Extended JSON
On this page
JSON is a data format that represents the values of objects, arrays, numbers,
strings, booleans, and nulls. The Extended JSON format defines a reserved
set of keys prefixed with "$
" to represent field type information that
directly corresponds to each type in BSON, the format that MongoDB uses to
store data.
Extended JSON Formats
MongoDB Extended JSON features different string formats to represent BSON data. Each of the different formats conform to the JSON RFC and meet specific use cases. The extended format, also known as the canonical format, features specific representations for every BSON type for bidirectional conversion without loss of information. The Relaxed mode format is more concise and closer to ordinary JSON, but does not represent all the type information such as the specific byte size of number fields.
See the following table to see a description of each format:
Name | Description |
Extended | Also known as the canonical format, this JSON representation avoids loss of
BSON type information. This format prioritizes type preservation at the loss of human-readability and
interoperability with older formats. |
Relaxed Mode | JSON representation that describes BSON documents with some type information loss. This format prioritizes human-readability and interoperability at the loss of
certain type information. |
Shell | JSON representation that matches the syntax used in the MongoDB shell. This format prioritizes compatibility with the MongoDB shell, which often uses
JavaScript functions to represent types. |
Strict | Deprecated. This representation is the legacy format that fully conforms to
the JSON RFC which allows any JSON parser to read the type information. |
The driver parses the $uuid
Extended JSON type from a string to a
object of binary subtype 4. For more information about $uuid
parsing, see the
special rules for parsing $uuid fields
section in the extended JSON specification.
To learn more about JSON, BSON, and Extended JSON, see our article about JSON and BSON and Extended JSON in the MongoDB Server manual.
Extended JSON Examples
The following examples show a document containing an ObjectId, date, and long number field represented in each Extended JSON format. Click the tab that corresponds to the format of the example you want to see:
{ "_id": { "$oid": "573a1391f29313caabcd9637" }, "createdAt": { "$date": { "$numberLong": "1601499609" }}, "numViews": { "$numberLong": "36520312" } }
{ "_id": { "$oid": "573a1391f29313caabcd9637" }, "createdAt": { "$date": "2020-09-30T18:22:51.648Z" }, "numViews": 36520312 }
{ "_id": ObjectId("573a1391f29313caabcd9637"), "createdAt": ISODate("2020-09-30T18:22:51.648Z"), "numViews": NumberLong("36520312") }
{ "_id": { "$oid": "573a1391f29313caabcd9637" }, "createdAt": { "$date": 1601499609 }, "numViews": { "$numberLong": "36520312" } }
Read Extended JSON
You can read an Extended JSON string into a Python object by calling
the bson.json_util.loads()
method. This method parses an Extended
JSON string and returns a Python list containing the data.
The following example shows how you can read an Extended JSON string into a
list of dictionaries by using the loads()
from bson.json_util import loads ejson_str = '''[ {"foo": [1, 2]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": { "$scope": {}, "$code": "function x() { return 1; }" }}, {"bin": { "$type": "80", "$binary": "AQIDBA==" }} ]''' doc = loads(ejson_str) print(doc)
[ {'foo': [1, 2]}, {'bar': {'hello': 'world'}}, {'code': Code('function x() { return 1; }', {})}, {'bin': Binary(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04', 128)} ]
Reading Binary Values in Python 2
In Python 3, the driver decodes JSON binary values with subtype 0 to instances of the
class. In Python 2, the driver decodes these values to instances of the Binary
class with subtype 0.
The following code examples show how PyMongo decodes JSON binary instances with subtype 0. Select the Python 2 or Python 3 tab to view the corresponding code.
from bson.json_util import loads doc = loads('{"b": {"$binary': b'this is a byte string'}) print(doc)
{u'b': Binary('this is a byte string', 0)}
from bson.json_util import loads doc = loads('{"b": {"$binary': b'this is a byte string'}) print(doc)
{'b': b'this is a byte string'}
Write Extended JSON
You can write an Extended JSON string from a list of dictionaries
by calling the bson.json_util.dumps()
The following example outputs an Extended JSON string in the Relaxed format:
from bson import Code, Binary from bson.json_util import dumps doc = [ {'foo': [1, 2]}, {'bar': {'hello': 'world'}}, {'code': Code('function x() { return 1; }', {})}, {'bin': Binary(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04', 128)} ] ejson_str = dumps(doc) print(ejson_str)
'''[ {"foo": [1, 2]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": { "$code": "function x() { return 1; }", "$scope": {} }}, {"bin": { "$binary": { "base64": "AQIDBA==", "subType": "80" }}} ]'''
By default, the dumps()
method returns the Extended JSON string in the Relaxed
format. To specify a different format, pass one of the following values for the
: Returns the Extended JSON string in Canonical format.LEGACY_JSON_OPTIONS
: Returns the Extended JSON string in Legacy format. We recommend using Relaxed or Canonical format instead.
The following example shows how to output Extended JSON in the Canonical format:
from bson import Code, Binary from bson.json_util import dumps, CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS doc = [ {'foo': [1, 2]}, {'bar': {'hello': 'world'}}, {'code': Code('function x() { return 1; }', {})}, {'bin': Binary(b'\x01\x02\x03\x04', 128)} ] ejson_str = dumps(doc, json_options=CANONICAL_JSON_OPTIONS) print(ejson_str)
'''[ {"foo": [ {"$numberInt": "1"}, {"$numberInt": "2"} ]}, {"bar": {"hello": "world"}}, {"code": { "$code": "function x() { return 1; }", "$scope": {} }}, {"bin": { "$binary": { "base64": "AQIDBA==", "subType": "80" }}} ]'''
Additional Information
The resources in the following sections provide more information about working with Extended JSON.
API Documentation
For more information about the methods and types in bson.json_util
, see the following
API documentation:
Other Packages
python-bsonjs is another package,
built on top of libbson,
that can convert BSON to Extended JSON. The python-bsonjs
package doesn't
depend on PyMongo and might offer a performance improvement over
in certain cases.
Use the RawBSONDocument Type
works best with PyMongo when converting from the