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Release Notes for MongoDB 5.0

On this page

  • Patch Releases
  • Time Series Collections
  • Aggregation
  • Auditing
  • Capped Collections
  • Change Streams
  • Indexes
  • Removed Commands
  • Replica Sets
  • Security
  • Sharded Clusters
  • Shell Changes
  • Snapshots
  • Transactions
  • Naming Changes
  • General Changes
  • Performance Considerations
  • Platform Support
  • Changes Affecting Compatibility
  • Upgrade Procedures
  • Downgrade Consideration
  • Download
  • Known Issues
  • Report an Issue


MongoDB 5.0 Released July 13, 2021


Past Release Limitations

Some past releases have critical issues. These releases are not recommended for production use. Use the latest available patch release version instead.

Affected Versions
5.0.0 - 5.0.2
5.0.0 - 5.0.2
5.0.0 - 5.0.14 (ARM64 or POWER system architectures)
5.0.2 - 5.0.17 (Incremental backups on Ops Manager or Cloud Manager clusters)
5.0.0 - 5.0.1
5.0.0 - 5.0.21
5.0.0 - 5.0.10
5.0.6 - 5.0.21 (Time Series collections sharded by metaField embedded objects)
  • SERVER-68128 Exceptions thrown while generating command response lead to network error

  • SERVER-72703 Downgrade $out's db lock to MODE_IX

  • SERVER-83602 $or -> $in MatchExpression rewrite should not generate $or directly nested in another $or

  • SERVER-86717 Resharding should validate user provided zone range doesn't include $-prefixed fields.

  • WT-11062 Safe free the ref addr to allow concurrent access

  • All JIRA issues closed in 5.0.26

  • 5.0.26 Changelog


Fix for MongoDB Server may allow successful untrusted connection

Due to CVE-2024-1351, in MongoDB 5.0 prior to 5.0.25, under certain configurations of --tlsCAFile and CAFile, MongoDB Server may skip peer certificate validation which may result in untrusted connections to succeed.

This may effectively reduce the security guarantees provided by TLS and open connections that should have been closed due to failing certificate validation. This issue affects the following MongoDB Server versions:

  • 7.0.0 - 7.0.5

  • 6.0.0 - 6.0.13

  • 5.0.0 - 5.0.24

  • 4.4.0 - 4.4.28

CVSS Score: 8.8

CWE: CWE-295: Improper Certificate Validation

  • SERVER-60466 Support drivers gossiping signed $clusterTimes to replica set --shardsvrs before addShard is run

  • SERVER-71627 Refreshed cached collection route info will severely block all client request when a cluster with 1 million chunks

  • SERVER-78813 Commit point propagation fails indefinitely with exhaust cursors with null lastCommitted optime

  • WT-10759 Do not retry to force evict history store pages during reconciliation

  • WT-11051 Fix newest start durable timestamp comparison in aggregate timestamp validation

  • All JIRA issues closed in 5.0.21

  • 5.0.21 Changelog

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

  • SERVER-69611 Set the -ffp-contract=off compiler option by default

  • SERVER-69220 refineCollectionShardKey permits toggling current shard key fields between range-based and hashed, leading to data inconsistency

  • SERVER-67650 Resharding recipient can return remainingOperationTimeEstimatedSecs=0 when the oplog applier hasn't caught up with the oplog fetcher

  • SERVER-68094 Resharding with custom generated _id fails with projection error

  • WT-9870 Fix updating pinned timestamp whenever oldest timestamp is updated during recovery

  • All JIRA issues closed in 5.0.13

  • 5.0.13 Changelog

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

  • SERVER-63531 commitQuorum incorrectly includes buildIndexes:false nodes and error message incorrectly says that only voting nodes are eligible

  • SERVER-63387 1 StreamingCursor should return backup blocks in the order they were retrieved from the WiredTiger backup cursor

  • SERVER-62229 Fix invariant when applying index build entries while recoverFromOplogAsStandalone=true

  • SERVER-61879 Refreshes to recover migrations must never join ongoing refreshes

  • WT-8924 Don't check against on disk time window if there is an insert list when checking for conflicts in row-store

  • All JIRA issues closed in 5.0.8

  • 5.0.8 Changelog

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

  • SERVER-61483 Resharding coordinator fails to recover abort decision on step-up, attempts to commit operation as success, leading to data inconsistency

  • SERVER-59858 Add observability for tasks scheduled on the reactor thread

  • SERVER-51329 Unexpected non-retryable error when shutting down a mongos server

  • WT-8163 Consider more eviction scenarios to give up checkpoint-cleanup

  • WT-7912 Fix prefix search near optimisation to handle scenarios where the key range is split across pages.

  • All JIRA issues closed in 5.0.5

  • 5.0.5 Changelog

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

  • SERVER-57667: Improve processing speed for resharding's collection cloning pipeline

  • SERVER-57630: Enable SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION on Ubuntu 18.04 when running against OpenSSL 1.1.1

  • WT-8005: Fix a prepare commit bug that could leave the history store entry unresolved

  • WT-7995: Fix the global visibility that it cannot go beyond checkpoint visibility

  • WT-7984: Fix a bug that could cause a checkpoint to omit a page of data

  • All JIRA issues closed in 5.0.3

  • 5.0.3 Changelog

Issues fixed:

Issues fixed:

The rest of this page provides the 5.0.0 release notes:

MongoDB 5.0 introduces time series collections which efficiently store sequences of measurements over a period of time. Compared to normal collections, storing time series data in time series collections improves query efficiency and reduces disk usage for your data and indexes.

MongoDB 5.0 introduces the following aggregation operators:


$count (aggregation accumulator) provides a count of all documents when used in the existing pipeline $group (aggregation) stage and the new MongoDB 5.0 $setWindowFields stage.



The $count (aggregation accumulator) is distinct from the $count (aggregation) pipeline stage.

Increments a Date() object by a specified number of time units.
Returns the difference between two dates.
Decrements a Date() object by a specified number of time units.
Truncates a date.
Returns the value of a specified field from a document. You can use $getField to retrieve the value of fields with names that contain periods (.) or start with dollar signs ($).
The $rand method generates a random float value between 0 and 1 each time it is called. The new $sampleRate operator is based on $rand.
Adds the $sampleRate method to probabilistically select documents from a pipeline at a given rate.
Adds, updates, or removes a specified field in a document. You can use $setField to add, update, or remove fields with names that contain periods (.) or start with dollar signs ($).
Removes a specified field in a document. An alias for $setField to remove fields with names that contain periods (.) or that start with dollar signs ($).

MongoDB 5.0 introduces the $setWindowFields pipeline stage, allowing you to perform operations on a specified span of documents in a collection, known as a window. The operation returns the results based on the chosen window operator.

For example, you can use the $setWindowFields stage to output the:

  • Difference in sales between two documents in a collection.

  • Sales rankings.

  • Cumulative sales totals.

  • Analysis of complex time series information without exporting the data to an external database.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the $eq, $lt, $lte, $gt, and $gte operators placed in an $expr operator can use indexes to improve performance.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can specify multiple input expressions for the $ifNull expression before returning a replacement expression.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the aggregate command and db.collection.aggregate() helper method have a let option to specify a list of variables that can be used elsewhere in the aggregation pipeline. This allows you to improve command readability by separating the variables from the query text.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, an aggregation pipeline $lookup stage supports concise correlated subqueries that improve joins between collections.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, for an uncorrelated subquery in a $lookup pipeline stage containing a $sample stage, the $sampleRate operator, or the $rand operator, the subquery is always run again if repeated. Previously, depending on the subquery output size, either the subquery output was cached or the subquery was run again.

See Perform an Uncorrelated Subquery with $lookup.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the query optimizer pushes down the results of a $project stage into the $sort stage. As a result, $sort operations can require less RAM when used with the project stage and avoid Sort exceeded memory limit errors.

MongoDB 5.0 adds the ability to configure auditing filters at runtime.

Defines the polling interval for checking audit configuration
Retrieves audit configurations from mongod and mongos.
Sets new audit configurations for mongod and mongos instances at runtime.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0:

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the implicit delete operations for replica set capped collections are processed by the primary and replicated to the secondary members.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0.7, you can delete documents from capped collections using delete methods.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, Change Events contain the field updateDescription.truncatedArrays to record array truncations.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, multiple partial indexes can be created using the same key pattern as long as the partialFilterExpression fields do not express equivalent filters.

In earlier versions of MongoDB, creating multiple partial indexes is not allowed when using the same key pattern with different partialFilterExpressions.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, unique sparse and unique non-sparse indexes with the same key pattern can exist on a single collection.

See unique sparse index creation

The db.collection.dropIndexes() command cannot drop ready indexes if there are any in-progress index builds.

  • In versions 4.4.0-4.4.4 of MongoDB, this logic was not true due to a bug.

When run on a MongoDB deployment, db.collection.validate() attempts to fix multikey metadata inconsistencies of standalone deployments.

MongoDB 5.0 removes the deprecated geoHaystack index and geoSearch command. Use a 2d index with $geoNear or one of the supported geospatial query operators instead.

Upgrading your MongoDB instance to 5.0 and setting featureCompatibilityVersion to 5.0 will delete any pre-existing geoHaystack indexes.

The db.collection.createIndex() and db.collection.createIndexes() operations have new error messages when options are specified incorrectly.

If a node in a replica set is cleanly shutdown or rolls back during an index build, the index build progress is now saved to disk. When the server restarts, index creation resumes from the saved position.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the reIndex command and the db.collection.reIndex() shell method may only be run on standalone instances.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, these database commands and mongo shell helper methods are removed:

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, non-transaction reads are not allowed on the config.transactions collection with the following read concerns and options:

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the hello command and the db.hello() method were introduced as replacements for the isMaster command and the db.isMaster() method. The new topology metric connections.exhaustHello tracks this in connections.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, mongod and mongos enter a quiesce period to allow any ongoing database operations to complete before shutting down.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the members[n]._id field may be any integer value greater than or equal to 0. Previously, this value was limited to an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, enableMajorityReadConcern and --enableMajorityReadConcern cannot be changed and are always set to true due to storage engine improvements.

In earlier versions of MongoDB, enableMajorityReadConcern and --enableMajorityReadConcern are configurable and can be set to false to prevent storage cache pressure from immobilizing a deployment with a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture.

If you are using a three-member primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) architecture, consider the following:

  • The write concern "majority" can cause performance issues if a secondary is unavailable or lagging. For advice on how to mitigate these issues, see Mitigate Performance Issues with PSA Replica Set.

  • If you are using a global default "majority" and the write concern is less than the size of the majority, your queries may return stale (not fully replicated) data.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can use the new replWriterMinThreadCount server parameter to allow idle threads above this minimum to be closed. When replWriterMinThreadCount is configured with a value less than replWriterThreadCount, idle threads above replWriterMinThreadCount are timed out.

When reconfiguring primary-secondary-arbiter (PSA) replica sets or changing to a PSA architecture, it is now in some cases required to perform the reconfiguration in a two-step change. MongoDB 5.0 introduces the rs.reconfigForPSASet() method which performs both steps. If you cannot use the helper method, follow the procedure in Modify PSA Replica Set Safely.

maxNumSyncSourceChangesPerHour determines how many sync source changes can happen per hour before the node temporarily stops re-evaluating a sync source. This parameter will not prevent a node from starting to sync from another node if it doesn't have a sync source.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0.2, you can set the new enableOverrideClusterChainingSetting server parameter to true to allow secondary members to replicate data from other secondary members even if settings.chainingAllowed is false.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you may now rotate the following TLS certificates on demand without first needing to stop your running mongod or mongos instance:

To rotate these certificates, replace the certificate files on your filesystem with updated versions, then use the rotateCertificates command or the db.rotateCertificates() shell method to trigger certificate rotation.

Rotating certificates in this manner does not require downtime, and does not drop any active remote connections.

See Online Certificate Rotation for full details.

MongoDB 5.0 introduces the opensslCipherSuiteConfig parameter to enable configuration of the supported cipher suites OpenSSL should permit when using TLS 1.3 encryption.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, mongod and mongos now issue a startup warning when their certificates do not include a Subject Alternative Name attribute.

The following platforms do not support common name validation:

  • iOS 13 and higher

  • MacOS 10.15 and higher

  • Go 1.15 and higher

Clients using these platforms will not authenticate to MongoDB servers that use x.509 certificates whose hostnames are specified by CommonName attributes.

MongoDB 5.0 introduces the applyOps privilege action which is inherited by dbAdminAnyDatabase.

The applyOps action permits users to run the applyOps database command.

The ideal shard key allows MongoDB to distribute documents evenly throughout the cluster while facilitating common query patterns. A suboptimal shard key can lead to performance or scaling issues due to uneven data distribution. Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can use the reshardCollection command to change the shard key for a collection to change the distribution of your data across your cluster.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the $currentOp aggregation stage (and the currentOp command and db.currentOp() shell method) include additional information about the status of ongoing resharding operations for the resharding coordinator and the donor and recipient shards.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the $currentOp aggregation stage is used when running the helper method db.currentOp() with mongosh.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, MongoDB adds the parameter option "automatic" as the new default for the ShardingTaskExecutorPoolReplicaSetMatching. When set for a mongos, the instance follows the behavior specified for the "matchPrimaryNode" option. When set for a mongod, the instance follows the behavior specified for the "disabled" option.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can use the renameCollection command to change the name of a sharded collection.

When renaming a sharded or unsharded collection in a sharded cluster, the source and target collections are exclusively locked on every shard. Subsequent operations on the source and target collections must wait until the rename operation completes.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, when using the movePrimary command to remove a shard from a sharded cluster, writes to the original shard will generate an error message.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, documents in the config.changelog collection for split and merge operations contain an owningShard field. The owningShard field shows the shardId of the shard that owns the chunks that were split or merged.

The owningShard field helps identify shards where split or merge operations frequently occur.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can set the maxCatchUpPercentageBeforeBlockingWrites to specify the maximum allowed percentage of data not yet migrated during a moveChunk operation when compared to the total size (in MBs) of the chunk being transferred.

This parameter can affect the behavior of:

The mongo shell has been deprecated in MongoDB v5.0. The replacement shell is mongosh. The legacy mongo shell will be removed in a future release.

Shell packaging also changes in MongoDB v5.0. Refer to the installation instructions for further details.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the Google Cloud Platform KMS and Azure Key Vault are supported in both mongosh and the legacy mongo shell as Key Management Service (KMS) providers for Client-Side Field Level Encryption.

Using a KMS, you can centrally and securely store Customer Master Keys (CMKs), which are used to encrypt and decrypt data encryption keys as part of the client-side field level encryption workflow.

In addition, a configured KMS allows for the use of How CSFLE Decrypts Documents of data fields when used with MongoDB Enterprise.

To learn more, see Configure a KMS provider using mongosh.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, read concern "snapshot" is supported for some read operations outside of multi-document transactions on primaries and secondaries. See Perform Long-Running Snapshot Queries.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can use the minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds parameter to control how long WiredTiger keeps the snapshot history.

The server parameter coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision controls when transaction commit decisions are returned to the client.

The parameter was introduced in MongDB 5.0 with a default value of true. In MongoDB 6.1 the default value changes to false.

When coordinateCommitReturnImmediatelyAfterPersistingDecision is false, the shard transaction coordinator waits for all members to acknowledge a multi-document transaction commit before returning the commit decision to the client.

Starting in February 2022, the "Versioned API" terminology was changed to "Stable API". All concepts and features remain the same with this naming change.

MongoDB 5.0 adds execution plan statistics for queries that use a $lookup pipeline stage.

MongoDB 5.0 adds improved support for field names that are ($) prefixed or that contain (.) characters. The validation rules for storing data have been updated to make it easier to work with data sources that use these characters.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, once the Cluster Wide Write Concern (CWWC) is set via the setDefaultRWConcern command the write concern cannot be unset.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the implicit default write concern is w: majority. However, special considerations are made for deployments containing arbiters:

  • The voting majority of a replica set is 1 plus half the number of voting members, rounded down. If the number of data-bearing voting members is not greater than the voting majority, the default write concern is { w: 1 }.

  • In all other scenarios, the default write concern is { w: "majority" }.

Specifically, MongoDB uses the following formula to determine the default write concern:

if [ (#arbiters > 0) AND (#non-arbiters <= majority(#voting-nodes)) ]
defaultWriteConcern = { w: 1 }
defaultWriteConcern = { w: "majority" }

For example, consider the following deployments and their respective default write concerns:

Voting Nodes
Majority of Voting Nodes
Implicit Default Write Concern
{ w: 1 }
{ w: "majority" }
  • In the first example:

    • There are 2 non-arbiters and 1 arbiter for a total of 3 voting nodes.

    • The majority of voting nodes (1 plus half of 3, rounded down) is 2.

    • The number of non-arbiters (2) is equal to the majority of voting nodes (2), resulting in an implicit write concern of { w: 1 }.

  • In the second example:

    • There are 4 non-arbiters and 1 arbiter for a total of 5 voting nodes.

    • The majority of voting nodes (1 plus half of 5, rounded down) is 3.

    • The number of non-arbiters (4) is greater than the majority of voting nodes (3), resulting in an implicit write concern of { w: "majority" }.

The { w: "majority" } default write concern provides a stronger durability guarantee in the event of an election, or if replica set members become unavailable.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the new parameter mongosShutdownTimeoutMillisForSignaledShutdown specifies the time in milliseconds to wait for any ongoing database operations to complete before initiating a shutdown of mongos.

MongoDB 5.0 introduces the zstdCompressionLevel configuration file option which allows for configurable compression levels when blockCompressor is set to zstd.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the following read operations are not blocked when another operation holds an exclusive (X) write lock on the collection:

When writing to a collection, mapReduce and aggregate hold an intent exclusive (IX) lock. Therefore, if an exclusive X lock is already held on a collection, mapReduce and aggregate write operations are blocked.

MongoDB 5.0 adds detailed explanations when a document fails schema validation.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the validate command and db.collection.validate() helper method have a new repair option for repairing a collection that has inconsistencies.

The validate command and db.collection.validate() helper method also return a new repaired boolean value that is true if the collection was repaired.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, validate and db.collection.validate() validates documents in a collection. The commands report if any schema validation rules are violated.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the --repair option for mongod validates the collections to find any inconsistencies and fixes them if possible, which avoids rebuilding the indexes. See the --repair option for usage and limitations.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the validate command and db.collection.validate() helper method return a new corruptRecords field that contains an array of RecordId values for corrupt documents.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the setParameter command has a new maxValidateMemoryUsageMB parameter, which sets the maximum memory usage for the validate command.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can use the findChunksOnConfigTimeoutMS parameter to change the timeout for find operations on chunks.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can set a filter option for the database profiler to determine which operations are profiled and logged. You can use the filter expression in place of the slowms and sampleRate profiler options.


Starting in MongoDB 5.0, changes made to the database profiler level, slowms, sampleRate, or filter using the profile command or db.setProfilingLevel() wrapper method are recorded in the log file.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, when auditing is enabled, you may now rotate the server and audit logs independently using the logRotate command. Previously, logRotate would rotate the two logs together.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, slow operation log messages include a remote field specifying client IP address.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can use the remoteOpWaitMillis log field to obtain the wait time for results from shards.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, log messages for slow queries on views include a resolvedViews field that contains the view details.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the following commands have a let option to define a list of variables. This allows you to improve command readability by separating the variables from the query text.

The update command also has a c field to define a list of variables.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the userToDNMapping configuration file option and the --ldapUserToDNMapping command line option for mongod / mongos and mongoldap now map the authenticated username as the LDAP DN by default if an empty mapping document (i.e. an empty string or empty array) is specified to the option. Previously, providing an empty mapping document would cause mapping to fail.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the dbStats command outputs these additional statistics:

serverStatus includes the following new fields in its output:

Aggregation Metrics
API Version Metrics
Replication Metrics
Read Concern Counters
Write Concern Counters
  • opWriteConcernCounters now has the following new fields:

    • opWriteConcernCounters.insert.noneInfo

    • opWriteConcernCounters.update.noneInfo

    • opWriteConcernCounters.delete.noneInfo

Number of Threaded Connections
  • connections.threaded, which reports the number of incoming connections from clients that are assigned to threads that service client requests

Resharding Statistics
Service Executor Metrics
Cursor Metrics
Security Counter
  • repl now includes a primaryOnlyServices document that contains additional information about services that only run on replica set primaries.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, the plan cache will save full plan cache entries only if the cumulative size of the plan caches for all collections is lower than 0.5 GB. When the cumulative size of the plan caches for all collections exceeds this threshold, additional plan cache entries are stored without certain debug information.

The estimated size in bytes of a plan cache entry is available in the output of $planCacheStats.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, cursors created within a client session close when the corresponding server session ends with the killSessions command, if the session times out, or if the client has exhausted the cursor. See Iterate a Cursor in mongosh.

MongoDB 5.0 adds the validateDBMetadata command. The validateDBMetadata command checks that the stored metadata of a database or a collection is valid within a particular API version.

MongoDB 5.0 changes the default write concern to { w: "majority" }. The new default write concern might impact performance since MongoDB acknowledges writes only after a calculated majority of replica set members have executed and persisted the write to disk.

If your application relies on performance-sensitive writes, you can override the default write concern at the cost of data durability guarantees. To override this setting, you can:

  • Set the write concern at the individual operation level for performance-critical writes. For more information, see your driver documentation.

  • Use the setDefaultRWConcern command to explicitly set the default write concern.


If write operations use { w: 1 } write concern, the rollback directory may exclude writes submitted after an oplog hole if the primary restarts before the write operation completes.

Starting in MongoDB 5.0, "local" is the default read concern level for read operations against the primary and secondaries.

This may introduce a significant latency increase for count queries that use a filter and for covered queries.

You can opt out of this behavior by setting the cluster-wide read concern with setDefaultRWConcern.

MongoDB 5.0 increases the default value of minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds to 300, which might negatively impact performance. If you aren't using read concern "snapshot", you can reduce the value of the minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds parameter to 5 on all mongod instances. For more information, see Snapshot History Retention.


If you are running a sharded cluster, do not change minSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds on config servers.

MongoDB 5.0 introduces the following minimum microarchitecture requirements:

Minimum Supported Microarchitecture
Intel x86_64

MongoDB 5.0 requires one of:

  • Intel Sandy Bridge or later Core processor, or

  • Intel Tiger Lake or later Celeron or Pentium processor.

AMD x86_64
MongoDB 5.0 requires AMD Bulldozer or later.
ARM arm64
MongoDB 5.0 requires ARMv8.2-A or later.

MongoDB v5.0 is not supported on x86_64 or arm64 platforms that do not meet these minimum microarchitecture requirements.

See x86_64 Platform Support for more information.

MongoDB 5.0 removes support for the following platforms:

  • macOS 10.13

  • SLES 12 on the s390x architecture

  • Ubuntu 18.04 on the PPC64LE and s390x architectures

See Platform Support for the full list of platforms and architectures supported in MongoDB 5.0.

Some changes can affect compatibility and may require user actions. For a detailed list of compatibility changes, see Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 5.0.


Feature Compatibility Version

To upgrade to MongoDB 5.0 from a 4.4 deployment, the 4.4 deployment must have featureCompatibilityVersion set to 4.4. To check the version:

db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )

To upgrade to MongoDB 5.0, refer to the upgrade instructions specific to your MongoDB deployment:

If you need guidance on upgrading to 5.0, MongoDB professional services offer major version upgrade support to help ensure a smooth transition without interruption to your MongoDB application.

MongoDB only supports single-version downgrades. You cannot downgrade to a release that is multiple versions behind your current release.

For example, you may downgrade a 5.0-series to a 4.4-series deployment. However, further downgrading that 4.4-series deployment to a 4.2-series deployment is not supported.

To download MongoDB 5.0, go to the MongoDB Download Center.


See also:

In Version
SERVER-58171: A Time Series collection's granularity parameter cannot be modified after the collection is created.
Fixed in 5.0.1
SERVER-58392: An ongoing resharding operation may prevent a backup or restore operation from succeeding.
Fixed in 5.0.3

To report an issue, see the MongoDB GitHub repository for instructions on how to file a JIRA ticket for the MongoDB server or one of the related projects.


6.0 Changelog