to become available in the connection pool before timing out.

Data Type: int
Default: None (no timeout)
MongoClient Example: waitQueueTimeoutMS = 100000
Connection URI Example: waitQueueTimeoutMS=100000


The mechanism PyMongo uses to authenticate the application. Valid

Data Type: str
Default: "SCRAM-SHA-256" when connecting to MongoDB v4.0 or later.
"SCRAM-SHA-1" when connecting to MongoDB v3.0 through v3.13.
MongoClient Example: authMechanism = "MONGODB-X509"
Connection URI Example: authMechanism=MONGODB-X509


Options specific to the authentication mechanism. Not needed for all authentication

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: authMechanismProperties = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12345"
Connection URI Example: authMechanismProperties=AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12435


The database to authenticate against.

Data Type: str
Default: The database in the connection URI, or "admin" if none is provided
MongoClient Example: authSource = "admin"
Connection URI Example: authSource=admin


The username for authentication. When this option is included in a connection
URI, you must percent-escape it.

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: username = "my user"
Connection URI Example: username=my+user


The password for authentication. When this option is included in a connection
URI, you must percent-escape it.

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: password = "strong password"
Connection URI Example: password=strong+password

このセクションの 接続オプションの詳細については、「認証メカニズム 」を参照してください。



Specifies the name of the replica set to connect to.

Data Type: str
Default: null
MongoClient Example: replicaSet='replicaSetName'
Connection URI Example: replicaSet=replicaSetName


Whether to connect only to the primary member of the replica set.

Data Type: bool
Default: False
MongoClient Example: directConnection=True
Connection URI Example: directConnection=true


Specifies the client's read-preference settings.

Data Type: read_preferences
Default: ReadPreference.Primary
MongoClient Example: readPreference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED
Connection URI Example: readPreference=secondaryPreferred


Specifies the client's read-concern settings. For more information, see /reference/read-concern/.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: readConcern="majority"
Connection URI Example: readConcern=majority


Specifies the client's write-concern settings. For more information, see /reference/write-concern/.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: writeConcern="majority"
Connection URI Example: writeConcern=majority


The latency window for a replica-set members eligibility. If a member's round trip ping takes longer than the fastest server's round-trip ping time plus this value, the server isn't eligible for selection.

Data Type: read_preferences
Default: int
MongoClient Example: localThresholdMS=35
Connection URI Example: localThresholdMS=35


Specifies whether the client retries supported read operations. For more information, see Retryable Reads in the MongoDB Server manual.

Data Type: bool
Default: True
MongoClient Example: retryReads=False
Connection URI Example: retryReads=false


Specifies whether the client retries supported write operations. For more information, see Retryable Writes in the MongoDB Server manual.

Data Type: bool
Default: True
MongoClient Example: retryWrites=False
Connection URI Example: retryWrites=false

このセクションの接続オプションの詳細については、「 データベースとコレクション 」を参照してください。

