Returns a pseudo-random floating point number in the interval [0, 1). 0 included, 1 is excluded.
{ $rand: {} }
ランダム データ ポイントの生成
The examples in this section illustrate charitable donations. The following collection contains a list of donors:
db.donors.insertMany( [ { donorId: 1000, amount: 0, frequency: 1 }, { donorId: 1001, amount: 0, frequency: 2 }, { donorId: 1002, amount: 0, frequency: 1 }, { donorId: 1003, amount: 0, frequency: 2 }, { donorId: 1004, amount: 0, frequency: 1 } ] )
The following example updates each document in the donors
with a random donation amount:
db.donors.updateMany( {}, [ { $set: { amount: { $floor: { $multiply: [ { $rand: {} }, 100 ] } } } } ] )
The empty update filter matches every document in the collection.
For each document we generate a value between 0 and 1 using $rand
then scale the value with $multiply
The $floor
operator removes the decimal portion so the
updated amount
is an integer value.
After updating the collection, the documents look like this:
{ "donorId" : 1000, "amount" : 2, "frequency" : 1 } { "donorId" : 1001, "amount" : 58, "frequency" : 2 } { "donorId" : 1002, "amount" : 27, "frequency" : 1 } { "donorId" : 1003, "amount" : 26, "frequency" : 2 } { "donorId" : 1004, "amount" : 42, "frequency" : 1 }
The $rand
operator can be used to select random documents from a
collection. Given a collection of voter records:
db.voters.insertMany( [ { name: "Archibald", voterId: 4321, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Beckham", voterId: 4331, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Carolin", voterId: 5321, district: 4, registered: true }, { name: "Debarge", voterId: 4343, district: 3, registered: false }, { name: "Eckhard", voterId: 4161, district: 3, registered: false }, { name: "Faberge", voterId: 4300, district: 1, registered: true }, { name: "Grimwald", voterId: 4111, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Humphrey", voterId: 2021, district: 3, registered: true }, { name: "Idelfon", voterId: 1021, district: 4, registered: true }, { name: "Justo", voterId: 9891, district: 3, registered: false } ] )
The following query retrieves a random selection of approximately half of the voters in district 3:
db.voters.find( { district: 3, $expr: { $lt: [0.5, {$rand: {} } ] } }, { _id: 0, name: 1, registered: 1 } )
The intial match on the district
field selects documents where the
voter is from district 3.
The $expr
operator uses $rand
to further refine the
operation. For each document, $rand
generates a
value between 0 and 1. The threshold of 0.5
means the less than
comparison will be true for about half the
documents in the set.
There are 7 voters in District 3, running the code selects about half of them.
{ "name" : "Beckham", "registered" : true } { "name" : "Eckhard", "registered" : false } { "name" : "Grimwald", "registered" : true } { "name" : "Humphrey", "registered" : true }