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Specify Name for text Index


Changed in MongoDB 4.2

Starting in version 4.2, for featureCompatibilityVersion set to "4.2" or greater, MongoDB removes the Index Name Length limit of 127 byte maximum. In previous versions or MongoDB versions with featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) set to "4.0", index names must fall within the limit.

The default name for the index consists of each indexed field name concatenated with _text. For example, the following command creates a text index on the fields content, users.comments, and users.profiles:

content: "text",
"users.comments": "text",
"users.profiles": "text"

The default name for the index is:


You can pass the name option to the db.collection.createIndex() method:

content: "text",
"users.comments": "text",
"users.profiles": "text"
name: "MyTextIndex"

Whether the text index has the default name or you specified a name for the text index, to drop the text index, pass the index name to the db.collection.dropIndex() method.

For example, consider the index created by the following operation:

content: "text",
"users.comments": "text",
"users.profiles": "text"
name: "MyTextIndex"

Then, to remove this text index, pass the name "MyTextIndex" to the db.collection.dropIndex() method, as in the following:


To get the names of the indexes, use the db.collection.getIndexes() method.