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mongosh Method

This is a mongosh method. This is not the documentation for Node.js or other programming language specific driver methods.

In most cases, mongosh methods work the same way as the legacy mongo shell methods. However, some legacy methods are unavailable in mongosh.

For the legacy mongo shell documentation, refer to the documentation for the corresponding MongoDB Server release:

For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language specific MongoDB driver documentation.

Provides information on the query plan for the db.collection.find() method.

The explain() method has the following form:


The explain() method has the following parameter:


Optional. Specifies the verbosity mode for the explain output. The mode affects the behavior of explain() and determines the amount of information to return. The possible modes are: "queryPlanner", "executionStats", and "allPlansExecution".

Default mode is "queryPlanner".

For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of cursor.explain(), MongoDB interprets true as "allPlansExecution" and false as "queryPlanner".

For more information on the modes, see Verbosity Modes.

The explain() method returns a document with the query plan and, optionally, the execution statistics.

The behavior of cursor.explain() and the amount of information returned depend on the verbosity mode.

By default, cursor.explain() runs in queryPlanner verbosity mode.

MongoDB runs the query optimizer to choose the winning plan for the operation under evaluation. cursor.explain() returns the queryPlanner information for the evaluated method.

MongoDB runs the query optimizer to choose the winning plan, executes the winning plan to completion, and returns statistics describing the execution of the winning plan.

cursor.explain() returns the queryPlanner and executionStats information for the evaluated method. However, executionStats does not provide query execution information for the rejected plans.

MongoDB runs the query optimizer to choose the winning plan and executes the winning plan to completion. In "allPlansExecution" mode, MongoDB returns statistics describing the execution of the winning plan as well as statistics for the other candidate plans captured during plan selection.

cursor.explain() returns the queryPlanner and executionStats information for the evaluated method. The executionStats includes the completed query execution information for the winning plan.

If the query optimizer considered more than one plan, executionStats information also includes the partial execution information captured during the plan selection phase for both the winning and rejected candidate plans.

db.collection.explain().find() is similar to db.collection.find().explain() with the following key differences:

See db.collection.explain() for more information.

cursor.explain() operations can return information regarding:

  • explainVersion, the output format version (for example, "1");

  • command, which details the command being explained;

  • queryPlanner, which details the plan selected by the query optimizer and lists the rejected plans;

  • executionStats, which details the execution of the winning plan and the rejected plans;

  • serverInfo, which provides information on the MongoDB instance; and

  • serverParameters, which details internal parameters.

The verbosity mode (i.e. queryPlanner, executionStats, allPlansExecution) determines whether the results include executionStats and whether executionStats includes data captured during plan selection.

Explain output is limited by the maximum Nested Depth for BSON Documents, which is 100 levels of nesting. Explain output that exceeds the limit is truncated.

For details on the output, see Explain Results.

The following example runs cursor.explain() in "executionStats" verbosity mode to return the query planning and execution information for the specified db.collection.find() operation:

{ quantity: { $gt: 50 }, category: "apparel" }
←  cursor.count()cursor.forEach() →